How To Hire A GhostWriter For My Blog?

First of all, what is an affiliate marketing ghostwriter? And I have been asked how to hire a ghostwriter for my blog.

Very put, they write blog articles for other affiliate blog owners who then publish them on their blog as though they were the writer of that content.

Perhaps you are deciding whether to start a blog of your own for your affiliate business or perhaps you need help to keep an existing blog updated. You may wonder whether hiring a ghostwriter is something you should do or not.

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Let me offer a few tips to help you answer this question!

Is It Cheating?

Some people may feel guilty they are having somebody else do their writing for them. Let me say there’s no reason for that to be the case.

It’s not cheating. People outsource various aspects of their online business, including blog writing, all the time. You’re just not aware of it.

Establish You As An Expert

Hiring a ghostwriter to work directly with you helps you become an expert in your blog’s niche. Having your own blog can be beneficial in multiple ways.

Having content on your blog that deals with everyday problems and solutions related to your niche is something your ghostwriter can accomplish for you.

trust yourself by building credibilityBuild Your Credibility And Trust

As your blog begins to grow, your credibility is going to increase. People also begin to trust you more, and that’s an important part of branding you and your business.

Let’s say you have a money-making tips blog like me. Building credibility and trust online is not an easy thing to do. Many people are skeptical about Internet marketing and getting scammed.

Your blog will help alleviate those doubts.

Build An Email List

One thing that many people in affiliate marketing do is build an email list from their blog. Having your ghostwriter keep your blog updated regularly helps you develop new readers and bring old ones back to your blog.

If you have a sign-up form where you are offering an incentive for them to join your email list, a certain percentage of people will automatically do that. This email list becomes an asset in your business that you can use to develop relationships and enhance your credibility and trust with your subscribers.

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Ghost Writers Give You An Online Presence

Most people who start their own affiliate niche business are given replicated websites and landing pages to promote. This means that all of the distributors are using the same websites.

The only difference is each is individually coded with an ID number identifying that distributor.

Starting your own blog helps you develop an online presence that helps you differentiate yourself from other distributors. Many people looking for a business idea they can start on the Internet are not tied to anything, in particular, so you have the ability to influence them with your blog.

Think of your blog as pre-selling. You could be pre-selling your prospects on you, on your products, or your business opportunity. Over time you’re going to be doing all of these anyway.

Your affiliate ghost blog writer helps you do that by writing and posting your content for you.

How To Hire A GhostWriter - My ghostwriter on fire writing

What Does A Ghost Writer Cost

This is interesting because you will find a wide range of pricing when looking for a writer. You are going to want to find a blog writer, so focus on that. You do not need an expensive copywriter for your blog.

You can buy 500-word articles for $5 on a content mill site such as Hire Writers or iWriter. You will find better quality at Crowd Content or Up Work.

In my opinion, finding a writer you can work directly with is the best way to go. Doing a Google search is one way to find one. You can establish the quality of their writing and then negotiate a price.

Marketing Your Blog On Social Media

Your ghostwriter is getting your content online for you, and it’s up to you to market your blog all over social media. This should be fun!

When done correctly, it not only enhances your blog and your personal credibility but should become an important source of new prospects for your business.

This means getting your business set up with Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

It would help if you also looked at some of the top social sites, such as Reddit, where bookmarking links back to your blog.

Most people fail in affiliate marketing because they don’t sell enough products. Really the bottom line is viewing your affiliate business as a business and treating it that way.

Hiring a blog ghostwriter is an important part of building your business. Once that content is online, nobody can take that away from you.

Once you have your prospect’s name and email address, you can always follow up with them in the future about your current business or anything else you want to talk about. You can even link back to your blog post in an email to your list as a way to drive traffic back to it.

Final thoughts

In my opinion, people who do not know how to write blog content, or are too busy to do it themselves, should definitely hire a ghostwriter to do it for them. View the cost as an investment in your business.

You are trading money for the time when you hire an affiliate marketing blog ghostwriter. The time you save on writing can be spent on marketing and dealing directly with your prospects, customers, and a team of distributors.

There is no other place to show you if you should hire a ghostwriter or become one yourself than a community that does it daily. Want to be part of this growing community?

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18 thoughts on “How To Hire A GhostWriter For My Blog?”

  1. Hi,
    Sharing this post is really beneficial to online business owners especially bloggers. Your website is a great resource for internet marketers. Your ideas just give readers to think about the good strategies to help thrive in the online world. Keep up the good work and have a nice day. Regards, BA

    • BA, thank you for your comment and kind words. This is the reason I build this website, so that people can keep coming back to it, to find whatever they need to grow their business, and understand how internet marketing work today. Thanks!

  2. Before I felt like cheating but as you said it is outsourcing and it is vital for every business. I think that if it is above certain quality there is not any problem whatsoever.

    However how much is too much? For example if I write a content per week and outsource two, is this too much?

    • Furkan, thank you for the comment. Most bloggers will go through a spell in a few times in their business where they get stuck. Not able to write anything for their website. this is where outsourcing comes in to keep your consistency in posting, something that the search engines take into consideration when ranking websites.

      Three articles are perfect for posting articles and are considered the minimum when building a website. If you have not considered using Jaaxy for your keyword research, you should. When outsourcing I usually choose the keywords for my articles, and the sub-headings as well to keep my flavor on my articles. Hope I was able to help.

  3. Hello, 

    You just opened my eyes to something I never had an ideal about. 

