Cash Juice Review – Need Customers To Your Business?

We will do a Cash Juice Review in this article and see if this service is what they say it is. Here is the basic premise.

Does the idea of spending time on social media and getting paid for it sound like something you would be interested in? Let’s face it, millions of people spend billions of hours on social media every month.

Facebook is the third most visited website globally, and they have over 1.2 Billion members now. As a point of reference, there are 7.2 billion people globally.

So how does Cash Juice tie into this?

  • Name: Cash Juice
  • Website:
  • Price: Free, Pro $19.99/mo, $29.50 lifetime
  • Owners: Darren Merrett
  • Overall Rank: 80 out of 100

Cash Juice Product Overview

Cash juice is a social network platform with a traffic exchange. You can use it to promote your business and build up your audience and brand.

They also have a making money opportunity tied to it to make money as well. There are three different ways to earn money when you are a paid member.

1. You can earn money by promoting your business on its platform. Use it as a lead generation method.

2. Earn money by referring new members who upgrade to a paid account.

3. Be active in the community and earn ad revenue sharing. Again, you have to be a paid member to share ad revenue.

The Pros and Cons of Cash Juice

The Pros:

  • PRO #1 – Free option
  • PRO #2 – Access to most of the platform
  • PRO #3 – Easy upgrade with no pressure to do so
  • PRO #4- Post rotator makes sure your ads are seen.

The Cons:

  • CON #1 – Other members are looking at their timer, waiting to click on the next ad.
  • CON #2 – Most of the members are just like you, wanting to sign up for new members.
  • CON #3 – SEO is against Traffic exchanges cause it is not organic traffic.
  • CON #4 -Too much time is spent to get eyeballs on your site.

Who is Cash Juice For?

It makes sense to join Cash Juice if you are a big believer in social media marketing and Traffic Exchanges. Anyone doing Internet marketing probably has a Facebook account, possibly a Twitter account, and might even be active on Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn.

How cool would it be if you could get paid to post and get followers into your social media account? That is the basic concept of Cash Juice.

social media marketing

Although you’re not using your existing social media accounts, you will set up a new account with Cash Juice. In your account, you’ll be able to post, like, comment, and follow other members of the program.

These posts will not be any different from what you’re currently doing, except they are possibly a little more business-oriented and not personal-oriented.

The posts we see on Cash Juice include links to blogs, positive thinking quotes, product or service offers, and links to programs other members want to promote. This is OK to do depending on which links you are advertising.

Cash Juice Tools & Training

First of all, cash juice offers a step-by-step guide that shows you how to get started using their traffic exchange. You will be setting up a funnel and using the Traffic Ad Bar.

It comes with a different platform, but it is necessary to view the ads in the traffic exchange. You have to consider each advertisement for 10 seconds before the next ad comes up. Bonus rounds are included at different times.

Cash Juice Post Rotator

Pоѕt rоtаtоr feature mаkе ѕurе thаt thе роѕt you mаdе wіll bе shown ѕіtеwіѕе tо the uѕеrѕ. You wіll need to ѕеlесt a ѕресіfіс post thаt you wаnt tо рrоmоtе аnd ѕеt up a саmраіgn. How mаnу post you саn ѕеlесt wіll dереndѕ оn уоur mеmbеrѕhір tуре.

Aѕ a frее member, уоu оnlу gеt one campaign. Mеаnіng аt аnуtіmе уоu can only сhооѕе one роѕt tо be fеаturеd іn роѕt rotator.

But before that, уоu will fіrѕt nееd to еаrn сrеdіt by viewing member’ѕ posts. Kind of a scratch my back and I will scratch yours соnсерt.

Eасh post has a соuntdоwn timer оf 5 seconds bеfоrе you саn сlісk ‘next.’ Vіеwіng оf each роѕt еаrn уоu one сrеdіt whісh уоu can then uѕе fоr уоur оwn саmраіgn.

Yоu is bаѕісаllу getting frее аdvеrtіѕеmеnt by watching another member’ѕ ad.

Cash Juice Support

They also have a Cash Juice community to interact with other members. This helps take some loneliness out of sitting staring at ads, which is necessary for a traffic exchange program.

Cash Juice Price

Initially, you will join for free. However, Cash Juice does provide incentives to upgrade if you like the program.

cash juice pricing

Here is another screenshot showing all three levels and the benefits of upgrading to a pro member.

Cash juice levels and benefits

Cash Juice wants as many pro members as possible. The $19.99 indeed is appealing if you are sold on the program and benefit from the marketing you are doing on it.

My Final Opinion of Cash Juice

Cash Juice is a program that works if you use it. There are many traffic exchange programs on the Internet today, and for me, my time can be used elsewhere rather than looking at websites for traffic.

However, Cash Juice is a little different. Taking the upgrade option will give you more exposure than you would get as a free member.

They also have a referral program where you can earn money by referring members. Ultimately Cash Juice is a legitimate way to drive traffic to whatever business you want to promote.

Many people prefer this over search engine optimization, paper clicks advertising, blogging, etc. View Cash Juice as a way to bump up your traffic and get your business viewed, and it’s probably a good program.


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PS: Wealthy Affiliate Review, (My  #1 recommendation in detail).

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12 thoughts on “Cash Juice Review – Need Customers To Your Business?”

