eJury Review – Can You Get Paid As A Juror At Home?

eJury Review - get paid as a juror at home

If you love to watch court hearings or learn about different laws, you will see that our eJury Review offers something similar, and best of all, you can be one of the jurors and get paid for your participation at the comforts of your home. But is eJury a legitimate company? Do they really pay? If so, can you create a passive income from it? Let’s find the answer here.

  • Product Name: eJury
  • Founder: Christopher L. Bagby
  • Price: Free to join
  • Best For Qualified eJuror applicant

eJury is an online “mock jury” website that allows you to sit on a simulated jury and perform jury tasks to get paid. You become an eJuror, and your task is to study a case and answer the questions based on the facts from the case presented to you. After this, you can get paid as much as $10 for each case you participated in.

  • Ratings: 80/100

What is eJury?

EJury offers an online mock jury and focuses on group research that provides work for individuals who would like to participate as e-Jurors. The company is founded by a trial attorney, Christopher L. Bagby, in 1999. The jury company headquarters is located in Pantego, Texas.

According to their company history, eJury started with humble beginnings. Bagby and his wife would ask their family and friends to provide their opinions about a case. From a small group of friends, eJury has thousands of eJurors participating in mock cases.

eJury has been featured in several media coverage such as Today, ABC, and Fox4. As well as print coverage like LawyersWeekly, The Australian, Yahoo News, Arlington Morning News, and others.

Aside from the services offered by the eJury website, Bagby is also a speaker offering educational seminars and has presented in big law firms and litigation groups before. Some of his recent presentations are held in the annual convention of the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys, South Alabama Trial Lawyers Seminar’s litigation update, and many more.

Lawyers and law firms use the eJury platform to test their cases before presenting them in court. Law students and those simply interested in law can benefit from the real cases presented in eJury. EJury offers the following benefits, as you would see in all of the Ejury reviews.

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  • Determine the case’s value
  • Build case themes
  • Identify the facts to be emphasized
  • Learn about the public’s opinion of the case

As a juror, you will answer questions or provide your opinion about the facts or evidence presented in the case. In turn, lawyers and law firms get a different perspective on their cases and how this mock jury can affect their case in reality. Sometimes, a different set of eyes can provide a fresh perspective on the case and even determine holes in the case, making a big impact when the case is presented in court.

eJury also helps provide a market test standpoint like what potential jurors in the same demographic may think when presented with similar cases.

How does the eJury work?

eJury works like a traditional jury or focus group, but it is done online hence the term eJury. To become an eJuror, you will need the same qualifications as an actual jury applicant in the US.

An eJuror applicant must be/have:

  • 18 years old and above
  • A US citizen
  • Able to read and write
  • Good moral character

It would help if you were not/have:

  • A previous felony charge.
  • A practicing paralegal, assistant to an attorney, or working in a law firm.
  • Related in the first degree of affinity to a practicing attorney or within the second degree of consanguinity.
  • An insurance adjuster or associated with any ability claims adjustment.

eJury provides the convenience of online participation. This means that you can have a larger group of panels that can provide better feedback because of its size and the diversity of participants. eJury has a minimum of 50 eJurors to participate in a case. You can compare this to the services of a research company but without the expensive cost.

When you get accepted as an eJuror, you will have the chance to participate in mock trials and be compensated for your participation. You need to go to the eJury website and check on the cases available at your location. While waiting for an available case, you can also practice your juror skills by answering a sample case that consists of 10 questions. It gives you an idea of what type of questions you are going to answer later on.

Typically, eJury works in three simple steps:

  1. An attorney prepares the case and submits it through the Case Submission function of their eJury account.
  2. The eJury converts the case into an Html format and posts it where eJurors within the area can view it. eJurors may also get an email notification about the newly posted case.
  3. You go to the eJuror website and begin to review the case. You will need to answer the questions and submit your verdict when you’re done. After a minimum number of verdicts have been met (around 50 verdicts), the case will conclude. A summary is then posted for anyone interested to see the results.

You may also be asked how long it took for you to provide your answers. If you’re quite new to this, you may need more time on your first few cases. However, once you’ve gotten the hang of it and have enough knowledge of the usual terminologies used, you may be able to complete your verdict faster. According to eJury, the average completion time of eJurors completing a 6-page case is between 30 to 40 minutes.

After the case has been concluded, you can get paid from $5 up to $10 for your participation. eJury provides payment through PayPal.

Can You Make Money with eJury?

Yes, you can make money with eJury, but this depends on your location. This is one of the things that eJury can perhaps improve on. If their platform is on a global scale, perhaps more cases or jobs will be available to their eJurors. Laws may differ from state to state or in different countries, but that makes it more interesting and challenging.

How To Make Money With the eJury?

The only way you can make money with eJury is mainly by answering the mock cases whenever they are available. This means checking the eJury website regularly. If you live in a city, you may have a higher chance of taking up cases at least once or twice a month.

But eJury’s cases are still on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the case has reached 50 verdicts, you may not be able to access it anymore since it will undergo its conclusion stage. Remember that other eJurors are looking out for a new case to earn some money. Ideally, if you complete one case per week, that’s about $20 to $40 a month. Again, this is when you’re in the right area where plenty of lawyers and law firms use mock jury services.

eJury Review Pros & Cons

eJury claims to be the leader in online mock jury and focus group research, but it still has its pros and cons.


  • Get paid for your opinion
  • You can do it anywhere and anytime
  • You can finish answering a case within minutes, in one sitting
  • Pioneering company for the online mock jury and focus group study


  • Location-dependent case availability
  • Not a passive income
  • No training available

Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

I wasn’t able to find any lawsuit filed against eJury or its owner. However, I did find several reviews about it, both positive and negative. Most were negative feedback about the availability of cases. People are not getting any luck in getting a single case to work with.

Again, the case availability is highly dependent on where you are located. Even in the county where eJuror started, the average case is only one case per week. That can bring work for about 50 e-Jurors. But since there are thousands of eJurors nowadays per the eJury website, a case per week will not be enough to provide work for most of the eJuror population.

Is the eJury Legitimate?

I believe eJury is a legitimate company offering mock jury services and provides people with an opportunity to earn extra money. The company is around for more than two decades now. That alone establishes their credibility as a legitimate company. They also have an A+ rating with BBB and have no recorded complaints on the BBB website so far.

Final Thoughts

Although eJury can be a nice way of earning some extra money, it may not be enough to help pay some bills. The cases are too limited and rare for most areas. The eJury services and other companies offering similar services are not well known.

This is why I got a bit confused about how this company earns money to pay their eJurors at first glance at it. But this company has been around for a while and may have already built some pool of followers. So, being in an unpopular niche doesn’t mean less competition.

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Overall Quality



  • Get paid for your opinion
  • Do it anywhere and anytime
  • Answer case within minutes


  • Location dependent case availability
  • Not a passive income
  • No training available
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