5 Content Writing Jobs You Can Do From Home!

Are you looking for content writing jobs you can do from home? As of today, there are around 57 million freelancers in the US, which include content writers that are working online from home.

Although there’s a lot of competition out there, it is not too late to become a content writer today. It is estimated that 86.5 million workers will go freelance in the year 2027. This means that working from home will be a normal thing by then.

What is a Content Writer?

A content writer is responsible for writing articles, conducting research for any given topic, supplying informative data, and collaborating with clients to improve the content format, style, clarity, consistency, and other content needs.

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What are the tools you need to become a Content Writer?

Content writers can write beautiful and quality content with the help of some handy tools. Many of these tools are free to use, while some have free trials and affordable monthly subscription fees. Here are some of the tools you will need as a content writer:

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With Jaaxy, you can see the average search of a keyword or keywords per month and the web traffic you could get when your website ranks on the first page of search engines. You can also refer to the keyword quality indicator and SEO ranking when deciding on your next topic to write. Other features include search analysis, site rank search, brainstorming, and many more.

  • Grammarly – This app helps you correct your grammar, spelling, style, and punctuation. It provides suggestions of what would be a better word or sentence to use to improve your content. It also suggests the deletion of words to avoid being too wordy. Aside from that, it is also a good tool to check any plagiarized texts.
  • Hemmingway – This is a tool to help you identify complex sentences to edit them and make them more readable. You will see the readability score of your content and check if it’s good or not. It will highlight phrases with passive voice, those with simpler alternatives, hard-to-read sentences, etc.
  • Canva – This platform will help you create visuals for your content. You can make graphics, presentations, posters, and a lot more. It also includes templates that are ready to use so you can immediately make captivating images.
Content Writing Jobs to work from home

Why do businesses hire content writers?

There are many reasons why businesses hire content writers. Here are some of the benefits of why they choose to hire content writers:

  • Content marketing gives better conversion rates than other digital marketing strategies.
  • It is more affordable than other traditional marketing methods
  • It helps generate 3x more leads
  • Quality content ranks in search engines, increasing the likelihood of visitors and potential customers.

There could be more reasons why businesses invest in quality content writers. But the main reason is simply that quality content helps increase the business’ revenue overall.

Where to Find Content Writing Jobs?

Can find content writing jobs on many job marketplace platforms, social media, or online advertisements. If you are looking for a content writing job, you can try the following avenues:

  • Freelance marketplace – This is the easiest way to find a content writer job. These platforms have thousands of jobs available for writers. Usually, you will need to create a profile and state your rate. If you have writing samples, you can upload them to build your portfolio. Then you can start bidding for available writing jobs, or an employer will send you an invitation to apply.
  • Content writing services – These businesses are partnered with companies that require writing jobs. You can apply online and provide some writing samples. Once accepted and an opportunity arises, I will contact you to start working.
  • Job boards – These are just like the classified ads of a newspaper. The clients post their jobs, and job seekers apply thru their job postings. Like any other job application, you will need to send your updated resume or fill out a form that you can also do online. Usually, this job posting requires previous work experience or relevant educational background.

What are the Content Writing jobs you can do from home?

There are plenty of content writing jobs you can do from home. This part will talk about the top content writing jobs, their average annual salary, qualifications, and more.

It is important to learn which writing job you are best qualified for, which allows you to gain a higher chance of getting hired. You will also better prepare yourself if you would like to aim for a higher salary rate.

Here are the 5 content writing jobs you can check out:

content writing jobs you can do from home1. Blogs Posts Writer

Average US salary per annum: $50,000 – $150,000+

Writing blog posts is the most commonly known content writing job. Because consistent blog writing and publishing help a website attract more audience, it is also a great way to build a brand. A good example of a blog post is this article you’re reading now.

A blog is a website section of a brand where you can find articles relevant to the business. The blogs are compiled as a collection and are usually arranged chronologically with the new post first then succeeded by the previous posts.

Here are some important key factors for how you can write a great blog post.

  • Use captivating and high-quality images
  • Utilize number listing or bullet points
  • Use subheadings and whitespace for easy reading
  • Place important things above the fold
  • Make use of relevant quotes

A freelance blog writer earns around $56,000+ annually in the US, which is about $4,000+ per month. There are even reports that some earn up to $150K+ a year. These salaries could vary based on your location, your experience, or your skillset.

In general, the following qualifications are required to become a blog post writer.

  • Can write grammar-error-free content
  • Able to construct clear and easy-to-understand sentences
  • Can write readable content, with consistent flow, and a variety of sentences
  • Computer literate
  • Has SEO knowledge
  • Able to work under tight deadlines
  • Generate ideas for blog posts
  • Ability to cooperate with editors and other writers

While these qualifications could seem a lot for some, some companies or editors are considerate of new writers. You can find job posts that have minimal requirements for a blog writer. But expect that there is a difference in the salary compared to those with more qualifications.

