HostGator Hosting – Is it The Best Web hosting Company?

This review will establish whether HostGator Hosting is the best web hosting company and what value you get for your money.

We will look at the good and bad things about HostGator.

There seems to be an endless number of places you can host your website today in the growing world of Internet marketing. This can be either a good or bad thing because, in reality, you only need one source for web hosting.

The key is to choose a quality company at a fair price. Features and benefits do come into play, depending on how large you decide to grow your business.

HostGator stacks up very well against virtually any shared hosting company, as you will see in this review. Because they have been in business as long as they have, it is comforting to know you are dealing with a real company specializing in website hosting.

With that in mind let’s review HostGator!

  • Name: Hostgator
  • Website:
  • Price: Shared hosting – $3.13/mo – $6.73/mo
  • Owners: Endurance International Group (EIG)
  • Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Hostgator Overview

HostGator was started in 2002 by a college student named Brent Oxley. In 2012 Oxley sold HostGator to Endurance International Group. EIG owns multiple hosting companies including BlueHost.

HostGator provides shared hosting to individuals and businesses of all sizes. Their popularity starts with affordable pricing and continues with shared hosting packages that include easy-to-use site-building tools, unlimited email accounts, and 24-hour customer service.

Today they are one of the 10 largest web hosting companies in the world! HostGator is located in Houston and Austin, Texas.

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The Pros and the Cons of HostGator Hosting 

The Pros:

  • PRO #1 – Uptime. HostGator guarantees your website will be up and running 99.9% of the time.
  • PRO #2 – Customer support. They are available 24/7/365 via phone, live chat, and email (ticket system).
  • PRO #3 – Free site transfer. HostGator makes transferring an existing site straightforward to do.
  • PRO #4 – One-click install. Use their quick install tool to set up your site with no technical knowledge needed easily.
  • PRO #5 – Unlimited bandwidth and email accounts.

The Cons:

  • CON #1 – High domain names. You can find them cheaper elsewhere online.
  • CON #2 – Self-managed. You have to manage your own site, including backing it up.
  • CON #3 – EIG. They have a bad reputation overall online, and HostGator is owned by them, although it is run independently.

Who is HostGator For?

HostGator Hosting - Who is it for?

HostGator is really good on the basics. Most of us need to get a website online and start making money.

Consider this…

Built-in Website Builder
Complete Domain Name Management
Marketing Tools
Premium Services

Do you really need anything more?

HostGator Tools & Training

You can choose from over 100 templates to build a really nice professional website in no time. This includes ready-made pages and drag-and-drop technology.

Other tools include SEO, social media, a PayPal payment gateway, HD video embedding, Google Analytics, and coupon codes.

They offer a domain name search tool. Use it to find the perfect domain name for your new website.

I mentioned SEO and HostGator come up big here. They offer a free SEO consultation.

From there, if you choose, you will have access to your own marketing coordinator. Use them to create a keyword list, content ideas, and on-page SEO.

HostGator also offers pay-per-click support. If you want to do PPC ads on Google or Bing, HostGator can help you with this.

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HostGator Support

HostGator is there for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can reach them via phone, chat, or email.

If you run into a problem, it is nice to get ahold of someone at that exact moment. Not only that, it is great to have a real person who knows what they are talking about there to help you when you need it most.

Hostgator Price

You will have 3 shared plans to choose from.

  • 1. Hatchling plan at $3.13/mo.
  • 2. Baby plan at $4.48/mo.
  • 3. The business plan at $
HostGator Hosting - Its pricing

Cloud hosting is available.

  • 1. Website builder starting at $3.84/mo.
  • 2. WordPress hosting starts at $5.95 a month.
  • 3. VPS hosting starts at $29.95 a month.
  • 4. Dedicated hosting starts at $119.00 a month.

The main benefit of cloud hosting is you get the resources of multiple servers. You do not get that with a single shared hosting server. For the minimal increase in price, this is a feature worth choosing.

My Final thoughts

HostGator has many similar features and benefits to other top brands. However, they offer a company with longevity and a customer support department that is as good as anything on the market today.

If you want cheap, simple, shared hosting, HostGator is as good as anyone on the market. If you need more, you are better off using one of their cloud hosting plans.

For many of us, having a cloud-hosting WordPress plan is the way to go. WordPress is the largest content management system on the market today.

You can run a website and blog on one template. WordPress is easy to install and customize a mobile-friendly website that looks perfect on any device being used. Choosing either the Hatchling or Baby Plan for WordPress hosting is affordable and easy to use.


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12 thoughts on “HostGator Hosting – Is it The Best Web hosting Company?”

  1. I appreciate your very comprehensive review of HostGator Hosting.  While I am familiar with BlueHost and have used them in the past, I didn’t realize that they were owned by the same company as HostGator Hosting – EIG. 

    Based on your review it seems that the Pros of HostGator actually outweigh the Cons, especially for the novice just starting out.  The “reasonable pricing”, “uptime” and “one-click installation” are all great reasons for considering HostGator Hosting. 

