How Do You Make Money off A Blog? – my Proven system

Many people ask me how do you make money off a blog. And my explanation is always the same. Let me rephrase this to ask, can you really make money online without selling anything?

Yes, you can make money without selling anything.

One of the best ways blogs make money from traffic is through the Google Adsense affiliate program. This is a pay-per-click program where you earn 68% of the amount billed to the advertiser.

How can you earn 68% of something you do not sell?

Google sells advertising for you. This is the main way Google makes money as well.

They match the advertisers to the theme of your blog. How do they do that?

They have sophisticated algorithms that are spidering the Internet all day long looking for a variety of things they then use to rank content for targeted keywords.

They take what they find and in your case will match advertisers to what they think your page is about. They are mainly looking at keywords that are relevant to the advertiser.

What is your job?

You focus on content marketing and getting traffic to your blog. Google gives you a simple piece of code to add to your blog that brings up advertisers on your blog that your visitor might be interested in.

If they click on the ad you earn a commission. How much?

That totally depends on the niche you are in and the keyword phrases in your articles. Google is looking at these words and will provide advertisers accordingly.

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How Do You Make Money off A Blog -  by increasing blog traffic

One Example

Google has said they give 68% of the cost of the advertising back to the publisher, which are you.


If the cost of the ad is $10 you earn $6.80. That would be a high-paying keyword phrase and even a few clicks a day earns you an extra $200 a month.

There are ads that pay much more, and of course, ads that pay much less. On a $1 click, you would earn $.68 cents.

There is no selling on your part. You do not need to collect email addresses either.

As you can see this is simple. The downside is every person who comes to your blog will leave whether they click on an ad or not.

For that reason, many affiliate marketers still try and build an email list. This way you can contact your list when you make a blog post update.

Invite them to your blog to read your article. Of course, it will contain Google Ads and some of your visitors will click on those ads.

This is one way blogs make money from traffic and make money online without selling anything.

Learn more about Google Adsense here:

Related Video: Tutorial: How To Place AdSense Ads On Your Website.

Other Ways To Earn Money From Traffic

The more traffic your blog is getting the more valuable it becomes to other bloggers. You can make money in a variety of ways.

1. Sell the advertising yourself. Although 68% commission from Google is pretty good, 100% is better.

As your traffic increases other bloggers will contact you about buying advertising on your blog. You could set up an advertise with us page and explain your costs for different styles of advertising.

You might sell banner ads, text ads, sponsored posts, and so on. You control what you want to sell the advertising for and you do not have to share the profits, which is great.

2. Ezine. Years ago this was a popular way to make money with email marketing.

These are starting to make a comeback and you can definitely earn money from the list you build on the traffic that’s coming to your blog. An ezine is just an electronic version of an email post.

You can sell banner ads, text dad, article advertising, and so on in your email newsletter. People who advertise with you are looking for the quality of the newsletter, as well as the number of subscribers that you have.

You can capitalize even more on this by publishing a version of your newsletter on your blog as well. This is an additional benefit to your advertiser as well as a way to add content to your blog.

3. Banners. Put your banners on your blog in strategic places and make money when your visitor completes the required action.

How Do You Make Money off A Blog - By working on your website content

In affiliate marketing, you can make money by the lead with cost-per-action programs. Of course, you can also sell products and services on any affiliate program that you are in and make money that way.

If you’re in network marketing use your banners to sell products. Use banners to sponsor new distributors and build your downline.

final thoughts

Your blog is open for business 24 hours a day regardless if you’re around to answer questions or make a new post. This is one of the great things about having traffic coming to a blog.

Of course, the key thing is to develop the skills and knowledge it takes to get traffic coming to your blog. For this reason, you should always focus on traffic first and ways to make money second.

It only stands to reason that without traffic there are not going to be any clicks on Google Ads, people buying products from an affiliate or MLM banner, and certainly not people subscribing to your email list so you can publish your own email newsletter.

Keep your focus on traffic generation and your blog will pay you back in whatever way you decide to use it!

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3 thoughts on “How Do You Make Money off A Blog? – my Proven system”

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