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2. Social Media Manager

Average US salary per annum: $80,000 – $100,000+. Another content writing job is the Social Media Manager. Social media has around 244 million users in the US alone, and it is a massive pool of potential customers.

This is the reason why social media managers are always in demand. A part of your main job is to create engaging social media-optimized writing or SMO. You will regularly create this content and post it across the social media accounts of the brand you’re working with.

If you want to become a social media manager, you should be familiar with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn features and make use of them to your advantage. Aside from writing short paraphs and write-ups, you also include appealing images to promote your brand.

Although SMO is made for your subscribers and followers, it can also be in the form of B2B marketing. You might be posting about the latest trends in systems, processes, tools, and other tips to help other businesses in the same industry.

Some of the qualifications of a Social Media Manager are the following:

  • Good command of writing and communications skills
  • Creativity in curating content
  • Good marketing and project management skills
  • Analytical and strategic thinking
  • Community management and relationship building

3. Copywriter

Average US salary per annum: $38,000 – $130,000+

A copywriter creates a good content strategy that aims to make people interested in a brand and drives them to make a certain action. These actions could be any of the following:

  • Clicking on the ad will direct the potential customer to the merchant’s website to learn more.
  • Be subscribed to an email subscription
  • Filling out a contact form
  • Adding the selected product to your cart and checking out

In general, a copywriter creates marketing materials such as landing pages, brochures, catalogs, ads, emails, flyers, sales letters, etc. Although there are copywriting services that are available for businesses, their job role is extensive and is not limited to writing alone. Some copywriters also do audio-visual ads, content editing, ghostwriting, speeches, and public relations.

Examples of a copywriter’s qualifications are the following:

  • Equivalent educational degree or background in marketing or communications
  • Social media presence
  • Copywriting job experience
  • MS applications proficiency
  • Social media skills
  • Solid SEO knowledge

4. Technical writer

Average US salary per annum: $42,000 – $100,000+

Technical writers are also known as industry writers or technical communicators. Their niches are usually finance, banking, legal rules and regulations, health care, medicine, science, and technology. Typically, technical writers make complex information into something easier to understand for the audience. Some of the content they create are the following:

  • How-to guides
  • Instruction manuals
  • Journal articles
  • Documentations
  • Other technical documents

In general, employers would prefer candidates with a degree or certifications related to the job. Here are some of the qualifications for a technical writer post:

  • Strong writing and communication skills
  • Bachelor’s degree in English or other related fields of study
  • Knowledgeable in online publishing software and programs
  • Information management skills
  • Coursework in business writing or editing

web page content writing jobs5. Web Page Writer

Average US salary per annum: $33,000 – $78,000+

A web page writer usually writes the content of a section of a brand’s website. These website sections include the homepage, products or services page, contact information page, terms, and conditions page, about us page, FAQ section, etc. A web page w

The writer aims to provide all the necessary information that the customers need to know about the brand, its products or services, the features or benefits they can offer, etc.

  • Good writing and grammar skills
  • Knowledge of the standard writing practices
  • Networking and social media marketing skills
  • Understanding of the SEO
  • A degree in English, Journalism, or another mass communication field of study
  • Web portfolio when available

Final Thoughts

So, there you go, our top 5 content writing jobs you can do from home. Although most job qualifications include an educational background or a specified degree, most employers would look at your skills. In reality, some content writers do not possess a degree but were skilled in writing quality content, and some are even successful in earning high salaries.

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4 thoughts on “5 Content Writing Jobs You Can Do From Home!”

  1. As someone whose native language isn’t English, I use Grammarly on a daily basis for all of my blog content. There are so many good grammar/spelling checkers out there but I enjoy using Grammarly since I work from my phone and having the app right there at the tip of my fingertips is a huge must-need factor for me. I’m also really surprised with the statistics you’ve provided of the amount of people that are currently content writers and how that number would incredibly increase in a couple of years.

    • I have seen so many people write a huge amount of articles per week and still not getting the traffic they deserve. When I look a little deeper I see what was the problem. Most blog writers believe that content is key for traffic. That is not the case. Although content help if you choose the right keywords, but what you do after you hit publish is what will get you the traffic. That is the reason content writing jobs are growing because people want to focus on more important elements of driving traffic to their websites. 

  2. Thank you so much for sharing all these content writing platforms to make extra income! I have always waned to find a side job that I can work form home and these sites are perfect for that. From all the list, I may be better off as a blog writer since I am still new to content writer after all. I am going to check on your link and take it from there. 

    • Wish you all the best as you venture into content writing jobs you can do from home. As you proceed if you need help along the way, feel free to get in touch with me. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same results. Talk to you soon.


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