4 Detailed Tips For Affiliate Marketing For Newbies

Affiliate marketing for newbies is somebody who does not have experience in any affiliate marketing or working from home. We were all newbies at one time or another.

When I started looking for ways to make money online back in 2002, one of the very first things I did was look into affiliate marketing. I was very impressed with this business model, primarily because I found out that when I joined an affiliate program they gave me products and marketing tools to get started right away.

That was my reason for joining affiliate marketing, but what I thought I would do in this article is offer some tips for affiliate marketing newbies you could review when first getting started out.

Here Are 4 Tips

1. Find Unique Products To Sell

You can make money by the click, by the lead, or by the sale. These all have specific advantages, but what you’re looking for is something that’s unique to the niche that you’re in.

One of the problems I’ve always had with network marketing is how many people are promoting health products such as vitamins or supplements of some kind. The same thing is true in affiliate marketing. You can stand out by building a list through email marketing.

With email marketing, you will build your brand while your audience learns to like and trust you by educating them on what their needs are, and working with them on how to fill that needs.


Why would you want to promote something that thousands of other people already are promoting? Try to find something that’s unique to your niche and does not have as much competition. If you click on the banner in this post, I will be able to help you with that, and see what your needs are.

Top-tier business programs or mid-tier business programs are very hot right now. I like those because you have to purchase the product before you can sell it.

For example, a Top Tier Program such as TiDom offers various business and personal development products. These range in cost from as low as $2000 up to $22,000.

You can’t sell the product unless you’ve purchased it. This is just one example of how a program limits competition and makes it better for you as an affiliate.

I have always felt that the best affiliates are those who purchase the product they are selling.

This gives you the advantage of promoting it from a position of personal experience as opposed to something you just read about on the sales page from another affiliate.

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2. Review The Merchant

tip for Affiliate Marketing For Newbies - having an idea

Also, I like programs that offer training on specific marketing methods such as SEO, keyword research, email solo ads, pay-per-click advertising, and so on.

These should be available in a back office that is easy to access and you can get into any time of the day around your busy lifestyle.

3. Start A Blog

I would recommend any Internet marketer to start their own blog. Use it to build credibility and pre-sell your products.

When you join an affiliate program you are provided with a replicated website and landing pages. This means all of the affiliates are using the same websites and landing pages and it cannot be personalized usually beyond adding your picture and contact information.

The way to become more personal is to start a blog and add unique content to it. If you don’t want to mess with the content portion of blogging hire a freelance writer such as myself to write articles and post them on your blog for you.

Build an email list on your blog. This is easy to do by adding a contact form on the upper right-hand sidebar.

Join a professional autoresponder business such as Aweber to store your prospect’s contact information. Many of the affiliate programs you join already have pre-written messages and it’s easy to integrate those into Aweber with a couple of clicks.

It’s easy to customize your follow-up email messages with your name and contact information. The integration automatically ties in with your affiliate links so you automatically get credit for any sales you make.

Your primary goal with your blog is to build your list and to build credibility for yourself so your prospects want to check out your opportunity and work directly with you because you are a professional.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

tip for affiliate marketing for newbies is having different income streams

4. Income Streams

As an affiliate marketer, you can develop multiple streams of income.

For example, you could add Google AdSense ads to your blog and get paid by the click.

You can add lead forms by joining an affiliate program in the cost-per-action or pay-per-lead affiliate business model.

These do not have to detract from your primary business which is in the pay-per-sale business model.

You may consider only using one affiliate marketing business model for each niche that you’re in. This allows you to focus on a specific way to make money. As your blog grows you are probably going to use more than one income stream on each blog.

Again in my personal experience, I found that affiliate programs that offer unique products, quality training and marketing tools, and high commissions, are the best way to go when you’re first starting out. This is going to help you be successful quicker than it did for me.

Plus you don’t have to reinvent the wheel so to speak because you’re dealing with proven strategies for doing affiliate marketing the right way on the Internet.

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is a great business model to get started in because it favors newbies. You can start making money right away and you can start learning as you go.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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