Arbonne International MLM Review – Is It A Scam Or Legit?

To succeed, you need to know the players in the game and avoid playing on the wrong team. This Arbonne International MLM review will help you identify which side of the fence this company is on.

Getting the facts first before jumping to a conclusion and painting every MLM corporation with the same brush is how to analyze any business opportunity before you join it. Looking before leaping is the smart way to show your business judgment.

To find out all you can about Arbonne International, continue to read our review. It is filled with the information you need to make the right decision for you. Get the facts first, then analyze them before coming to a decision.

You never know when you might find a diamond in the rough and actually make some good money with an MLM company.

What is Arbonne International?

Arbonne was founded in 1975 in Irvine, California, by Petter Mørck. At present, it is in only 7 countries, but that figure can change at any moment. Like many MLM companies, the founder and owner targeted the health and beauty industry.

Arbonne International MLM Review

They make and sell products in the following subcategories hair, beauty, moisturizers, supplements, and makeup products. The company proclaims its products are very healthy to use as they have banned over 2,000 ingredients.

However, that does not make them any different from any other health and beauty company that says they use organic, non-toxic, science-based ingredients. They also have a weight loss program filled with different products to help you lose weight.

Like anything else, you have to exercise, eat right, and do the normal activities you need to achieve weight loss. Their other product lines cover the following areas in health and beauty:

– Skincare
– Bath and Body
– Makeup
– Nutrition
– Hair

Whether they work or not is up to you to decide. The results are mixed, with some people liking the results they get while others found the products did not work for them.

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How Does Arbonne International Work?

Airborne operates like any other MLM company on the planet. It makes you pay a registration fee of $79 approx., and that price includes the starter kit. That starter kit does not come with any products, just some training materials, and business starter information.

Then you have to pay a $30 annual fee to remain active. This fee also does not come with any products; it is just the fee you pay for the privilege to sell Airbonne’s products.

After that, you have to buy the value packs of products and start selling. It is a typical MLM, even though the company has very few markets for you to sell in. We mentioned that the company was n 7 countries, but in going to their website, they only list 6, and they have web pages for each of those countries in dual languages.

The English American website is very informative and has many subpages and topics you can click on to answer your questions. They also have a product page or pages so you can shop direct.

They also have over 200,000 independent consultants working in those countries.

Can You Make Money with Arbonne International MLM?

It is always possible to make money at most MLM companies, even the worst of the lot. But there are financial challenges that need to be overcome when working with MLM businesses.

The first challenge is paying the registration fee. After that, you have to pay between $270 to $500 to get a product value pack before you can start selling. So you are almost $400 behind from the get-go.

Then you have to compete with the company’s website, and the 199,999 other independent retailers to find an area that has not heard of this company or its products. That is a difficult challenge to overcome.

The next challenge is to find people who have a strong work ethic and have not been recruited to one of those 199,999 independent consultants’ downlines. If you are a good salesman or a good recruiter, you stand a little chance of overcoming all those challenges and making some money.

If you have a strong work ethic and put more hours in than you normally would, you stand a great chance of making some money. The products may be overpriced, but their pure ingredients may be a good selling point.

Examples Of How To Make Money With Arbonne International

The examples of making money are the same as any MLM corporation. The first way to earn is by selling the products. You get a 35% commission when you sell to regular clients and only 15% when you sell products to preferred clients.

Arbonne International MLM

The next way you earn money is through the sales of your downline or recruits. It is not clear how much of a percentage you get from their sales, but you are rewarded for their effort. Some say it is a 6% commission.

Then there are the bonuses. Also, a standard feature in MLM companies offers between $100 to $600 depending on the level you reach and if you meet all the requirements. The keywords are ‘if’ and ‘all.’

There is a Mercedes Benz bonus but do not get your hopes up. You are only given a lease for one year if you reach certain levels in your sales. You have to be a Vice President, and your team also has to meet goals before getting this bonus.

The Pros & Cons of Arbonne International


Every company, even MLMs, has positive attributes about them. If they didn’t, then no one would work for them. Here are some of the positives for Arbonne.

  • Be your own boss
  • Set your own hours
  • Popular industry to work in
  • A long-term company that has 45 years of experience
  • An A+ BBB rating
  • Possible to make money


Then MLM and other companies also have negatives that are part of the package. No company is perfect, and to keep a good perspective on this and other MLM companies; you need to know these negatives:

  • Lots of competition – in-house and from other companies
  • You need to recruit, recruit and recruit
  • Pay to play and pay often
  • Lose friends and anger relatives
  • Spend more than you earn
  • 90%+ failure rate
  • Lack of training and support
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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

It is an MLM company, so there are going to be lots of negatives involved. Not just the ones mentioned in the con section above. A website registers complaints, and they have recorded over 400 negative ones in a 45-year history. That isn’t bad if that were all the complaints. Those are just the ones registered on 1 website.

Then there is TINA, a consumer watchdog advocate that found many misleading or untruthful claims. Arbonne promised to remove those false claims, but so far, no action seems to have been taken as those false claims are still being made.

There is also the 2017 lawsuit brought by one of their consultants. Cynthia and Michael Dagnall filed a class-action lawsuit against the company for misleading consultants, which is a pyramid scheme.

They file the lawsuit after Cynthia Dagnall invested $2500 to be a consultant and received only $30 in return. Instead of going to court, Arbonne settled the suit in 2018 for an undisclosed sum of money.

The fact that the Dagnalls and others fail is not uncommon. That is also standard throughout the MLM industry. There are many factors involved, not just the MLM business and compensation structure.

Is Arbonne International Legitimate?

Arbonne International Review - Any Lawsuit
A gavel and a nameplate with the engraving Lawsuit

Legitimacy is always called into question when the vast majority of independent reps fail at making money working for the company, any company. Yet Arbonne is legitimate as they create their products and ban those bad ingredients, and the customer gets what they order, for the most part.

One lawsuit in 45 years does not ruin that legitimate status, and the BBB A+ rating helps support their claim of legitimacy. The problem comes in when people realize that the money flows up, not down. The amount of that money can be staggering, and people feel cheated when they do not get their fair share.

Is there a better business model than the MLM structure? Of course, there is. However, as long as people keep their eye on the hype and the prizes, companies like Arbonne will always find willing sales reps.

They will always face accusations that they are not legitimate and scams. There are scam MLM companies out there, not a lot of them but some. Arbonne is not in that grouping.

Final Thoughts

If this review has not answered all your questions about Arbonne, do some more research before signing up. It pays to be cautious when you have to pay to play. Arbonne is not a terrible company, nor does it have lots of markets for you to work in, but it is a better MLM corporation to work for.

They have been around for some time, so they know their business. The key for you is to make sure you have the skills to be a salesman and can create your own leads beyond friends and family.

As I have shown in my Arbonne International MLM Review, any sales job is a risk. Your success depends on you being able to convince people to buy your products from you. Do your research first before leaping to being an MLM salesman.

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