    I have so social media accounts where I promote different products that I don’t really have the time to write so much articles about… I think I will consider using a ghostwriter for that.

    Lastly, will I find a ghostwriter that can deliver exactly what I need?

    • Hey Jim, outsourcing is a major part of your business. I have seen many times that people fail because they do not have the time to write content on a continuous basis to build their brand. Outsourcing your content to ghost writers can assist in this area.

      By trial and error you can find the write writer that deliver exactly what you need. What you can do is give them the keywords and a little outline to give them more understanding on which way you would like them to go. Hope that helps!

  4. Thanks for this article ,it’s so informative. I am dealing with content writing now. I find it tricky, somehow difficult and have to spend hours doing research on the niche . So tiring!
    You came to my rescue with this idea of hiring ghost writers, really need to find one. Hopefully they do great job, don’t wanna be disappointed. They might also be professionals.
    Do I have to tell them about my niche, so that they may know what to write about? You said the price is negotiable?
    This information is helpful, thanks again.Keep up your good job.

    • Nothing that is good would be easy, but it is good to have some knowledge so that when you give the job to the writers they would know what it is you want to relay to your audience. Wealthy Affiliate helped me a great deal in this area.

      You can go to Fiver or Upwork and find some good ones at all levels. Is important when you building your website that you stay consistent in the beginning. Google likes that.

      Is good to tell them what you looking to convey to your audience, and by giving them the keywords that helps a lot. Hope I was able to shed some light here.

  5. Hi David,

    This is a fantastic article! I had never even thought of hiring a ghost writer for my articles. I do enjoy writing, however sometimes I get stuck, or I find it hard to communicate effectively the message I am trying to convey. Perhaps hiring an experienced writer to help me communicate would be a good step forward?Do you know if they target keywords, or do they write about a topic in particular? I’m guessing it can vary depending on whether your buying an article for $5, or working one on one with a ghost writer.Do you, yourself, use a ghost writer? What are your personal experiences?


    • Hi Leah, if you love writing the you can continue writing your content while you build your brand. many times things get in the way and we are forced to get side track and not able to write consistently. When starting out, that can hurt your business, so having someone to keep that consistently would be good for your business.

      Hiring a writer is important that you give them the keyword/s and maybe a little outline if necessary. The more you give them it would be better for them to stay focus on the direction you would lead them to go. Keep in mind that they are better writers than the one yo get in Fiverr. Although I had a few good ones back then. Consider using Upwork or Iwriters.

      I used them when I was starting out to keep my consistency and they helped. But my focus now is getting engagement to those articles and re-posting some of the old ones. Hope that helps!

  6. I have never thought that this is really possible when travelling. But later I did realize that the most important thing is a good internet connection and provider and motivation of course. 

    I really liked your clear and concise methods to make money online, especially affiliate marketer options. Patience is mandatory but we need patience everywhere we look nowadays. 

    Personally, I would prefer to pay per sale or pay per lead but pay per click option is good too who a passionate about writing and can develop great writing skills over time. 

    The freelance work is a good way to start and see how far your personal skills are. For me, it is a professional and satisfactory work which leads to satisfied clients. 

    Thanks again for a great inspiring idea in the online business world.  



    • Thomas, thanks again for stopping by and giving your honest opinion. Learning the skills and having the capabilities to outsource some of it is a great opportunity for both party. One earn money and the other free up some time to focus on other things.

      Although pay per sale is great, pay per click can really speed up your traffic if done right. Glad I had the opportunity to learn PPC through Wealthy Affiliate, and put my business on steroids. wish you all the best with your business and thank you for the feedback.

  7. Now I found this subject very interesting given that copy-writing is a big interest of mine, it actually focuses on how a copywriter can help you by using their skills what you gain, to help leverage your own profile up, which is after all what its all about

    You covered the subject really well and I found it informative

    • Dave, glad that you get some value here and you it was pertaining to your passion. It can fill a void and help anyone maintain consistency in their business.

      Thank you for your comment and kind words. All the best with your niche and building your business long-term.


  8. Greeat article.

    I would like to add that hiring an industry expert for your niche will go much further than hiring a bunch of generalist writers. The only drawback is that you may pay $0.10-$0.25+ per word, but it would be worth it.

    • I will agree with you, but it is not a wise place to start. Ones need to learn the process before spending extra cash on quality content. You can have a great article but your keyword can be very competitive that no ones get to see your article on the search engines.

      You can get ideas from generalist writers and tweak to your liking so that you can relay to your audience the way you feel. Remember is still your website. Thank you for your insight and glad to know that you are helping bloggers to place quality content on their website. will take a look at your dot com website. All the best.

  9. Hi Bishop. Thank you for the article. So, if an individual uses a ghostwriter for any given article/post, do they then have the option to EITHER attach their name as author of the article (as it is revealed on their About page) OR instead attach their brand name as author of the article (their domain name for instance) as author? And do you know if using their brand/domain name as author harms SEO as opposed to using an actual name (their name as revealed on their About page)? Would it be better for SEO performance for the author to be an actual name instead of the brand name (because, for instance, Google would rank it as being more authoritative and trustworthy)?

    • Yes, it is their website, and they have the power to change the author or edit the article. Back in 2011, Google introduced something called Google authorship that lasted for a very long time, 3 years to be exact. To go into details, I will have to speak about Google+ and authorship-rich snippets that appear on search results. I will leave an article that you can get thorough details that would answer all your questions. Long story short, I would focus on another ranking factor that is way more important than authorship.

      Here is that article:

      I hope that helps.


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