Affiliate Marketing Blog – The Right Platform For Results!

An affiliate marketing blog can actually be done anywhere you have an Internet connection and hosting on a platform. This is because affiliate marketing is a business model that’s going to be performed primarily on the Internet.

This is not to say that there aren’t instances where it is done offline as well. However, most affiliate programs require the use of a computer to market in one way or another.

What kind of work are we talking about?

Websites & Google Adsense

If you’ve ever bought anything off of an information website chances are you are buying it from an affiliate marketer.

This is because many information websites are built to provide information around a specific theme that ties in very well with affiliate products.

Certainly one of the most popular forms of affiliate marketing on info websites is the Google AdSense pay-per-click program. You may have seen ads on a website that when you clicked on them you are taken to another website.

The advertiser, in this case, is buying advertising from Google. The info publisher is placing a code on their website that Google matches the theme of the site to bring up corresponding advertisers.

The whole concept is actually very slick. You can focus on building information websites and never have to worry about selling the advertising because Google takes care of that for you.

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Google’s algorithms are so precise that they do a great job of matching advertising that makes sense for the page it is showing upon. This is true for virtually any type of information website that you want to create.

Google algorithms for your affiliate marketing blog

So, in this instance what you’re doing is building information websites and putting content on pages. Your template is set up so that it has a little piece of code in it that automatically brings the advertisers up when the page is loaded.

How much money do you make in this type of affiliate marketing blog from home? Google said that they pay 68% of all advertising revenue back to the publisher.

How much that is will depend on what the advertiser is spending and certainly, some niches are going to be more profitable than others. Google has also said that they pay out over $1 billion a year in commissions so this is very profitable for the information publisher as well as for Google.

Websites & Digital Products

Affiliate Marketing For bloggers

Another common thing you see on info websites is Digital Products.

They show up in the form of an e-book or report that you can purchase from the website you are on.

Again the publisher is an affiliate selling these products. You commonly see these with affiliate programs such as Clickbank or Amazon.

Clickbank’s really good because they have thousands of e-books you can sell that are already written. When you join the affiliate program you are given an ID number that can be added to any website URL to make it your affiliate sales page.

You just focus on adding content and if the customer wants more information they may be willing to purchase the e-book that you are selling.

I have a little bit of a different slant on how I approach my personal information website here using the Wealthy Affiliate digital membership product. Membership programs are great to sell because they can be accessed online from your website or blog content.

One other benefit to a membership program as an affiliate is you often get residual income paid to you every month that the membership is in effect. I like the Wealthy Affiliate membership program because it provides how-to information on affiliate marketing and ties in well with my theme of moneymaking tips.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Websites & Physical Products

my home office for affiliate marketing products

Another thing I’ve been seeing happen more often now is combining e-commerce with blogging.

You can write reviews about specific physical products that you might be selling.

Amazon has an excellent affiliate program for selling physical products. You can review individual products, or have review pages for product categories with links back to the individual products in the content of your writing.

Because Google wants unique content online for many e-commerce businesses to hire affiliate marketers to rewrite the product descriptions for their pages. You could make some money as a blog writer this way.

However, a better long-term approach is to build websites in a targeted niche and add physical products to them from Amazon. Spend some time rewriting the product descriptions yourself so you have unique content that Google will spider and rank.

Now your blog can be ranked on Google. Your reviews could be ranking on Amazon too, so you have an even better chance of being found.

Affiliate Marketing 2 Tier Programs

Another type of work-from-home in affiliate marketing is to join a two-tier affiliate program and make money selling products as well as recruiting new affiliates to sell products.

You earn more money on your individual sales and also earn a lower commission rate on the sales of people you recruit. As an example, you might earn 15% on your sales and 5% on their sales.

This is only on personal recruits so it’s different from network marketing in that way. It also takes up less of your time because you’re not working with any affiliates in-depth, only with your personal recruits.

My Final Thoughts

I am already sold on affiliate marketing. If you are considering affiliate marketing for work from home here is another thing you want to understand.

This is not a job that you work for somebody else. You are your own boss so you not only can work from home you really can work anywhere you have Internet access. It’s a great way to make part-time income and can be turned into a full-time income as well.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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