Free Advertising Online – To Boost Your Traffic!

Where can I find free advertising online? If you want to make money online you must advertise what you are selling, or the money-making method you are using. As you would suspect you can do this with either free advertising online or paid advertising.

One of the many great things I have always liked about the World Wide Web when it comes to making money is, it does not discriminate in any way. Here is what I mean by that as it pertains to advertising online.

What you lack in money available to spend you can make up for in personal time spent. Certainly paid advertising offers the potential for quicker results than free advertising does.

However, when you start trying to make money online you may not have money to invest in paid advertising. This is where if you are willing to do some of the grunt work, so to speak, you can still generate advertising that helps you make money.

In this article, I want to talk about some of the best free advertising online methods and resources, and the best ways to use them.

Free Advertising Online to boost your affiliate marketing business1. Affiliate Marketing.

I list this first because it is a way to make money that offers free products and programs to promote. I suggest joining Wealthy Affiliate for free and getting your feet wet in this profitable and exciting business model. Here I will be showing you what I did, and what you can leverage and have the same results.

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2. Start A Blog.

You can start a blog for free at This is Google’s blogging platform and having your own blog is a way to promote things online. This still works today but may not be as effective as if you build one from the WordPress platform. You can do both and I will show you how effectively in the long run how it would work for you and increase your traffic tremendously, with backlinks.

Certainly being tied in with Google gives you some advantages in terms of ranking your blog for target keywords as you begin to grow it. One word of caution with any free blogging platform, especially Google, they control the hosting so they can cancel your blog at any time.

The thing I like about starting a blog for free if you can put some time into it to determine if it’s something you want to do. As you begin to make a little money you may want to migrate your blog from a free service to paid hosting and buy your own domain name and start to get a little more professional that way, building an authority blog and branding yourself in your niche.

Related Video: On Free Advertising Online

3. Social Media.

Using social media as an advertising resource is smart and it is free. it is good to start one at a time. And as your marketing skills develop with one, then you can move on to another. When you have a few in place, you can automate your postings with a special tool to free up some time while you focus on another aspect of your business.

The trick is to separate what you sell from the personal side of your social accounts. For example, set up a business page on your Facebook account.  This way you can post business stuff on it and not where you are hanging out online with your friends, families, and followers.

Your timeline should stay to a minimum unless you are educating your followers ever so often. Use your fan page to do most or all of your advertising.

Which social media accounts should you join for business? Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Instagram are the big ones right now. and there are relative groups attached to these as well that you can join once you follow their rules and guidelines.

They are all free to join. Use them to make contacts and drive visitors back to your blog or website for free.

YouTube is a good place to advertise

4. YouTube.

This is the world’s largest shared video site.

Many people come to YouTube and use it as a search engine to research information on any given topic. You can start your own YouTube channel for free. Then create videos and upload them to your account.

A couple of simple techniques you should master so you can create advertising from your videos are learning how to put keywords in your tags and creating a description of your video that YouTube and Google would want to rank you for.

This may take a little bit of time for you to master these skills. However, at this point, online YouTube is probably the best resource for free advertising available to you, where you can trade your time as opposed to spending your money.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

5. SEO.

This is short for Search Engine Optimization.

This is a fancy phrase for getting your website, blog, or videos ready for a search. We all type in keyword phrases when we want to find something.

The results that come up are known as organic results. Search engines such as Google will use specific factors in their algorithm to find the best content available to the searcher for what they’re looking for.

If you will master just the basics of search engine optimization you can start to rank your content for the searches. If you’re going to be creating content anyways you may as well make it search-engine friendly.

Having a keyword tool such as Jaaxy will minimize most of your heavy lifting when trying to outrank your competition. I will show you how to go about it in a very simplistic rule of thumb using Jaaxy.

This does take some time to learn how to do and to keep up with. However, the payoff in terms of free advertising makes it worth at least mastering basic SEO. And remember you have Jaaxy and a community to assist you.

free advertising where ever this car goes by posting stickers6. Discussion Forums.

These are also known as online communities where people hang out for specific themes or topics. a good place to get ideas to write your articles by scrolling through the various discussions in these forums, Warrior Forum being the most Favorite.

With the advancement of social networks, these communities have become somewhat forgotten, but they can still be fabulous sources of free advertising online.

The key is to be hanging out in relevant niches as they pertain to what you sell. The idea is that you will contribute to the community and not just be there to spam them with advertising about your product.

If you take the approach that you want to learn and help people learn in that niche, you can use your online profile as well as a signature file as a form of passive advertising. This still does work today. as one of my favorites, and I still go there from time to time.

