7 Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs

Making money can be easy if you are using the best profitable recurring affiliate programs. It is possible to make easy money if you follow a proven system.

However, you really need to work hard before the sale to make sure the money coming in later is easy money. One way to make easy money is to sign up with an affiliate program offering recurring commissions.

Recurring commissions are one way to help strengthen your bank account and get you on the right path to financial security.

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What Are Recurring commissions?

Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs to continue making money

This type of commission doesn’t happen with all products you represent through your affiliate website. Most are just one-time commission opportunities where you need lots of customers to click that link and buy.

Recurring commissions are found on software packages, online educational courses that are billed on a monthly basis and so on. To illustrate, if you visit using your affiliate link buys an online course that charges a monthly fee, then you would get a commission for every time that the customer paid his or her monthly bill.

The commission stops once the customer stops paying his or her monthly fee and you have to find more visitors who will do the same. What recurring commissions do is give you some steady incoming cash flow until the other products you represent start to sell.

Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs: The Top 7 Recurring Affiliate Programs

There is no particular order to this list. The companies mentioned all have strong commission plans and a variety of recurring commission opportunities. It will be up to you to do further research to make sure the company or companies you go with are the right fit for you.

Also, make sure to take your eyes off the prize and continue to do hard work creating good content and implementing the right affiliate marketing strategies in the correct way.

Take a look at these companies and see if their products work for you in your online money-making business.

1. Semrush

This company makes a good online tool that helps affiliate marketers keep an eye on their competition as well as their backlinks. It is a very thorough and well-made tool that is essential if people are serious about making money online.

With every sale you make, you will get a 40% commission on every payment. If the membership your visitor purchases is worth $100 per month that means you get $40 every month.

On top of that, there are 2 other programs your visitor can buy which are more expensive and will raise your commission split up higher. All it takes is referring the product to the right people searching for a good online tool to use.

Then when your account reaches the payout threshold you get paid through Pay Pal. After that, it is up to you what you will do with your money.

2. Get Response

The tool made by this company helps affiliate marketers get sales through their e-mail marketing plans. These tools should be a must-have for most affiliate marketers as they strive to make more money through their different campaigns.

The commission you get is 33%. Not as much as SemRush but still not a figure to turn your nose up at. The good news is that your cookie lasts for 120 days. What that means is that if your visitors wait till day 119 to make a purchase, you still get the credit.

Then the company has a variety of programs that range in price from $15 to $999. That tells you that even on small sales you can make some money and have it come in on a monthly basis. This type of commission opportunity provides you with a little peace of mind.

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3. Thrive Themes

Never put all your eggs into one basket and you won’t have to as Thrive Themes does more than sell a tool to help people build Thrive content-oriented websites. By representing their different products you are setting yourself up for a lucrative monthly income based on successful sales.

The first commission payout is at 30% after that for each additional payment you get 25%. Now Thrive Themes also lets you earn a single commission because they let their customers make a one-time purchase or pay on a monthly basis.

You win either way. The costs of the memberships are not that high so you should be able to attract a lot of customers to their products. They are only paying between $19 and $49 which is far more attractive than some high price options out there.

4. Social Pilot

Social Media for Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs

Here is a top tool for those affiliate marketers who use social media to get the word out about the products they represent. What this tool does is make their social media activities more automatic.

With a commission split of 30%, you can make a few monthly dollars on their $10, $20 and $30 membership plans. That is money in the bank every month. Only a few sales get you on the way. The prices are attractive as is the $10 bonus you get for signing up.

Your payment comes through Pay Pal once your account reaches $25. That transfer keeps your earned money secure and available any time you need the extra cash. Meet the needs of social media users by presenting the perfect tool for them to use. You may need to use it to get some sales yourself and show how good it really is.

5. Leadpages

No one should have to tell you that your landing page is one of the most important web pages you can have on your website. With this tool, your customers can create conversion-influencing landing pages that help create better sales.

This tool helps creates those pages and makes sure they are awe-inspiring. After you sign up, you will get a 30% commission for every sale and that is 30% every month. The plans you are representing range in price from $25 to $48 to $199.

As the sales add up so does your commission. It pays to represent and promote top-quality tools like this one. You get a better reputation and a higher quality of customer. That is what you want for as your reputation grows so does your business. When your business improves so do your sales and on it goes.

6. Rosehosting

VPS hosting is a good industry leader to represent and promote. It helps your customers get the right hosting that doe snot has a lot of downtime. Rosehosting has been doing this for 19 years now and they offer free website migration, free server monitoring and more.

When people purchase their service through your affiliate link, you get a 50% commission on the first month. The only drawback to their system is that the commission split goes down to 10% in each of the following months.

The good news is that they have a variety of plans that help make you enough money each month. Their plans cost between $49 to $332. Don’t worry about the drop in commission fees. They have a nice plan to make it up to you. Check them out to see how good it is and how much you can really make each month.

7. AWeber

Aweber for Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs

One of the ways to help people get their blogs known is through e-mail marketing. The tools sold by AWeber help them accomplish that objective and it is an easy tool to use to collect the information your customers need.

Plus, the platform is not complicated nor do you need a degree in rocket science to master how to use it. With a commission split of about 30%, you can save a little money for that romantic getaway you and your spouse have been planning.

After a 30 day free trial the monthly plan kicks in and you start to receive commissions from sales of plans ranging in price from $19 to $149. The only drawback to this system is that you only get paid through a paper check. The check is in the mail is what you need to get used to hearing again.

Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs Honorable Mention

There are more than enough recurring commission platforms out there. They all can’t make this list. Here is one more to whet your appetite and see which one is best for you.

Studio Press. What this company offers you and your customers is a very good theme builder for WordPress websites. That is because they are SEO optimized and they work well with cell phone screens.

Their 35% commission split may not be enough to entice you to sign up but their top incentive programs maybe. For every 6 to 10 referrals in one month, they will pay you $100 extra for each.

If you get more than 11 then your payment goes up to $150 for each referral. The only drawback is that you may have to wait 60 days before you get your first paycheck.

Best Profitable Recurring Affiliate Programs Summary

Making recurring commissions is not that difficult. You just have to sign up with the right company and make sure you can live with their payment plans. The recurring commission options are a great way to build up some solid income every month and get you on some stable footing.

Check out the different programs and there are far more than just 7 or 15 of them out there waiting for you to connect with them as an affiliate. Find the ones with the best tools and the best commission splits and produce great content that generates lots of sales for you and your family.

A Word or Two On Wealthy Affiliate

I use Wealthy Affiliate to host my websites. I also use them for the great training they provide on how to do affiliate marketing the right way.

Did you know they also have an affiliate program of their own? I easily could have included them in my Top 7 best profitable recurring affiliate programs.


As a Premium Member, you will earn $23.50 a month over and over on every membership you sell. If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

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