11 Tips On Niche Research – Your Passion To Success!

My tips on niche research can be challenging especially when you don’t know where to start. You may have a great niche idea but are not quite sure if it’s profitable or not. So, to help you with this problem, we have listed the best tips for choosing the most suitable and lucrative niche for you. Let’s get started!

1. Find a Niche that You have Passion and Interest in

Choosing a niche that you’re passionate about or interested in plays an important role in starting your blog. Since all of your content will center around your niche, it is necessary that you’re interested in it. You will need to be motivated enough to create content and enjoy what you’re doing simultaneously regularly.

2. Think about your Target Audience

When deciding what niche you would like to focus on, you also have to think about your target audience. To make this, list down the type of audience you think will find your content valuable. For example, if you’re thinking about starting a beauty blog, you’ll most likely have the following audience:

  • Women in general
  • Models
  • Makeup Artists
  • Beauty Vloggers

And there could be more prospective audiences you can add to this list. Your finalized list will also give you some ideas on what topics you can write for your website.

3. Check your Niche’s Profitability

Another crucial thing to consider is your niche’s profitability. Think about whether your niche will earn you an income, probably the main reason you’re starting a blog. One way to check if your niche will be profitable is to use a keyword tool. In this case, we will use the Jaaxy keyword tool to help us, and we will use the example earlier.

jaaxy research on beauty for choosing a niche

It is also necessary to do some research about your niche’s sustainability. You need to make sure that you will continue to write many posts about your niche and that your content will stay relevant and valuable for a long time. One way to check it is via Google Trends.

your niche research trends

Using our example before, you can see how the term “beauty” is trending over the past 12 months. It also appears to have a high projected trend for the next month. This means that this niche is sustainable as it remains quite popular for the past year and could earn you a passive income.

Checking on your competition with a similar niche such as yours allows you to have better preparation. You can visit their websites and see what you can learn from them. Take inspiration from their hard work and look for opportunities that they have missed.

 You can list down the things you want for your niche, your website, or your content by analyzing them. You can then offer additional value to your target audience that your competitors don’t have.

6. Identify what Problems it can Solve

Your niche should have solutions to solve a problem or problems for your audience to find valuable. Using the same example, you can refer to the results of the Jaaxy keyword tool and get ideas from it.

For example:

  • What are the best skin care products?
  • What are safe and healthy beauty products?
  • What are the best anti-aging products?

Listing down these questions also provides you with ideas on what topics you can write about and your solutions for each of these problems.

7. Find out how many Products you can Promote or Sell

Ensuring that you will have plenty of products you can promote or sell allows you to sustain your chosen niche better. One way you can check this is by visiting Amazon’s bestsellers page, for instance.

“Beauty & Personal Care” can be your main niche, then your sub-niche and products can be “Makeup,” “Skin Care,” “Hair Care,” etc. This means you will have a wide range of products you can promote and sell.

8. Look for Quality Products to Promote

Promoting or selling quality products is also crucial when looking for a niche. One effective way to confirm the product’s quality is to check customer reviews. Amazon provides this, including comments from customers who have already tried the product themselves. Other eCommerce platforms have their product review section you can check as well.

9. Product Reviews

Leveraging Product reviews

However, this is only possible when the product is also sold on these platforms. But in case the product is not sold on Amazon, eBay, or Shopify, you can also use the Google Search engine to help with your research. You may find posts or forum comments about the product you’re looking for.

10. Hunt for good Affiliate Programs

Looking for good affiliate programs can be done by looking them up via the Google search engine. Type “affiliate program,” then the keywords of your niche. You will get search results like the one below:

Google research on beauty affiliate programs

However, there are things you may need to consider when choosing an affiliate program for your niche, such as the following:

