How To Write Quality Content – Tips For The Search Engines

If you have a blog, you need to learn how to write quality content because there are thousands, if not millions of blogs already in virtually every niche, and quality will help you stand out. Standing out is the key to surviving in the ever-changing climate of blogging.

Quality is essential to both the reader as well as to the search engines. Search engines now have very sophisticated algorithms that define quality and help them rank it in their organic results.

If you put together longer articles of 1000 words or more, these articles can be picked up and ranked for multiple keywords. This seems to take forever to happen, and then one day……

BOOM! Google decides you have an authority blog and starts ranking you all over the place. To me, this is the Holy Grail of blogging, but it starts with writing quality content.

Quality content can be defined in different ways. In this article, we will talk about ways you, as a blogger, can improve your content and quality by doing these things.

Here are a few tips on how to do that.

1. Swipe the file. Start saving bits and pieces of the great content you find online. This can be the source of quality content of your own.

Let me give you an example! When you get an email that has a catchy subject line, throw that in your swipe file.

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Suppose you read an excellent article on something in your niche, bookmark it, and throw the URL in your swipe file. This can be a source of quality content of your own and help educate you on how to write it.

Other ways to build your swipe file include subscribing to relevant Google Alerts, PDFs, other top bloggers, and so on.

2. Write as you talk. Don’t make the mistake of trying to sound more intelligent than you are.

Most people like to read something that’s written in easy-to-understand plain English. It’s much more fun to read something written by a writer who uses their voice than someone trying to impress the reader with big words that don’t fit into the content.

If you are not sure how to write as you talk, start dictating your articles. Use your smartphone and dictate into notes or an email. Then send it to yourself and use a word editor to organize and edit your new article.

3. Focus on one theme. Don’t try to do too much with your content.

How To Write Quality Content - For your website

Focus on a specific theme for each article, and you’ll do a much better job writing it. This is easier for the reader to understand, and there are search engine optimization advantages to focusing on a specific keyword for each article.

As you develop your article, try and keep a tight meaning, do not get away from your central theme. Do this even in longer articles of 1000 to 2000 words.

4, Spend time on the title. This is the first thing the people will see, so you want it to be catchy and describe what they will be reading in the article.

Most people spend a lot of time on the article and virtually no time on the title. Making this mistake could cost you not getting readers into the body of your essay at all.

Would you like some examples of how to write a great title? Read.

5. Bullet points. This will help organize your article as well as make it easy for a reader to scan. It also allows you to keep focused on what your paper is about.

Bold each numbered item to make it easier to read, or use an H3 tag for your numbered items. Search engines love headline tags.

6. Edit. Nothing will kill quality content more than spelling and grammar errors.

How To Write Quality Content for your blog

Spend time proofreading your article to correct those errors. One tip to catch the mistakes you might have overlooked is to read from the bottom of the article.

Another tip is to read aloud and force yourself to pronounce every word instead of scanning them looking for errors. This is important if you are dictating your articles, as the speaker does not always pick up the exact words.

final thoughts

So, what do you think? Can you write quality content?

I’ll bet you can if you write like you talk philosophy and write more than 1000 words or more articles. This takes longer, but since most bloggers will not take the time to write longer pieces, you almost immediately start to separate yourself from the pack.

These tips on how to write quality content can help even the average writer do a better job. Over time, your quality will improve just because of your increased knowledge of the topic you are writing about.

If you can interject personal experiences into your writing, you become more believable, and your quality is better in the eyes of your readers!

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1 thought on “How To Write Quality Content – Tips For The Search Engines”

  1. David,

    Thanks for this great post about one topic that baffles so many!
    You point out the really most important keys Research, and Write as You Speak!

    One little secret I like to share about writing, if you plan to get 1st page Google SERP with what you have written, it really helps to do some proper keyword research within your niche and exploit those keywords within your writing.

    I use only the Jaaxy Keyword Tool for that and I have found that it pays for itself with my results.

    I love the rest of your site as well, thanks again for the great read,


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