Ann Summers MLM Review And Lingerie Business Overview!

As we have repeatedly said, the MLM business plan can be adapted to fit any industry. Even the erotica and sex toy arm of the business world. If you want to make money selling XXX materials and equipment, Ann Summers may be your calling. This Ann Summers MLM review should help you out.

When it comes to finding the right business, especially in the MLM field, one has to investigate a lot of different businesses to make sure the fit is just right. To find out if Ann Summer and its products are the right fit for you all you have to do is continue reading our review.

Good research helps you avoid those bad MLM companies. It lets you find the good ones that help you make a proper living in this life. It is not an easy task to do. With the right help, you can find the right information, and this review is the place to start.

What is Ann Summers?

You will be surprised to learn that there is not a real person with that name that started this company. The business was started by a man named Caborn dandy Waterfield. He was able to convince his mistress to change her name to Anne Summer in exchange for being a director of the company

Ann Summers MLM Review

This all took place back in the 1970s. Not much later, the company was given to the Gold brothers as a debt payment and from there it took off to be what it is today, a very unique business with unique product lines.

Ann Summers, the company, started out as a traditional business and had opened 6 stores by 1981. Then one of the daughters of one of the Gold brothers joined the company as an intern and she had an idea.

She used the Tupperware party scheme as her inspiration and created Ann Summer parties. The individual sales reps were named ambassadors. Many ads went out for party organizers once the idea was accepted by her father and uncle. Ten years later the daughter, Jacqueline Gold was promoted to director of the company.

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How Does Ann Summers MLM Work?

The company uses a similar strategy that Tupperware uses. It throws parties through its ‘ambassadors’ to help promote different products and create large sales. Like every network marketing company you have to sign up and be accepted as an ambassador before you can represent their products.

The membership fee is about $30 or 25 British Pounds. Then you have to fill out the application form with your personal information and submit it with your fee. Once you are accepted you can choose one of 2 starter packs.

The starter pack costs about $50 or 39 BP and it is claimed to hold 129 BP worth of products. Or you can go with the pro pack which starts at about $75 or 69 BP and has roughly 275 BP worth of products inside of it. The company claims you can make about $300 or 250 BP the first month by holding only 1 party every week.

This is a company geared toward women and it targets women for the most part even though there is an alternative option that started in the late 1900s. The company website has a store locator if you want to use that instead of having or attending a party in your home.

Can You Make Money With Ann Summers?

This is hard to say as Ann Summer seems to be able to avoid having a lot of internet reviewers investigate her business. That means there is little inside information out there on this company and how it operates and how it pays its ‘ambassadors’.

From what information is there it may be difficult to make any money. The market is rather limited and there seem to be a lot of ambassadors crisscrossing the same territory.

Also, one member’s experience had her paying all the gas costs when her mentor took her to a training party and area meeting. Her mentor kept all the commissions from that training party which tells you that some of the upline people are very greedy and not very nice people.

The lack of support ensures that a lot of ambassadors will fail as their uplines are only interested in the sales of their downlines and not in helping them get better at their profession.

The upsells may have you spending more money than you will make. If you return the products the company seems to employ creative bookkeeping and have you owing them money instead of the reverse.

Examples Of How To Make Money With Ann Summers

Ann Summers MLM

So far we have only been able to find two ways you can earn money at Ann Summer. The first way is direct sales and you get a commission for those items you do sell. One way those commissions come into effect is when you buy a starter or other kit and then sell the contents at regular prices.

The difference may be yours to keep but we cannot confirm that. The other way to make any money is to recruit as your life depended upon it. Your revenue certainly does.

No one has posted anything about the compensation plan so we cannot let you know how it works. We checked the website which seemed to say the same thing on every web page- make money by holding a party every week.

If you host a party and make some sales, you are allowed to choose free gifts as compensation. In other words, this company is all about making money for itself and is not willing to share it with anyone.

You might get a 10% discount if your guests spend over $200 or 150 BP at your party. Making money only seems to happen for the company, not the ambassadors.

The Pros and Cons of Ann Summers MLM

To make a complete analysis of any MLM company, you need to look at the pros and cons. If the cons are more than the pros you may be able to avoid a bullet and decline the business opportunity.

If the pros number more than the cons then that MLM company may be good to work for here are the positives and the negatives for Ann Summer.


  • You do get paid for products you sell
  • It is a unique product line you represent and sell
  • You can sell without holding a party
  • There is a discreet packaging option
  • You can cancel your order within 14 days


  • It’s an MLM company
  • It’s not transparent
  • Pay to play
  • Lots of upsells and other expenses
  • Lack of training
  • Lack of support
  • Limited marketplace
  • Seems limited to the UK
  • Hard to set up parties
  • High failure rate
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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

It is sometimes hard to separate legitimate complaints from those negative reviews written by former disgruntled ambassadors. While the latter may have legitimate complaints they are often lost in the emotion that accompanies their words.

The biggest negative is that Ann Summer operates like one of the bad MLM companies you often read about. They are only interested in sales and have warm bodies to make direct contact with potential customers.

Another drawback to this company is that the ambassadors are competing with the different stores and the website Ann Summer has. In other words, potential customers can bypass the ambassadors and get the same products without going to those parties.

Ann Summers Review

The only lawsuit that we know about is when Jacqueline Gold took the government to court over the latter banning their ads seeking ambassadors. So far, nothing else has been reported and it seems that the company is operating under British law.

Further research is needed on this issue. With the lack of people talking about the company finding that information may be a bit on the difficult side.

Is Ann Summers Legitimate?

Unfortunately, the answer is a positive one. While it would have been nice to have had a negative answer, Ann Summer seems to make sure their business practices follow the law.

What their individual ambassadors do may not be influenced or directed by the company and seems to be done through the personal attitude of those ambassadors. In other words, the different ambassadors may not be as ethical as they should be.

Judging from the stories we were able to find that maybe a large segment of the distributors. There should be a large segment of disgruntled ambassadors who became fed up with the underhanded practices they had to endure, providing a lot of information about this company but their silence is very noticeable.

What we are trying to say is that your experience with this company may not be as rosy as the company lets on. Some people who signed up have only scratched the surface with their negative reviews and stories.

 My Final Thoughts

If you like this type of product line then this may be a company you would enjoy working with. However, the market is very limited and not accepted in mainstream parts of society. Selling the products may prove harder than pushing a stalled car uphill.

We have not liked what we were able to find out. Ann Summers seems to be one of the bad apples that give MLM corporations a bad name. We are not impressed by its business practices nor are we impressed by its clean legal record. Most companies can do that and still make life hard on their employees.

Take a close look before joining up. This is not a positive Ann Summer MLM review.

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