Empire Flippers Review – Buying And Selling Websites!

In this Empire Flippers Review, we will do some due diligence of our own to come up with a verdict as to whether Empire Flippers is the place for you to be both from a selling or maybe even a buyer’s standpoint.

If you are looking to sell a website fast Empire Flippers could be the place to go.

If you want to build one and make money, and maybe when it has grown to sell it at a later date? Wealthy Affiliate is the place to get started.

Although they may not be as well known as some other online flipping website sources they are developing a reputation as a place to go because of several factors

  • Name: Empire Flippers
  • Website: https://empireflippers.com/
  • Price: You can buy websites for as low as under $20K but there’s a 5% refundable deposit required to see the URL. If you’re selling a website, then there’s a $297 listing fee for new sellers and $97 per site for repeat sellers.
  • Owners: Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100

Empire Flippers Product Overview

Empire Flippers is a website marketplace where you can buy and sell websites. It is similar to other website marketplaces like Flippa. However, the main difference is that they thoroughly vet every site that they sell.

Through their intense vetting system, they ensure that every site on their marketplace is legitimate and that both sellers and buyers are protected through the entire process. They check all aspects of the site, such as the traffic stats, income, Google analytics, backlinks, etc.

Every potential buyer has to deposit 5% of the listed price to see the URL and start their own vetting process. However, if they decide not to buy, then the deposit will be fully refunded.

On the other hand, website sellers benefit from working with Empire Flippers to sell their site because they have thousands of potential buyers who check their marketplace daily. They have sold thousands of sites. A site typically only stays on its marketplace for a few days or short months before being sold.

Who Is Empire Flippers For?

Empire Flippers are for people who own profitable web properties and want to sell them. It is also for people who are interested in buying and investing in online businesses.

Empire Flipper Tools & Training

If you’re interested in selling your website, then there’s a valuation tool that you can access on Empire Flipper’s website. This tool helps determine your website’s current value by evaluating its monetization method, income, traffic, etc.

Empire Flippers Review Good and Bad

The Good:

  • Trusted Marketplace
  • Empire Flippers is a well-known and trusted name in the online world, unlike many other website marketplaces. They do their due diligence to ensure both buyers and sellers are happy with every transaction.
  • They have this trust through the years by providing a safe place for website buyers and sellers. Their status looks as though it will only be enhanced as more deals are successfully completed.
  • In-Depth Valuations
  • You won’t have to worry about getting a bad deal by paying more than you should for a website. They thoroughly vet each website.
  • Their valuation is based on much more than how much the site earns per month. They consider whether a PBN is used, the overall backlink strategy, the type of business, revenue projections, etc.
  • Qualified Buyers
  • As for the sellers, you don’t have to worry about potential buyers copying your site.
  • The URL is only shown to people who have made the 5% deposit and are truly interested in buying your business.
  • This weeds out tire kickers and puts your website in front of serious buyers only.
  • Fees
  • As a seller, you will have to pay 15% of the list price for businesses that are worth up to $1M. That percentage decreases as the value of the business increases. You will also need to pay a listing fee of $297 as a first-time seller.

The Bad:

  • You Still Need To Do Your Own Due Diligence
  • Even though the vetting team will check all analytics, verify income and traffic, etc., you will still need to do your own checks as a buyer.
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Empire Flippers Support

You can easily access Empire Flipper’s customer support through their contact form. If you do a valuation, you will also be contacted by their vetting team. You can call them at 888-658-8388.

Empire Flippers Price

working on my website on my desk and laptop

When it comes to selling a website, there is a $297 listing fee for your first website and $97 for every other website after that. You will also have to pay 15% of the listed price for businesses worth under $1M.

If your business is worth between $1M – $2M, then the fee is 12%. You’ll have to pay 10% for businesses that are valued between $2M – $5M and 8% for businesses that are valued at $ 5M.

Empire Flippers: Marketing On Facebook

Empire Flippers will run promotional campaigns in various social media and other Internet marketing avenues. They also have their own Facebook account, where they have over 26K people who have liked their page.

They currently are running what appears to be a large Facebook ad buy. Their goal is to find more website buyers and sellers.

Like any good marketer, they use a free report as an incentive to capture contact information for future follow-up. Being a good writer, I signed up so I could read the free report titled…

“Empire Flippers – State Of The Industry Report, 2019 Trends For Buying And Selling Online Businesses

empire flippers free report and facts

It makes sense that if you were in the market to buy or sell a website or thought you might be someday, this is a report worth reading.