    Consequently, in view of the Cons, i.e. “high domain names” and “self-management,” those issues can be readily solved.   You can purchase your domain name elsewhere as you mentioned.  If customer service is available 24/7/365, then they probably can help with many of the management questions that you might have. 

    After reading your thorough review, I have to agree that this seems to be a simple, reliable plan that is also affordable for the online entrepreneur, in particular, those just beginning their online business.  Thank you for sharing such valuable insight on HostGator Hosting.

    • You said it, that is the reason I would recommend Hostgator to the one who is now starting out in online business, is the one-click installation and the price. love what EIG stand for and what they are doing to get the newcomers started right, Blue Host is one of my favorites as well.

      I don’t know any business that does not have pros and cons. especially cons. this takes me to the movie Jesus of Nazareth, who is without sin let him cast the first stone. My goal for these companies is to look at their reviews and make their company better by making the necessary adjustment. Not to Show that my Company is better.

      Thank you for your in-debt comment. 

  2. Hi Bishop, Thank you for the piece of information shared concerning Hostgator hosting. This seemed like a very good hosting site. Firstly, I’m always a fan of anything with great customer support and I’m glad Hostgator has good customer support plus the fact that I do not need to learn codes before I can get my website up and running —it’s just a click to get started.

    But I wish to question their security and how safe my website would be on their platform, please.

    • Hosting is very much a simple process and the services are not major issues within most services. I use Namecheap and had no issues with them so far because my website is sitting on Wealthy affiliate platform that offers me all the security I will ever need.

      I would focus more on where I build my website as to the hosting services, cause most hosting companies are secured, and Hostgator is no different. But is good that you seek security for your website. Give Wealthy affiliate by taking the free membership and let me know what you think. Talk to you soon!

  3. Hi David,

    Back a few years ago, I asked around to see which hosts people who were managing their WordPress sites without breaking the bank were using. It was very clear the budget-friendly, quick, headache-free hosting solution was and is Hostgator. 

    I made the switch from Wix, used a very simple and with the helpful Hostgator support team l manage to change my DNS and within minutes  I had WordPress installed and up and running. When someone asks me about a budget-friendly, super efficient web host (especially for WordPress) with great customer service, including chat support, I always recommend HOSTGATOR!

    Thank you for your great review on HostGator.

    • Zayn, for 18 years in business, they have to be doing something right. A few weeks back a few of my friends had a mastermind sit down and hosting came up a few times and their name were mention by if not all, most of the guys who were there. This is what led me to write this review. You are right to be saying what you did of being headache-free and budget-friendly.

      Happy to hear that your experience with Hostgator was a good one, the same experienced I had with Namecheap when using WordPress for my website. Is always gives me great pleasure to write a review about a good service the response is positive. Thank you!

  4. Hi David,

    Thanks for providing this overview of HostGator. It sounds like it could be a great solution for someone starting out a business online. I like the fact that essentially every service you need for a web startup is included in their platform. Something else that I like is they don’t charge you to transfer in your domain, it is a small thing but something that not all hosting companies offer!

    • Hostgator is very much user-friendly and cost-effective making it easy for someone starting out to get up and running in no time. And as you mention, there are other services that are provided, makes it a no brainer to choose. I would definitely recommend Hostgator as a hosting company.

  5. This program HostGator Hosting is so suitable, I didn’t know more about the hosting because I’m a newbie to internet business, but seeing that they around since 2002, they got to be doing something right.

    In this post, I’m so interested in HostGator advantages, especially for the newbie like me, it’s so applicable just starting. Because of the capability of transferring your website, reasonable pricing and one-click installation, all these are good reasons for considering using HostGator Hosting. 

    When I am reading throughout the post, I have to agree that this seems to be very important and so simple, and I think it’s very affordable for those who are now starting an online business because of its simplicity. And with any company, support is key to building a successful business online.

    Thank you for sharing this great post on HostGator Hosting.

    • Most people who get involved with Hostgator says that the two reasons are the easy website installation and pricing. some do talk about there support and their response time. these are just a few that make HostGator so popular and worth trying out.

      Happy that you see the value here, and would consider using their service whenever the need arises. Thank you for your positive feedback.

  6. Hey there,

    I haven’t used HostGator, but I have seen hosting company online for some time now, and I’ve seen positive reviews. It is good that we have a plethora of hosting options to choose from today. It means the competition is thriving, and we are given better services and pricing. 

    In my opinion, it offers the basics. I don’t have an issue with manual backups (I consider myself tech savvy), but I guess it might be a problem for non-technical people. 

    Cloud hosting and WP hosting are different options than, let’s say business hosting, or are they add-ons?



    • Hey, Marios is always good to see positive services on the Internet and the more surface, as you said, they would be competitive giving us better pricing.

      Yes, manual back up would be a problem with most. Cloud hosting with another shared hosting , these options vary from virtual private servers (VPS) to standard shared hosting. One of the major distinctions in these services is between shared and cloud web hosting. Both these services are tiered at a similar level, providing basic web hosting functions, but through completely different processes. While some may argue one is better than the other, the type of hosting that works for your business depend largely on your individual needs.

      Thank you for your comment and input here.


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