9 Cruise Affiliate Programs To Monetize Your Blog For Profits!

Travel the world. This planet has many interesting sites to see. It is possible to see them if you make money through one of the 9 Cruise Affiliate Programs. Traveling the world opens you up to new ideas, new cultures, and many new food items to try.

Along with making money to travel the world, these affiliate programs help you help others do the same thing. The cruise industry is a 125 billion dollar industry, so you know many people like to travel and see exotic or even local places. 25 million, to be exact.

That number is growing as more and more people look to cruises to help them spice up their holidays and make life a lot more interesting. All you have to do is check out the following 9 cruise affiliate programs to see which one you want to be associated with.

9 Cruise Affiliate Programs

1. Royal Caribbean

This is a trusted name, and what better way to make money than by going to the horse’s mouth? Sign up with this affiliate program, and you are working directly with a top cruise line. The company operates 25 ships, so there is lots of room for your audience to participate.

Cruise Affiliate Programs - The royal Caribbean on a cruise

While the affiliate program operates under the British Pound currency, this is an international affiliate program. Even though the commission split is at a low of 4%, you will still make some money. That is because the cruises cost on average about $1,200 per person and go up from there.

The cookie lasts for 45 days, so those potential customers of yours have time to make up their minds and buy through your link. Check out their program here and see what the company has to offer you.

2. CruiseDirect.com

If you do not want to work for just one cruise line, you can try this affiliate program. It has lots of locations to offer your website’s readers, and they specialize in last-minute decisions. It also made a name for itself by offering group cruise options.

With their low prices, you may not think you will make any money, but the fares are still high enough to meet your revenue goals. The 3% commission is applied to all cruise sales. There is no word on the cookie length.

To apply and sign up, you have to have a Commission Junction membership as that is the platform managing this affiliate program. Or you can use the Cruise direct affiliate page to sign up. Just click on this button to access that page.

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3. Orbitz

Name recognition is a vital part of a successful affiliate marketing business. Orbitz has that name recognition, and it has the trust of a lot of people. That should help you boost your sales once you sign up.

Their main meal ticket is finding low-priced hotel costs and cheap airfares, but the company does offer some good cruise packages. You get a one-stop travel affiliate option with a 2 to 7% commission range by signing up.

The drawback is that their cookie only lasts for 7 days, so you better be able to sell ice to Eskimos if you want to make enough money for your own cruise with this program. The details are at this link. Please read them carefully, so you know what you are getting into. Read the fine print as well.

4. Cruises.com

If you are not happy with the cruise Direct affiliate program, then maybe you will find a home at their direct competitors. This company has the same cruises and locations as Cruise Direct, but they add little extras to make their packages more fun.

Their commission is between 2 and 3%, so you need to work on volume to make a little money representing their cruise holidays. This is another company that needs a Commission Junction to account for you to sign up. Or you can use this link and see what their affiliate page has to say.

There is something romantic about a good cruise that makes selling these packages easier than selling other products. Check them out to see if this is a good fit for your online business objectives.

5. ROAM Luggage

Cruise Affiliate Programs - ROAM Luggage

When people travel, they need good luggage to take their personal belongings with them. What makes this affiliate program worth signing up for is that it allows its customers to design their own suitcases.

Having unique luggage makes travel a lot easier. Plus, the 8% commission is nothing to sneeze at. The average purchase is over $400, so you make a pretty good commission selling suitcases.

The 30-day cookie should be enough time to convince travelers that they need to upgrade their baggage and look stylish. Also, you need to click here to see what requirements you have to meet to represent these fine pieces of luggage.

Besides, people need new luggage for other vacations they take so you may hit a gold mine with this affiliate program.

6. CraftCruises.com

Unique ideas are always needed to attract vacationers to different cruise opportunities. This company holds classes on making different crafts while enjoying their cruise and the scenic locations the ship goes to.

The hitch to this affiliate program is that they do not provide a set commission or cookie length. They offer affiliates a free cruise for every 15 they sell, but those bookings must also be on the same cruise.

Take a close look at this affiliate program to see if it is something you want to be a part of. If you can sell 15 people the same cruise, it might be worth it. Check out the details at this link to make sure this is a better offer than making some money. A free cruise is always nice if you can afford it.

7. Virgin Holidays

People know the billionaire owner of this Cruise line. If they like him, you may get some easy sales. If not, you may get them to buy the cruise, although Richard Branson is the owner. Cruises tend to overcome personal conflicts.

If you can convince people to take a cruise on this cruise line, you get a whopping 1 to 2% commission. Don’t turn away just yet, as some cruises go for $50,000, so the payout is worth the effort.

Their cookie length is 30 days, so you have the time to help convince people to upgrade to a more expensive package. Name recognition may be your key selling point, as will the great customer service this company provides. Check it out here and see.

8. Fugu Luggage

The thing about representing luggage is that they are not for cruises alone. Suitcases have a million in-one uses and can be put to use in a variety of ways. Going on a cruise is just one option.

This company makes expandable luggage. People have extra room to take the kitchen sink if they need to go away for a couple of weeks. A 10% commission rate may be the only factor that convinces you to sign up with this affiliate program.

Plus, the cookie lasts for 90 days, so you get credit for delayed sales. That is not a bad offer at all. Check out all the requirements and details by pressing this button. Going on a cruise is the perfect justification for buying new suitcases. Just make sure to present your case clearly and honestly.

9. Allianz Worldwide Care

Cruise Affiliate

You may not like the thought of being an insurance salesman, but insurance goes hand in hand with taking a cruise. This company has been in business since 1890, and it knows the insurance business backward and forwards.

The focus point for the insurance sold to cruise takers is to make sure they get the best medical care anywhere in the world. In addition, you get between $15 and $60 per sale. So being an insurance salesman won’t be that bad after all.

The cookie is another story, though. It lasts for only 15 days, so you need to know how to talk to clinch the deal and make a little money. Helping people have the right coverage makes selling insurance easier to take. Click here to find out all the details you need to know about before making the plunge into insurance sales.

Cruise Affiliate Programs: Honorable Mention

Dock & Bay – everyone needs towels when they go on a cruise. This company provides quick-drying towels so your cruise-takers can enjoy a nice swim and be dry in no time.

The company also has other products for which you will get 5% off each sale you make. The volume will be the key here. The drawback is that the cookie only lasts 7 days.

Some Final Words

Cruises can be fun, relaxing, and very exotic. You have to pick the right cruise line and the right holiday package to make sure you get your money’s worth. Helping people accomplish those objectives is a worthwhile business to be in.

Signing up with the right affiliate program is key to helping others as well as helping yourself. Pick the right company with a commission you can live with, and you should be fine.

One of the 9 Cruise Affiliate Programs will get you to your goals quicker than most other products you can represent. There is a motivated market for cruises.

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