Here is what is in the ad and what would make you want to download the free report.

Ready to see where the buying & selling industry is actually going?

We analyzed over 470 businesses for trends and predictions, so this is the only report that reveals…

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What Is Going On In The Website Buying & Selling World?

In their report, Empire Flippers says they have 14 full-time sales agents. They fielded 42,210 calls of varying interest in buying and selling in 2018.

Website flipping has turned into BIG business. They closed 32 deals in 28 days in Feb. 2019 which was over 1 Million Dollars each.

I have found it interesting to follow various Internet marketers into building a blog from start to finish in 18 months and selling it for a monthly income times 30-36. Here is the math that is possible.

You build a blog that is earning $5k a month after 18 months. You sell it for $5,000 times 36 which equals $180,000.

Empire Flippers Review - choosing the right website from empire flippers

What Type Of Website Is Selling?

This is not pie in the sky, according to Empire Flippers. They looked at data from 472 online sales.

This included real sales price, real sales multiples, days on the market, total combined sales price, and the total number of listings.

There is a wide range of website categories on this list. Some of these include websites that monetize with AdSense, Amazon affiliate sites, Amazon FBA, Amazon Kindle Publishing, eCommerce, digital products, information sites, SaaS, subscription models, and lead generation.

What makes this interesting is the many ways people are building websites and turning around and selling them. You can pretty much find any website making money interesting to you to buy at Empire Flippers.

What Goes Into A Profit Multiplier

Obviously, the most important factor is net profit. How much is the website clearing after expenses?

However, sophisticated buyers and sellers use other factors to decide at what multiplier they will sell or buy for.

– Traffic
– Traffic diversity
– Marketing channel diversity
– Revenue stream diversity
– Social media
– Email list
– Age- Inventory (if applicable)
– Other assets (such as a team transitioning to the new owner

How important each of these is in relation to the other will depend on the buyer. Here is the key takeaway.

When you build a website or blog from scratch, you have the opportunity to develop it in a way that a buyer would find attractive. This helps you sell it quickly once you get traffic coming in and you are making money.

If you have an existing website or blog you may need to bring it up to par on these various items.

As an example…

If all of your traffic comes from paid ads, you may want to work at developing a social media fan base that delivers traffic. If all of your income is coming from Google AdSense, you may want to add other affiliate programs to diversify a little bit.

In the free report, Empire Flippers talks about doing web design. They specifically mention spending $10,000 on it, so I assume that is a number they feel is worthwhile if you are trying to sell your website.

My Final Thoughts

Empire Flippers is an up-and-growing online marketplace for online businesses that are now an Inc. 5000 company. They have already sold over 50 Million dollars in online businesses, and this number is rapidly growing.

This should indicate that you can build an online business with a real exit strategy if you want. Not everyone who is earning $5K-$10K or more is going to want to sell.

However, if you do, Empire Flippers should be on your list of companies to have a conversation with and see just how much it might be worth in the marketplace.

Empire Flippers at a Glance…

  • Name: Empire Flippers
  • Website: https://empireflippers.com/
  • Owners: Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti
  • Price: You can buy websites for as low as under $20K, but there’s a 5% refundable deposit required to see the URL. If you’re selling a website, there’s a $297 listing fee for new sellers and $97 per site for repeat sellers.
  • Overall Scam Rank: 90 out of 100


It is not difficult to come up with a positive verdict for Empire Flippers. The company is legitimate, and the service it provides is valuable both to the buyers of websites and sellers!

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16 thoughts on “Empire Flippers Review – Buying And Selling Websites!”

    • Justin is an honor that you find my site and complemented in such a positive way. It goes to show how it is important on what you write cause you never know who is going to show up.

      Justin, many people coming onto my team ask me if it is possible to buy a website or even, in the long run, is it possible to sell? Your company comes to mind. So I wanted them and everyone coming to my website, if ever you reach that time, then Empire Flippers is where you want to go because Justin is your guy.

      I will definitely keep you in mind when my audience ask or when I am ready for your service. I wish you and Joe all the best, and love what you guys are doing with Empire Flippers. Thank you for stopping by and will talk to you soon.