  1. Hi Bishop,
    Your review about Cash Juice program is timely and worthwhile. I was looking for such a useful platform in my subconscious. There are almost 3,200 friends on my Facebook account. And I spend an average of one and a half hours every day. Using the Cash Juice site, I hope to extend my affiliate business quickly. I’m interested in using the free trial now. Thank you sincerely for the excellent article with the informative video.

    • Hi Rgpratap, I was asked about this program a few months now so I decided to do my investigation and post a Review. I am not a paid member but I know of a few members that are using it, and it is working for them.

      I am the guy who likes to stick with a strategy for a very long time to have some success. And now I am getting that by creating lots of content and dipping into paid advertising as well.

      I am not a big fan of Traffic exchanges so I stay away from those sort of traffic. But I am not going to say that it doesn’t work, because I know a few who are having results with them. 

      I would still be careful with the links I used. I could be wrong but I would not use my blog posts in any of the traffic exchanges cause that would not do justice to your SEO. Just my take on this.

  2. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. The video shows me what to focus on and how to analyze my back office when I set it up. Bo did a great job by explaining the different numbers and what it represents. 

    When I do set up my account, I will refer back to the video to have a thorough understanding of what the numbers represent. And happy to know, as you mention that Cash Juice has videos showing on how to get started by setting up the funnel and using Traffic Adbar.

    This is fascinating and interesting to me. As a newbie in affiliates marketing, I have been looking for ways to improve and promote my blog post. but I would definitely give cash juice a trial to drive traffic to my website. Thanks for the review about cash juice. Best regards 

    • Glad that you take the time to read my Cash Juice review and leave an extensive comment. Happy that you understand the process here and willing to try it out. Please let me know if it helps with your traffic.

      Yes, Bo did take the time and explain the different aspect on how to analyze the numbers and what they stand for. You will learn a lot on their videos in the tools and training section of your Cash Juice back office.

      Most people find that Affiliate Marketing is a faster way to earn an income from home and I agree. Most of the successful people that I talk too, felt the same way. Please do let me know if you have any success when you do set it up. My audience would love you for the results. Thanks!

  3. This is awesome, I’ve read through a lot of affiliate marketing programs this seems to look better than what I have read so far. This worth trying, I hope such platform is secured. From your article, it seems the pros outweighs its cons which makes it much more recommendable. I will like to know if there is a referral bonus. Also, what is the average amount one can earn in a month as a beginner

    • Hi Ola, there are many ways on the Internet to drive traffic to your website, and it would be impossible to try all of them. What is the best approach is to dabble a bit in a few of them and see if it worth your time? Some are short term and there are long term ones as well. I tend to go after the long term ones cause they are of higher quality.

      I have not heard of a referral bonus per se, but if you join for free it would be great to address that. ash Juice referrals that upgrade. Hope I answered your questions.

  4. Cash juice seems like a pretty decent app to use; I do have a question what makes it different from normal applications that put your ads across social media or other websites like PPC? The price, however, is pretty affordable. So are they like ads that get shown in front of people using various apps like uber eats or something like that?

    • Thank you for your comment. The difference is, Cash Juice is not an app. It is a legitimate company that you can join. and you personally have to surf on their traffic exchange site to look at other member’s ad for your ad to be shown. It is all done manually, and you would be penalized or lose your member status if any software is used to surf.

      Your ads are shown, as I mention, in front of other members that doing the same as you, surfing to get credits for their ads to be shown as well. hope I answered your questions. Thanks!

  5. Good Day, Bishop and thanks for this review.  Sounds like something that I should check out further as a way to get extra traffic to my websites (I have two) and there is training as well. 

    You are using it and so is Bo Tipton so, it must be legit.  I’ll have to watch the full video to see what he has to say.  I would, for sure, be new to this type of thing so I WILL check out his video.

    The only problem for me would be the per month cost but I suppose I could take advantage of the free starter account.

    The only other question I would have is… Would this work for a website centered around the RV lifestyle?

    Thanks for giving us something to think about and all the best,


    • Wayne, I am not using Cash Juice. With the exception of Wealthy Affiliate, I am not a part of the Reviews that I post. I would not focus on my website if I ran after every product or service that I do a review on. My Reviews are based on questions my Team members asked me.

      Traffic exchange would be good for list building, by posting some sort of capture page that is no index to capture emails to build relationships with your list. Posting SEO blog articles is not a good practice. That would increase your bounce rate which would affect you search engine rankings.

      if your website is new I would focus on content to your website first. Google loves quality content. The Traffic Exchange within Cash Juice is good your RV Lifestyle website. Hope that helps! 

  6. I am sorry Bishop, I got so caught up in the video the Bo Tipton did, I forgot where I was leaving a comment.

    Thank you for the great review Bishop. Not all platforms are going to be 100%, 100% of the time but, the pro’s for this platform outweigh the con’s in my opinion.

    I also have to agree with you and thank you again for pointing out the facts about using Cash Juice for a list builder. I was going to post links back to my website so that advise is very valuable to me.

    • Happy you get some value here and you are right it would be difficult to find a business that is 100%. The pros do outweigh the cons and maybe that is all we need to make a wise decision.

      Thank you for understanding why I am against Traffic Exchanges. I am an advocate for SEO cause it is long term, and SEO and Traffic exchanges do not mix. So using a capture page to build your list should be the best approach for using Cash Juice. Just my take on this!


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