Computer General Knowledge – 10 Things To Know!

Learning and having the skills today about Computer General Knowledge can be very difficult for some people. I don’t know how basic to get here, but let’s start at the beginning. In terms of what you need to know and what you do not, it depends on what you will use the knowledge for.

For example, I drive a car every day, but I could not in general terms explain how an engine works. I turn on the air conditioning when it gets cold, but I can not explain how a compressor works.

And so on. We all use things every day and we cannot explain how they use. Add in smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers in today’s jargon and you have even more things I would put in the need-to-know category.

So what is good computer general knowledge to have?

Defining Computer

A Computer is a General-purpose machine, commonly consisting of digital circuitry, that accepts (inputs), stores, manipulates, and generates (outputs) data as numbers, text, graphics, voice, video files, or electrical signals, in accordance with instructions called a program.

  • C – Commonly
  • O – Operated
  • M – Machine
  • P – Particularly
  • U – Used for
  • T – Technical
  • E-Education
  • R – Research

I did not know that! 🙂

Top 10 Things To Know For Making Money Online

This is a tips blog on making money on the Internet. So, let’s look at computer general knowledge as it relates to making money on the Internet.

1. Browser. An application to access the Internet. We see it as a website URL starting with HTTP or HTTPS if the website is secured.

2. Search engine. Although there are many we mostly use Google or Bing.

Today people search for things in a more complete way. In the old days, we typed in a short keyword or phrase such as “make money” and Google delivered its top results.

Now we are more specific. We might type in “how to make money on my smartphone without spending any money”. Again Google will do there best to give us the best results.

One other key point. We now use websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon as search engines to help users find what we are looking for. These are competitors to Google and Bing.

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Computer General Knowledge - follow your dream and learn SEO

3. SEO optimized. How can we get our content so Google ranks it?

Search engine optimized, or SEO optimized is our attempt to do that. We look at ranking factors from Google and try to use those so we rank for a specific keyword phrase.

This is no easy task. Google has over 200 ranking factors and updates its algorithms over 600 times per month.

4. Word processing. To be computer literate you need to be able to put together words in an email, document, blog post, web page, etc.

You should know how to use proper grammar and spell-check your work. Other things might include headers, creating tables, or even adding images.

Luckily there is software to do this. If you blog like I do a good theme such as WordPress pretty much does this for you.

5. Blogging. I add this because it has become the most common way for someone to establish an online presence.

WordPress is the tool most often used for this. WordPress is an online, open-source website creation tool written in PHP. Do we care what PHP is? Most of us do not.

What we do like is how easy it is to set up a website with WordPress with very little to no technical knowledge.

Related Video About Computer Knowledge.

6. Email marketing using an autoresponder. Over 4 billion people in the world have an email account.

Email marketing is sending out promotional messages to these emails in an approved way that does not spam them. An autoresponder is a tool that automatically sends an email message to up to thousands of people at a time.

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Computer General Knowledge - Understanding social media marketing

7. Social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and so on. These are the big ones.

We can now easily interact with people via smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, and desktop computers. You can control how you do that with apps and in the settings of those apps.

8. Virus protection. One ad I see every day is PC Matic. This is web-based and you do not have to insert a cd and download it.

Smartphones such as the iPhone have built-in virus protection. There is no need to buy anti-virus software.

9. Landing page. I add this here because so many Internet marketers send traffic to a landing page.

The goal here is to capture an email address and put that into an autoresponder for future follow-up.

Once that is done the visitor is sent to the website where they can look for what they came for. Many hosting companies and autoresponder companies offer templates to use as landing pages. Websites such as Lead Pages do a great job with many additional tools to complement the page itself.

10. Making money on a computer. You will want to study business models as there are so many different ways to make money.

I talk about a lot of these on my blog. Check out my make-money tips category to find hundreds of ways to make money.

Final thoughts

It’s pretty hard to summarize computer general knowledge in a 1000-word article.

Most of the really technical stuff is pointless to the average person like you and me. How does knowing how a circuit board in a computer make any difference in how we use the computer every day:-)

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4 thoughts on “Computer General Knowledge – 10 Things To Know!”

  1. Thank you for sharing. I never knew the letters that are used to spell computer are actually a reference to what the computer does. This is some basic information that is helpful especially if you are trying to make money online. Knowing what everything means is helpful in decision making. Thank you again.

    • Yes, it is a very simple way of an understanding computer when you know the true meaning of it. SEO is my favorite, and the more you get to understand how it works, the easier it will make your website stand out to optimize your traffic.

  2. Hi David, 

    Great article, Nowadays we really do not care how a computer gets the assembly, what we care is making sure that this computer can connect to the internet and that we can fully utilize the google or bing search engines to find some of the best affiliate programs online. 

    Most of us do not have a budget to go around spending money to find a good affiliate program that gives the opportunity to taste for free so I can’t wait to get started in this program you are recommending us. 

    Thank you so much for this great article.

    • Urbano, it may sound basic, but I wanted to get my audience attention. Is the same mistake they are making on understanding how to make money online. Today everyone wants to make money online but do not know what is necessary.

      People will Google this in many ways looking for some short cut in getting there. When the truth and the matter is, there is no short cut. The same way you do not want to take the time how a computer works or a car, that is not the case when looking to make money online.

      Having the knowledge will get you there much faster and will ease the pain of losing money like the average individual. This is the reason I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate, which will give you an ongoing process of how the Internet works, and what you need to do to sell anything online. Thank you for taking a look at my recommendation, will meet you inside to get you started.


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