How To Use Fiverr For Marketing – Outsourcing At Its Best! is a website you can use to get work done for you for $5. However, in this article, we’re going to focus on how to use Fiverr for marketing.

This is a very inexpensive way to outsource work you need to be done without hiring an employee to do it.

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You could also offer your services, also known as gigs for five bucks as a way to make money.

What kind of work? That is one of the crazy things about Fiverr.

Nothing is out of bounds if you want it done.

Want to have someone stand on the corner of a busy street downtown and sing your company jingle? Hire them on Fiverr.

Another one I saw recently “I Will Dance To Any Song In A Hot Dog Costume”. or “I Will Shout Anything You Want In A Banana Costume”.

I’m not sure of the business marketing use of this one, “I Will Be Your Facebook Girlfriend For One Week”.

Anyway, you get the idea.

So, let’s talk about this marketing strategy using Fiverr your blog. Again think in terms of outsourcing work you do not want to do, do not know how to do, or maybe are just too busy to do!

How To Use Fiverr For Marketing with Affiliate Marketing9 Ways On How To Use Fiverr For Marketing

1. Blog writing. You can find articles for $5 for 500 words. Be careful who you hire, because you do not want low-quality content on your blog just because the price is cheap.

Be sure and layout exactly what you want from your writer. Also, consider getting longer articles written in 1000-2000 words.

These are harder to write and you will find fewer people offering this gig. Look at the rating of each person to see who has a track record of writing quality articles with a fast turnaround before you make your purchase.

2. Guest posting. One of the best ways to get a high-quality backlink is to hire someone to guest blog for you. There are blogs that take guest writers as a way to get content for their blog.

Most of these bloggers with let your guest writer include a bio at the end of a link back to your blog. Some will even let you link in the body of the article and you can do that to deep-link to inner pages on your blog.

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3. Press releases. Look for someone that writes a quality press release and will also submit it to you. This is the marketing part you need to be done.

4. Blog set up. This would include the basic part of setting up your blog using a word press template with the hosting company that you are using. Depending on the amount of work that you need, look for people who provide a gig with an upsell where you can purchase additional work at discounted prices as well.

5. Logo design. How many blogs have you been on where they do not have a logo. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but can’t be something simple that’s included in the header at the top of your blog.

This helps to give you an identity and when it is in the header it is going to show up on every page and post you make. This is an important part of marketing your blog and doesn’t have to cost very much money when you purchase the gig from Fiverr.

6. Introductory video. Hire someone to create an introductory video on your blog. Find someone that has a good voice and let them record a script that you have written for them. Of course, you can hire someone to write the script for $5 as well.

How To Use Fiverr For Marketing - best selling gigs on fiverr

Another thing you could do is create a slideshow series with background music using a service such as Animoto and hire somebody to do that for you. If you have a static homepage put this video on it as a way to welcome people to your blog.

7. YouTube channel. Get your own YouTube channel set up and start adding videos to it. You can hire somebody to set up a YouTube channel and tie it back to your Gmail account.

You can use the service such as Animoto to create a Videos and let them do that for you and upload those to your YouTube channel. YouTube is the third most-visited website on the Internet today, and it’s owned by Google, so it’s a definite must for marketing your blog and fibre is a good way to do it.

8. Social networking. Find a gig where they will promote your social sites on their network. You could also have them promote your blog on their network.

The great thing about using an existing network is the exposure you get across multiple social sites. It can be a powerful way to get likes, retweets, social shares, make new friends and get new followers.

9. Get backlinks. I’m not talking about hiring somebody to get you backlinks in bulk. Buying backlinks are actually illegal according to Google, and generally a waste of time because the type of links that you end up getting are low-quality.

What I’m talking about doing is hiring somebody to get you high-quality backlinks. One link from a high-quality blog or website can go long ways to improving your traffic as well as improving your page rank with Google. You can find people to do this type of grunt work for you and again prices start at five dollars.

using fiverr for marketing starting with $5Conclusion On How To Use Fiverr For Marketing

Here’s the key thing to remember about using Fiverr for marketing. Look to hire people that have a good reputation on previous gigs that they completed.

Nothing is off-the-wall, so look at the various gigs being offered to see if this might be something you want to be done. Of course, use it to do proven marketing methods that I’ve listed above as well.

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PS: No credit card needed!

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