Cheap Clothing Website – The Process To Follow And Build!

Were you aware that 50% of all businesses in the United States do not have a website? This number does not even include home businesses that are trying to sell a product or service online. Yes, it is possible to build a cheap clothing website.

A website can go a long way in helping you sell your clothes online. However, you may be afraid you can not afford a website. Is it just too expensive, right?


A cheap website can be very created where the features of the clothes can be on display for your potential customers to view and make their orders. The website can be cheap to establish. It can be easy to explore with a click of a button, and a place where clients can place their orders for the clothes you are selling.

Steps For Building Your Website.

Let me state the obvious. We are talking about a cheap-to-build website and not cheap clothing here.

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1. Create the name of your site.

This is an inevitable step for both sophisticated websites and smaller cheap ones. There are companies out there that offer registration of domains for a very low price. As an example, I am talking about $15 a year at sites such as Go Daddy. Don’t worry about cost here, but you need to choose a domain name that is memorable for your clothes website. Spend as much time as you need on this.

The name should be unique but confined to the rule that it should not be a complicated one that would be next to impossible to find. The objective here is to ensure that it is easy to find, and easy to remember in a way that your customers and potential customers know your specialty.

Is a dot-com name a must? Not necessarily! Although a dot-com domain name is most preferred, a dot net, dot org, and so on, it is better if you come up with a memorable name that describes what you sell.

Cheap Clothing Website - getting connected online

2. Finding a hosting account that is suitable for you.

To make it professional-looking, you need professional web hosting. The good thing is there are professional hosting companies running specials all of the time. Sometimes there is up to 50% off for the first year. You may have to buy the whole year at one time, as opposed to paying monthly to get an offer like this.

This gives you time to test the effectiveness of your online selling clothes website. It calls for critical research when looking for the best company to do the hosting for you. Looking at online reviews and forums is a good way to start. It is advisable that the company you choose for hosting is one that provides 24-hour service.

3. Install WordPress.

This is the go-to website platform for newbie website owners as well as seasoned professionals. WordPress has two options, self-hosted and fully hosted types. Self-hosted is the way to go for those who want to pursue professionalism.

WordPress which is self-hosted offers more tools, plugins, and themes that can be instrumental in the creation of a unique website that is professional and has a unique style. When you are selling products online such as clothes, an image is everything. You can do this very affordable with WordPress.

4. Find a theme.

When using WordPress, the theme creates the layout of the website. There are many free themes to choose from. is a great source to buy a customized professional theme for your clothing website if you prefer. The theme should be one that is easy to navigate and offers information about the clothes you sell in an easy-to-find way for your customers.

WordPress has themes that work better for e-commerce than other themes might. Also, be sure to use a responsive theme. This means it is adjustable for the device it is being searched on, i.e. desktop, notebook, tablet, or smartphone. You can simply Google search for “2018 WordPress themes tutorials” to get information on how easy WordPress is to use and manage.

5. Get help.

Not everyone wants to be a website installer. I do not blame you. You can go to websites like Fiverr or Upwork to outsource and get cheap help from the pros. This is especially helpful if you are not a techie. On the World Wide Web, it is easy to find someone who knows how to do things you do not.

6. Go online and search for the do’s and don’ts when creating a website.

You can get information via a website, blog, or email comprised of what to do and what not to include on your clothing website.

Cheap Clothing Website - Marketing your clothing line

Marketing Your Clothing Website

It is a good idea to create your clothing website with future marketing in mind. This should include…

– Email newsletter from you
– Links to follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
– Getting backlinks to your new clothing website
– Use some SEO on your site.

This is a lot to take in once you have your site launched. However, getting a basic understanding of how a website ranks on a search engine, as well as how to use social media is important, no matter how much you spend on building your clothing website.

The nicest site in the world is useless if no one sees it.

Final thoughts

This should give you some good ideas on how to build cheap clothing websites. The price to build your site is not nearly as important as how you go about doing it.

A good cheap clothing website can help you sell your clothes online. It creates a platform for you to reach your potential customers that are not within your reach without one.

Despite being cheap, proper research is required to get a cheap one that suits your needs and increases your sales. Follow my tips for a domain name, hosting, WordPress theme, and marketing to ensure your success.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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14 thoughts on “Cheap Clothing Website – The Process To Follow And Build!”

  1. It definitely does not cost a lot to have a website nowadays, and it does not even take much time to build one up.

    But you’re right. Having the proper training is what’s important. I want to ask you, how does SEO work for an online shop? I am a blogger, so I know that I need to do key word research.

    But since a shop is just a bunch of pictures, with links to buy the items, what would I have to do to appear on the first page of Google?

    • Reyhana, Thank you for your insights and yes, it is easy to build a website today. But training is needed because of the algorithms of Google and the constant changing of the internet.

      For an online shop to get up and running, this is where everyone need to start. Enjoy!

       How to Create an Online Business – The 4 Steps 

      Broken, down, the process looks like this:

      Step 1: Choose your niche
      Step 2: Build your website/content
      Step 3: Get rankings in search engines (leads to traffic)
      Step 4: Monetize your traffic (the make money part, through affiliate programs, etc!)