7. Email Marketing.

Set up a free account at Constant Contact or a free trial membership with Aweber. The latter works for me cause in no time this can be another stream of income while you build your list. You can send any amount of emails a day for free.

There really is no better source of free advertising online than email marketing as you begin to build a list. Your email list is an asset you will own forever and as it grows, it will turn into your number one form of advertising. The saying: “Money In The List,” is a true statement, and that will come to reality by you using Aweber.

As you begin to make money you can upgrade to a paid account and build as large of an email list as you want. Your email list can be an excellent source of traffic back to your blog. It can be and also a great way to promote products and services as they relate to the theme of your list.

Final thoughts

Free Advertising Online to have one goal in mind is your success in your business

Hopefully, you gained some good ideas in terms of free advertising online and the methods and resources for them. This is just scratching the top of the list.

There are many ways you can promote online for free. If you’re willing to put some time and effort into it, as opposed to spending your money, at first, you can make money online using the Internet. The best way to get started and let me help you is to follow the 4 steps proven system.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

12 thoughts on “Free Advertising Online – To Boost Your Traffic!”

  1. I agree with you that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can earn online income from the comfort of your home. I am in that business and I am very satisfied. If anyone wants to start with this kind of business, I recommend joining wealthy affiliate. They have awesome trainings and more awesome community! Thank you on sharing this with us!

    • Glad that you see the value in Affiliate Marketing, Daniel. Good to know that it is working for you. Wealthy Affiliate is the best program to join because of the training and the educated community who are eager to see you succeed. Enjoy the journey.

  2. Thanks for the tips. I haven’t started building an email list on my new site yet and it’s kind of freaking me out so thanks for your recommendations on Constant Contact and Traffic Wave. I’ll look into them a bit further and see if I can get this email marketing going.

    Looking for as many free and preferably easy ways to market my site as possible so it was great to come across your post. Best wishes to you.

    • Glad that you get some value here. If your website is new there is no need to be freaking out for not having a form on your site to start building your list. I would focus on writing quality content first, minimum of two posts a week.

      When your traffic is averaging over 20 daily, then you can focus on building your list. When starting out free traffic is the best way to go. Just be careful and don’t like a person that is selling something. focus on the person that is sharing content that would solve a problem to your audience. hope that helps.

  3. Dear David,

    Thanks for the great advice and you have provided loads of valuable information. Thanks for sharing. All the seven points you covered are very useful. I need to focus on discussion forums and as you recommended I am going to try warrior forum thanks a lot for the information.

    Your Friend,

    • Paul, your comment, and kind words were well received, keep in mind that you do not spend too much time on these strategies, your main focus is to continue creating valuable content to your audience, cause in the long run, your traffic will be constant and more targetted. glad that you get some value here. Feel free to return cause I update this blog weekly.

      • Dear David,

        Thanks for the great advice. Yes it takes lot time and getting more distractions. Yes creating content with great value is the key. Content is the king. Thanks a lot and for sure I am your regular visitor.

        Your Friend,

        • Hey Paul, thank you for leaving a comment and understanding that content is king for your business. Keep giving value to your audience and would eventually reap the rewards in the future. Take care.

  4. You have a great list there. I for one believe that starting a blog is easy. The difficult part is in monetising it by driving good traffic. It’s nice that you have put affiliate marketing on top of everything else. But what I liked best is your acknowledgment of the importance of discussion forums.I can relate to it completely. I think being part of an online community is really important if one wants to grow both in business and as a person. Thanks for a wonderful post.

    • Sukumar, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Glad that you get some value here on my list on how to get free advertising online for your business.

      I love Affiliate Marketing that is why it is top of my list. All the ground work is done and the money is continuous and lasting. Discussion forums work for me cause it gives you branding in your niche and can serve as an authority in your niche.

      What strike me the most though, is being part of a community like Wealthy Affiliate. This community will take the time and help the newbies as they grow their business and will lend an helping hand to the professional as well. Everyone in this community is here to help and want to see you succeed. Glad that you feel the same way. All the best. 

  5. Wow David you cover a lot of ground in this post. These are all excellent ways, not only to make money but also find free advertising. I’m with you 100% on Wealthy Affiliate. I have found no better place to learn all the in’s and out’s on building a blog and making money from it. Keep up the good work!

    • Craig, thank you for dropping by and leaving some feedback. if you plan out your day properly, you can take advantage on some of these free advertising that I have mentioned. Good to know that you find some value within Wealthy Affiliate and that the system is working for you. If you stay focus and be consistent, you will see some great results here with your business. Talk to you soon.


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