Bitcoin Affiliate Programs – A MultiMillion-Dollar Industry

In this topic, we will talk about how you can make money with Bitcoin Affiliate Programs. The multimillion-dollar industry has been increasing in revenue over the past years. And you can get a share of that revenue too is joining its affiliate programs. We will share the methods, tools, and marketing strategies on how you can do just that. So, let’s begin.

How to Get Started

First, let’s start with knowing more about the Bitcoin industry. According to statistics, Bitcoin’s revenue averages about 40-50 million a day since 2021 started. And its revenue reached 64.7 million in one day alone. It seems that Bitcoin has been steadily making a profit this year, and this is why it’s hard to let this money-earning opportunity pass by.

Aside from that, there are around 100 million Bitcoin users globally. And there are thousands of businesses that offer affiliate programs with attractive commissions and bonuses. But let’s do some research to confirm our claim further.

Market Research for Bitcoin Affiliate Programs

Let’s start with sub-niche basic market research for the Bitcoin affiliate program. We will confirm how many people look this up online and have a solid trend for the past years.

Search Volume

For the search volume, we will be using Jaaxy; my top recommended keyword search tool. Let’s see what we have:

Bitcoin jaaxy research

The results are astounding. It shows that the term “Bitcoin” alone has over 900k average searches monthly, and your website can get over 100K of traffic if you can get to the top search engine results. Imagine getting that much web traffic in a month and the profit you can make from your affiliate programs.

Search Trend

Then, we’ll use Google trends to check the search trends. Here’s what we have:

Google trend for bitcoin affiliate programs

This graph represents the trend of Bitcoin over the past year. It shows a significant increase in interest recently as well as a downward trend. This may not seem as hopeful as we thought it would be. But it remains above a 50% popularity rate, which means it is trending fairly enough to be considered a sustainable money-earning opportunity.

What exactly is the niche?

Bitcoin is a broad term, and finding what exactly your niche is can be quite difficult. To help us with this search, you can refer back to Jaaxy results and find out ideas from the keywords related to Bitcoin. For example:

  • Bitcoin – Best Bitcoin wallets, Top Bitcoin buy and sell, Best Bitcoin mining games, Best Bitcoin trading platforms, etc.

While it is possible to take on several niches and sub-niches if you like, this could be tiresome for you and confusing for your audience. It is best to focus on one niche and concentrate on that one first. Do in-depth research about it and build your online authority around that niche. In this way, it is easier for people to trust you and understand what you offer to them.

These two critical factors can also help you in finding your niche:

  1. Are you genuinely interested in it? – This is the very question that you should ask yourself when choosing a niche. Since you will invest a lot of time and possibly money in becoming an affiliate marketer, you need to find the one you are truly interested in.
  2. Will it solve a problem or problems? – Think about what solutions you can provide to your readers. Remember that the more value you deliver to your readers, the easier it is to ask them to sign up on your mailing list or click on your affiliate links. We will be talking more about this in the next part.

What Problem is being solved?

As mentioned earlier, you should think about what problems can your chosen niche resolve. If possible, you would want to address as many problems as possible to be more relevant to your audience. You can start by listing down the possible questions most people have related to Bitcoin. For example:

  • Where to buy and sell Bitcoin?
  • What is the best Bitcoin wallet?
  • What is Bitcoin, and how does it work?
  • How does Bitcoin make money?

You can list down as many questions as you can think of. Then afterward, try to check them and pick out the most prominent questions from the list. See if your niche can address them or visualize how your niche can provide solutions for these top problems.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase?

So after choosing your niche, how do you get your audience to purchase? To help you with this one, let’s first determine who will be your possible audience. They could be any on the following list:

  • Bitcoin miners
  • Investors
  • Business owners
  • Gamers

This list can go on and on as there could be more people who are interested in Bitcoin. So, how can you get them to click on your affiliate links and purchase your products? You can consider doing the following strategies:

  • Target the right audience – Think about who will most likely buy your products. Then start thinking of solutions that are tailored to their needs. You can use tools to track your affiliate links and check who clicks on them the most or perhaps convert them into sales. In this way, you know who you need to focus on.
  • Transparency – Advise your readers that your page contains affiliate links, and you may get commissions if they click on them. Being honest about it is many times better than being deceptive. Place your disclaimer where it can be easily read. Generally, they will appreciate your honesty and won’t mind clicking your link and perhaps purchasing your products.
  • Write more quality content – Building a reputation online starts with creating quality and relevant content. Your audience will find that your content is relevant to them and will not go anywhere else. This can also help you rank better in search engine results which can eventually increase your potential profit.

Ways to Sell Bitcoin Online

In this section, we will discuss the methods you can use to sell Bitcoin online. The success of these methods will depend on your efforts. They may also require a lot of your time and perhaps money for the initial setup. Let’s take a look at them.

Affiliate Programs

Joining affiliate programs is perhaps the easiest method on this list. And you can quickly find them online. There’s a long list of affiliate programs available, offering up to 30% per sale or per referral. And other programs could be offering higher commissions.