      This applies to absolutely every niche and as you work through the training here at WA, you are going to be walked through this exact process. This is fundamental to ANY success online.

  2. Great read! Having a website for you business, big or small is almost required when it comes to being successful. Most people dont know how cheap it is, or run away from the fact that it may be alot of maintenance that goes in to having one. Sure its a lot of work but the outcome it brings you with success can be extraordinary!

    • Hi Tiffany, thank you for your comment and insight on why we need to have a website when building any business. my goal is to show that to my audience and help them in anyway that I can.

      Today i am showing people how to do it themselves through Wealthy Affiliate, others they want me to do it for them which I am doing as well. Take care and all the best with your business.

  3. Hi David,

    I really enjoyed reading this article. It has so many great tips on how to start any online business

    Have you got a good hosting service that you would recommend? 

    Have you ever used Fiverr or Upwork? I’d love to know a bit more about tips on using these services!

    Thanks again for sharing, 


    • Mike, happy to know that this article brought value to you in building a business.

      You can do a google search and find good hosting service, NameCheap is the one I use for one business and an another for other businesses.

      I used to use Fiver and Upwork when I was starting out, and they did help under my guidelines. What I mean here is that if you are going to use these services for your content, I would do my keyword research, and give them an outline in which road I would like them to take with my contents.

      The best keyword tool that works for me is Jaaxy, it really cut out the hard work when doing your keyword research and that you can get with Wealthy Affiliate. Hope i answered your questions.

  4. This is really cool. My wife owns a clothing store but she is looking to creating her own website to get her name out and expand her business more. But the thing is she don’t know a thing about starting her own website or marketing her products on the internet. She barely knows anything about the internet and I am the same way. Just not as bad. That is why I am glad I came across this article. Exactly what my wife needs to read. Do you know of any programs on where she can learn the ropes of internet marketing? Great article, very helpful.

    • Garret, what a coincidence, my sister is in the garment business and needed to build a website to do the same. now her business has grown exponentially by getting her garment business out there with her website and she started out not knowing anything.

      the program i recommend her is the same one i used today, and this is the one I would recommend you and your wife use. the company is Wealthy Affiliate and you can join for free and see if this is what would be a good fit for you. You can read more about it by clicking on the link below.

      Join Wealthy Affiliate for Free here.

  5. Thanks for another great idea. I am actually quite surprised that  50% of all businesses in the United States do not have a website. I did not know that. That means there is an extra room to grow.  

    Your tips for building cheap clothing websites are informative from the beginning. The budget is mandatory and important for everyone but sometimes the whole advertising may not pay off as expected. My question is how much should be spent on advertising? 

    And there are plenty of other ideas related to clothing like fashion, design, style and so on. It is good to hear that simple things can bring something valuable and profitable when you put your strategy in place. 

    Thanks for an informative article. 



    • Thomas, yes, lots of opportunity to help business owners get their website set up or simple build it for them. Some may even want you them to manage it and grow their audiences.

      Budgeting for your website varies. I started with $200 monthly and when my business began to make money, I added all the profits as well. then I remove my initial $200 and only use 100% of my income until it grows to 100% of my full time income on my job, then I made adjustments.

      I came across the clothing idea because that is my sister business. Now I managed her website for her as she watch it grow exponentially. 

      Glad I was able to enlighten you with some new ideas and strategies for your business. All the best.

  6. Hi Bishop,

    Yes, it is possible to create a good website using WordPress CMS and use it to market your business online.

    There are still many small business owners do not have a website on their own and they are using marketplace to promote their products and services. Although this is one of the means to reach customer online, but if they can create own website with their branded name online, their business will be able to expand further and create loyalty with their brand.

    With the proper guidance and coaching, these small business owners should be able to setup their internet business without much outlay of their capital.

    Your recommended community will come in handy to help them build up their online presence in a systematic way. Thank you for the lead and wonder whether there is any joining fee to pay?

    • Happy to know that my article on cheap clothing website was valuable to a particular audience. It can wake up other small business owners to emulate and get their business out there as well.

      Lots of them started to see the need to own a website, while others are joining Wealthy affiliate and building their own brand and moving there business forward.

      Some of them join for free in the beginning while others see the value and purchase the $49.00 premium package right from the beginning. although I always ask them to join for free at first.

      Thank you for your input here and wish you all the best with your business today and all the years to come. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success. Talk to you soon..

  7. David, congratulations to you. Just a pleasure to read the text of your informative article. So easy to imagine your online clothing store. Immediately visible good, prudent owner of this store. 

    It can be seen that you can do it yourself and can teach others about the basics and the sequence of creating a web shop.

    I include in my training plan your practical tips on creating a working niche site.

    I think your article should be shown to anyone, who has not yet decided on a niche. 

    I wish you continued success. Mark

    • Thank you Mark, for the comment and kind words. The good thing about building a website and making money, ia available to anyone that wants it. It is available through Wealthy Affiliate, and you have a community and myself to help you along the way.

      My goal is that people who want to build a business online, would find all the necessary tips when they visited my site. And if they decide to join Wealthy affiliate, they would have my personal help until they see success. Wish you great success.


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