  1. Hi there!

    A well articulated and comprehensive informative post on Empires Flippers. It’s a very tested and trusted platform for selling and buying websites. I sold a website at empires flipper’s some time ago and everything went well. I totally agree with this writer based on some key points such as buying a website for as low as $20k.it’s a safe and reliable means of earning income online for newbies and online entrepreneurs. Thanks for this. Have a great say!

    • Hey Tony, glad that you agree with me about this company and their platform. The results that people are having makes this company stand ahead of the rest. the owners are well involved in the day to day activity and the marketing staff is eager to give you the results way above your expectation. Happy to know that your results were deserving as well.

      Lots of companies are into the buying and selling of websites, and I can only imagine where this company is going to be in the near future, so I am happy to be being a part of their service and the results I may have as well. Thank you for your comment and kind words.

  2. Interesting review about empire flippers. Having gone through the review, its not at all difficult to reach a quick decision as to the authenticity of empire flippers. It is very legitimate and safe market place for buyers and sellers looking to part with their websites to make some money. A great job done!

    • Thank you for your comment and kind words. Yes, is good to see that there are companies out there that are legit and working with their clients at a high degree. Empire flippers and their marketing Team does just that. Please feel free to recommend their service when the need arises.

  3. Thanks for reviewing empire flippers.

     I can confirm to you that empire flippers is not a scam because i registered on the platform and i was able to withdraw. I am glad you brought it to my attention to share this lovely and insightful post.I have done a lot of research about starting an online business and I probably don’t have to tell you how many times I have run into programs that promise minimal work will lead to huge amounts of money but the unfortunate part is that we always get scammed.

    • Ola, thank you for such a positive comment, I am so glad that you take the time to stop by. Many times you see most negative Reviews and the only reason that those reviews are done is that they are looking for you to join theirs as the only choice. 

      I am happy with my approach and will always give thumbs up to Justin and Joe on what they are doing there at Empire Flippers. Within a couple of months, I will look. to do business with them. Happy to know you are getting some results.

  4. Hi David,

    Thank you for introducing Empire Flippers. 

    From your review, l think it’s a great site for selling and buying website but the fee for the first-time seller is $297 and some more 15% of the listing of your website which seems too much. Do you get a refund of the 15% if nobody buying your website?

    I will refer my business associates to Empire Flippers if they want to buy or sell their business.

    Best Wishes

    • Hey Shui, thank you for the comment and concerns. For all the people that I spoke to and had an experience with Empire Flippers said that the price is worth it. You can speak to any of their marketing Team and you can get your questions answered and they will steer you in the right direction.

      Justin, one of the owner contact information is on this page, you can reach out to him when you are ready. Their service is nothing less than professional. And feel free to refer them. is a privilege for me when I come across such a positive business company that is focusing on helping the community.

    • Hello Shui Hyen!

      The $297 listing fee is refundable if (for whatever reason) we don’t get your site listed on our platform to be sold. Sometimes we reject websites/businesses that aren’t high quality, aren’t a good fit for our buyers, etc. In that instance, we’ll refund the $297 listing fee.

      The 15% is only charged on a successful sale. So, for example, if we successfully sell your business for $300K, we’ll deduct our $45K from the sale, leaving you with $255K net from the sale of the business.

      If the business doesn’t sell, we don’t charge the 15%, of course.

      That means we’re REALLY motivated to sell your business because it’s really the way we make money too!

      Hope that makes sense!

  5. Empire Flippers can be a good way for someone to sell a website and turn a profit. They offer a variety of ways to make the sell of a website easy and with great success. The deep dives they do as far as gives them so much information about a website than you may expect and shows you that they only want you to buy a website that has been confirmed for sale and at the right price.


    • Their reputation speaks for itself and they have a high customer satisfaction ratings with few complaints. I will recommend them to anyone who is looking to buy or sell websites.

  6. Hello, thank you for this review on Empire flippers.
    It looks like a company that is getting bigger every second, so it is good to have it in the radar even though the fees are a little high, although I am not into the buying and selling of sites, at least as of now 🙂
    Thank you for the detailed review and for all your recommendations.

    • I know a few marketers that build and sell websites for a living and anyone can do that through Wealthy Affiliate platform. If so, then you can use Empire Flippers to sell those websites to earn an income from home. They will do all the groundwork and find the perfect buyers.


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