To join any affiliate program, you need to apply first, similar to applying for a job. When you get approved, you will receive your affiliate link, which carries your tracking ID. This will help to determine the sales or referrals which originated from your link.

You can use Google to begin your search for Bitcoin affiliate programs like what is shown in the image below:

Google search for bitcoin affiliate programs

Based on the results above, you can see a long list of Bitcoin affiliate programs you can join. Before you start submitting your application, it’s best to check the program you’re joining to. Remember that you will be promoting them, and for this reason, you need to find a company that can:

  • Provide the products or services to support your niche
  • Pay decent commissions
  • Pay you using your payment option

Moreover, the company should have good feedback or trust ratings from their customers. They must be reliable and trustworthy so you can confidently refer customers to them. Like giant marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay. Here are some Bitcoin-related dropshipping products from Amazon.

Bitcoin-related dropshipping products from Amazon


In dropshipping, you will be processing the orders and taking care of customer service. However, you don’t need to do the inventory since you will be getting your products from your suppliers. You also don’t need to ship the products to your buyers since the suppliers ship them for you.

Perhaps the best of all is that you can regulate your products’ prices. You can set the price of a product and earn from the difference between your price and its wholesale price.

We will use Google once again to help you look for your dropshipping suppliers. It is important to look for a good dropshipping supplier that will support your niche and ship orders on time. They should also have positive customer reviews. It will be hard to be partners with them if they have many complaints and issues.

Sell your own Bitcoin products.

If you are not into dropshipping, how about selling your own Bitcoin products like Bitcoin coins, bags, accessories, and many more? You can build your own brand and have more freedom in creating products you want to sell. Otherwise, you can also look for a wholesale supplier that can provide you with the products you can sell with your brand on them.

Once again, we will be using Google search to look for wholesalers. As you can see, you can find a lot of them. Looking for a good wholesale company is similar to finding a good dropshipping supplier. Only this time, you take care of the shipping.

Other potential methods of selling Bitcoin products

You can sell your Bitcoin products using other methods such as creating promotional videos and then uploading them on your website, social media, or YouTube channel. You can also make video tutorials about Bitcoin 101 or any other related Bitcoin topics for people who would like to learn more about it.

Bitcoin currencyWhat You Need to Start Selling Bitcoin Products

At this point, you may already have ideas on how you can market your Bitcoin products. But let’s check them out one by one to know how you can use them effectively.

Building a website for Bitcoin products

Whether you choose to do affiliate marketing, dropshipping or sell your own brand, you will need a website. You can find web hosting services that are affordable and sometimes with a free trial period. By using a website builder, you can finish your website fast and start with your business immediately. You’ll be able to post your first content and your affiliate links in no time.

Promote Bitcoin products on Social Media

Promoting your Bitcoin products on social media is a great way to increase your potential income. Social media has a massive audience, and they are billions. It can help in expanding your market reach and increase your online presence. You can post your Bitcoin products or promote your website. If you have the budget, you can pay for ads to help market your business and increase your profit.

Start a Bitcoin YouTube channel.

Starting YouTube is another way to market your Bitcoin products. As discussed earlier, you can create promotional videos or Bitcoin tutorial videos for your YouTube channel. You can also share these videos across your social media accounts or on your website.

Join Bitcoin Social Communities

There are a lot of Bitcoin groups on social media platforms. When looking for a good community to join, check how many followers they have and how many members are active. In this way, you can be sure that there will be quality leads coming in when you create your post.

Final thoughts

We hope you have learned a lot today and that you’re eager to take your first step into earning a potential passive income. But perhaps not just yet. And if that’s the case, I’m happy to offer you a chance to learn more about affiliate marketing with all the tools and support you need. If you’re interested, go ahead and click this link.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Wealthy Affiliate Review, (My  #1 recommendation in detail).

4 thoughts on “Bitcoin Affiliate Programs – A MultiMillion-Dollar Industry”

  1. As a cryptocurrency lover, I cannot emphasize enough how excited I am to read this article because I had no idea that there was such thing as bitcoin affiliate programs. Do I must be worried because in cryptocurrency there are still a lot of scams since it is not very well regulated yet. But I am still excited to get into this!

    • Is something to watch out for cause I think that Bitcoin is going to soar by the end of the year. I hope coin base follows as well cause it is going to be a game-changer for the average person.

  2. This sounds like a great idea if you are interested in Bitcoin. There is certainly a lot of interest in buying and selling it and the searches are enormous. I wasn’t aware that a lot of the trading companies had affiliate programs so I was interested in your article. You gave some excellent advice about the niche and doing plenty of research before jumping in. I think you need to have the interest to be of assistance to others travelling this journey.

    • Bitcoin is a popular name on the stock market these past few days, especially when it recently fell to 54k. It would be a good program to look into. I am a stock fanatic and Bitcoin is one of them that I have on my watch list. The affiliate program would definitely interest that cryptocurrency personnel.


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