Herbalife MLM Review – Your Weight Loss Business 101!

My Herbalife MLM Review is a worldwide network marketing company specializing in weight loss and nutritional products with a huge Herbalife Distributor members base.

The company has been in business for over thirty years now and was founded by Mark Hughes in 1980 as a way to help people lose weight and to help people make money in network marketing.

The company has produced some incredible numbers. There are more than 2. one million Herbalife distributors in over 75 nations.

Herbalife Distribution Model Success

Each day the number of distributors rises as the number of independent merchants joining this MLM empire is increasing, but at last count, there were at least 2.1 million distributors. Many dealers simply just market their merchandise to make their revenue that way.

However, if you study Multi-Level marketing compensation then you certainly would recognize that you’ve got more opportunities. Expanding your small business by introducing the corporation to others and allowing them to join under your direction would make you residual income that could last for years.

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herbalife mlm review - sales distributorMy Herbalife MLM Online

Old-school marketing and advertising continue to be utilized to promote and sell Herbalife and build downlines. However, it is somewhat short-sighted. Introducing.

The new-age marketing and advertising are known as…drum roll, please. The world wide web! I can hear the horn sound. Many people use the world wide web to sell products exclusively, but here again, I sense they may be missing the boat completely.

The money is in the downline. Of course, you do need to believe in your products for sure, but that could be your testimonial for building your downline. So, nowadays, you can find savvy network marketers working internet marketing to its fullest.

My hat is off to them mainly because it’s fairly time to consume, but the hard work pays off eventually. No, just in case you might be wondering.

Related Video: How I Lost Weight In 6 Months With Herbalife.

Is Herbalife A Solid Company?

Herbalife MLM Review - focus on Nutritional products for a slimmer you

That is a good question whenever you are researching a home business opportunity. Herbalife most definitely IS a solid opportunity. That does not necessarily mean that I have some insight personally. I base my statement on the evidence of solid financial management by the organization.

Their equity assets and income are expanding which is a sign of a healthy corporation. Some people wonder with a company that’s over 30 years old if the world would be saturated with distributors.

The fact is that you have a fantastic chance to work your business with some high-quality instruction that’s accessible to you without running into too many other distributors in your area. Unfortunately, many individuals don’t do anything with their business.

They sign up and assume clients will come knocking on their door. Ridiculous! Herbalife is sound and a superb opportunity with incredible products. I hope that you enjoyed this review.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Herbalife And The FTC

I can not write a review about Herbalife without mentioning the July 2016 settlement with the FTC that required Herbalife to pay $200 million and fundamentally restructure its business. This is no small sum and has shaken up the network marketing industry in a positive way in my opinion.

I will summarize this settlement, but if you want to read the details go here: It’s no longer business as usual at Herbalife: An inside look at the $200 million FTC settlement https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/business-blog/2016/07/its-no-longer-business-usual-herbalife-inside-look-200

The FTC feels it is virtually impossible for most people to make money in MLM. They base this on the fact that very few people actually sponsor anyone into their business. The aver network marketer sponsors less than 2 people. so I guess based on that you would have to agree with them.

herbalife mlm Review - their products

They felt the Herbalife business model focused on paying distributors to recruit new members into their business. In reality that’s what most network marketing companies focus on because that’s how people grow their businesses.

The bottom line was that people in network marketing should focus on selling their products first and foremost. In my opinion, this is a good thing because everybody would make more money if they did that.

Then when you recruit new distributors you are recruiting people who actually want to have a business selling quality products and not one that’s focused on always recruiting new members. That is what direct selling should be about and the network marketing business model really began with the founders of Amway selling Nutrilite nutritional products with no sponsoring of new distributors.

Let me give you one other resource that I came across and found interesting. If you have Netflix watch “Betting On Zero” which is a documentary.

I pulled this off of Wikipedia……

“The documentary follows billionaire hedge fund titan Bill Ackman and several former of their Distributors after Ackman takes a billion-dollar short position in Herbalife, alleging it is a pyramid scheme destined to collapse.

The film also chronicles Ackman’s feuds with Herbalife CEO Michael Johnson and investor Carl Icahn, and the resulting controversy over both the short and Herbalife’s business practices.”

Final thoughts

In conclusion,  it exhibits that this is a sound company that has been there for over thirty years. They’ve got a profitable compensation plan and products that are in demand.

With a record of being around for thirty many years, I can honestly tell you that the company is genuine. It is not a scam. As a way to be successful, you need to get a step-by-step manual to aid you to generate prospects and get the marketing training that you deserve so that you can beat out your competitors.

Focus on retail selling and you will help your customers, help yourself, help Herbalife, and help the network marketing industry in general! That truly is a win-win-win-win scenario.

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4 thoughts on “Herbalife MLM Review – Your Weight Loss Business 101!”

  1. Hi David

    Thanks for your review of Herbalife. Really interesting. I was looking at getting involved in this and a few other Network Marketing businesses a while ago and decided against it as a lot of people I knew said they were all pyramid schemes.

    Do you believe that this is true or is it just people that don’t really understand how it all works?


    • Herbalife is a reputable business and provide a value to the community, it is surprising that people would say such a thing. One of my mentor before he passed away was a big contributor of Herbalife, that was Jim Rohn.

      Yes, I do believe that some don’t understand how it works or did not want to put in the work so they settle for contradicting the system. Thank you Daniel for your concerns and feedback.

  2. What a great post! I really liked what you wrote in this post about herbalife. I actually searched to find some useful information about it for a while and I’m glad that I found your post. It’s very informative and I liked details that you have mentioned to in this review. Thanks for sharing it and hope to see more useful posts from you soon.

    • Glad that you liked the Review Ali. Their products help many thousands of people and provided a lifestyle for families as well. Love to read and follow good companies like these. please come back, I update this website weekly with new content.


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