  • Do they offer decent commissions? – You may find affiliate programs that offer high commissions for fewer sales; these are called high-ticket affiliate marketing. At the same time, others offer up to 10% commissions or more for each sale.
  • Do they offer a wide range of quality products? – Check their product catalog to see if they have ample products you can promote or sell. And once again, it is important to check the customer reviews to learn the product’s quality. You may also want to consider purchasing the product to have a firsthand experience so you can write better content about it.
  • Are there payment options available? – Some affiliate programs have preferred payment options that you may not have at the moment. Payment methods can include Paypal, checks, prepaid Debit cards, or direct deposit.
  • Do they have good customer service? – If a company has good customer service, you can expect the same level of service when you need something from them as their affiliate.
  • Is it a trusted company? – Since you will be working with them and promoting their brand, it is best to check if the company is reliable and has positive feedback from their customers. You would want to work with a company with a trusted brand that you can promote easily for a long time.
  • What is their standard delivery time? – You may want to check how long is their delivery period. It can be anything between 12 to 25 days or even up to 60 days. This should be indicated in the shipping disclaimer. The shorter their delivery period is, the better for you and your potential buyers.
  • Are they locally made? – If possible, look for companies that manufacture their products within your area or nearby regions instead of overseas. This is to avoid longer shipping times and reduces the chances of products getting out of stock. Make more income with Drop Shipping

When deciding your niche, you should also think ahead, as the possibility of earning more with drop shipping. You may want to start being an affiliate marketer for a while, then venture into dropshipping when you’re ready.

In drop shipping, you will need to build your website, manage orders, and take care of customer relations. The good news is, you don’t have to manage the inventory and the shipping part. You can also regulate the prices of the products too. Your earnings will come from the difference between the wholesale price and the price you set for the products.

But first, you need to find a good supplier or wholesaler to provide the products you will be selling in your online store. To help you with this part, you may refer to the guide when looking for a good affiliate program. Also, when you make your first contact with the supplier or the wholesaler, ensure that you’re speaking with the authorized person to give you the best deal they have.

11. See if you can Make your Own Product

Check if you can make your own product in your chosen niche. For example, for the beauty niche, ask yourself if you’re able to make your own makeup brand. What resources do you need to help you make them?

You can also look for wholesalers who can supply you with brandless products. You can then place your brand’s logo on them. Unlike in drop shipping, you will take care of the inventory and the shipping as well.

You may also want to check with your wholesalers if they can place your brand’s logo and ship the orders to the customers on your behalf. But this agreement usually comes with a fee which could decrease your income. Making your own product will require investment and upfront hard work, but if it’s done right, it will eventually pay off.

Niche research may be challenging, but you will learn a lot in the process. However, the learning doesn’t stop here. You will be learning a lot being an affiliate marketer, drop shipper, or CEO of your own business. Best of all, you’re earning an income with the possibility of increasing over time. Hopefully, our tips will help you get started and will also help you decide on the niche that is best for you.

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6 thoughts on “11 Tips On Niche Research – Your Passion To Success!”

  1. These are some great tips. I have 3 websites, but I’m trying to get it down to just one, so I can focus better on creating content for that one. I’m working with a niche for the third site that can actually combine the niches of the first two. I find that I can create more content for that one, which was the problem I’ve had with the first two. I’ve noticed that when the niche is too narrow, you might have very little competition, but you might also struggle to come up with enough new content to sustain it for more than a few months. At least, that’s been my experience. But yes, these tips are fantastic. It’s easy to forget about the basics in researching your niche, especially once you’ve gotten sucked into the daily routine of mostly just creating content. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • It looks like you know what you are doing and where you are heading on your niche websites. Think about writing reviews on your niche websites, that should keep you with content ideas for a long time. Product reviews are great ways of driving more traffic to your website, and your audience would be very targeted. I hope that helps!

  2. Thank you for a very informative article. Finding the right niche can be a challenging task. A blogger likes to know they have chosen a profitable niche. It takes a  lot of hard work and research to deliver great content. The tip listed in your article will definitely help. Thanks

    • These tips had helped a great majority of bloggers in the past, and it will do the same for anyone starting out looking for what niche they should choose and not have to regret in the future.

  3. Hi David. You got some great tips out there. I currently run two websites and to tell you the truth at the beginning I was stuck with a niche that was not popular at all. At the same time, I was facing competition from large corporations. In the end, I realized my mistake and started a new website with a different niche. Nevertheless, I spend 8 months of hard work with no result. Thank god I didn’t give up. That’s why finding the right niche from the start is vital.  

    • I myself had problems with this area when I was starting out. And I still ask this question form lots of new people starting out. One of the reasons that some do quit their business because they have difficulty in finding the right niche. Few of these tips had helped me in the past and I know it will do the same for others. Thank you for chiming in.


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