How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably?

If I ask you how much money do you need to live comfortably and quit your job, what would your answer be? I would definitely have to give this some serious thought!

Quit your job?

I think that is something almost everyone has thought of at one time or another.

How many people actually do it? Is it something they should have done?

If you want to quit your job you may need to do a little or a lot of research before you make this decision. I can think of many reasons to quit a job, but none are as important as money.

In regards to money and quitting your job, we are basically talking about 3 things here.

  • 1. Lower expenses.
  • 2. Have some savings.
  • 3. Generate income.

I do think this requires a lot of thinking so you do not make a big mistake. So research becomes very important first.

This statement is especially true if you want to live comfortably without any unnecessary financial worries. Fortunately, there is quite a bit of information online that can assist you in reaching the best choice for you.

However, because the finances of each individual can differ greatly, you will probably end up with a ballpark answer for a response. This is because there is normally a wide gap between people who have a lot of money already, and those who simply want to simply live a very comfortable life when they quit their jobs for good.

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How Much Money Do You Need a Month To Live Comfortably?

With this in mind here are some basic keys to figuring out how much money will be needed when you get ready to make your exit.

#1. 6 months. If you are quitting your job to travel the world or for any other short-term basis, and then return to the workforce at a later date, you may think about saving enough money to last you for about 6 months.

Some professionals in the financial industry recommend about 6 months of expenses to keep from making a reckless decision. This should be liquid money you can get quickly if you need it.

#2. Start your own business. If you are quitting your job to start a new business for your new career, the calculation of your finances may be quite different. So, it is very important that you pay close attention to what you will need in order to be successful.

With this decision, you must take several things into account. Especially, because the calculation for living comfortably encompasses a two-fold objective.

For instance, you need enough money saved up to support your business and your personal living lifestyle too. So, it is important that you have double the savings to get through these times. Again, many professionals recommend having enough to cover at least 6 months or more.

#3. Out of the workforce. If you are quitting your job, but do not want to return to the workforce ever again, you will need to make sure that you are covered financially for your lifetime. In this scenario, you need to consider finances that will come from a wide variety of different credible resources.

For most people in this position, you are usually thinking about starting a diverse portfolio to support their style of living after retirement. This can come from making sure that you have a big sum of money coming from your retirement pension, your social security, CDs, stocks, bonds, and any other investment products that you can gain access to today.

In fact, it is even important to note that there are investment clubs you can enjoy that focus solely on helping to increase and protect your wealth too. So, if you want to live comfortably and financially secure, you will need enough saved up for emergencies, while also generating more from investments coming in.

Typically, however, for the average person that quits their job, you will need at least 70% to 90% of your present annual income through your pension, savings, and your Social Security.

How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably? enough to pay out all my expenses

Lower Bills and Start an Online Business

I want to list this last in my article because I think this applies to a lot of readers of my blog. I think many of us would love to quit our jobs and start an online business, but expenses, as well as income, may play a role in preventing us from doing that.

Lowering your bills is a personal decision that you need to honestly evaluate. If you were to start an online business today what could you live without that you presently are spending money on? What are the absolute necessities that you need money for regardless of where it’s coming from?

Be honest!

Could you live without that stop at Starbucks every morning if you can make your own coffee at home and take the 330-second commute to your home office?

Is there equity in your home you could tap by refinancing your home mortgage at a lower rate? Doing this could not only lower your monthly payment, but it could give you some cash for breathing room as you build your online business.

One of the things about starting an online business is how very little money you need upfront. In reality, you could start a niche blog and use affiliate marketing to generate income for as low as $100 or less.

You could even buy an existing online business at and know what your income will be from day 1. Millions of dollars in website sales are done there every month.

How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably working from homeFinal thoughts

It is important that you consider a variety of factors and situations before making this financial decision. Each of us will be different in how we arrive at a positive conclusion.

I think you should have at least 6 months of income socked away where you can quickly get it if you need it. I also think you need to know exactly where you can really lower your monthly expenses.

Attacking your goal with these 2 things in mind will help you move closer to quitting your job while still living comfortably.

My approach has worked for me, and it could work for you if you follow this simple layout and put it into action, and work on it until you achieve it.

  • 1. Start a part-time home business.
  • 2. Commit yourself to one year to study this business and set goals
  • 3. Set your initial goal to reach half of your salary within that year.
  • 4. Set another goal to reach your full-time income in your second year.
  • 5. Set your third goal to double your full-time income in your third year.


Decide whether you want to quit your job or have fun taunting your employers! LOL… Rather not, but would it be fun? LOL!

Just Kidding…….

Leave in peace, wish others the best, and throw a Big Retirement Party!

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8 thoughts on “How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably?”

  1. Good post, David. Seems like everything in our lives revolves around money. I’ve been able to retire and pay off most of my debts so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably, but our income is less that what it was when we were both working. I’m starting an online business to try to make some more money, with affiliate marketing, but it’s not a get-rich-quick business. It takes some time. Your advice about having 6 months of income saved up is something everyone should listen to.

    • Hi Grant, glad that you get some value in my post on how to live comfortably and quit your job. Congratulations on your retirement and glad that you had plan for it. It is always a hard decision and your money always drop while cost of living keeps rising.

      Good to here that you are starting an online business to supplement your income, and affiliate marketing is the best way to do it cause you can earn more and still enjoy the retirement lifestyle that you so desire. You are right on track when you mention that a takes time to build, that is the reason I am advising people to start part-time before reaching retirement.

      Six months is a ballpark time to allow for you to see some investment when starting a business, so having six months money set aside is your best bet. If you need help in getting your business of the ground, please contact me, I would love to lend a hand, it is happening for me, and i would want the same for others as well. All the best my friend.

  2. More money than I am making right now, in answer to the question your post title poses.

    I’m always trying to increase my income, and at the same time be able to earn money from stuff I like doing rather than feeling like I need to do something I hate just to survive.

    A quality lifestyle is just as important as having enough money to live comfortably.

    This was an interesting read and certainly has me thinking about a few things.

    • Darren, thank you for the comment. Do we all need a little extra cash to add to our income, and hope that it grow to replace our full-time income eventually.

      Glad that you are thinking along these lines and are looking for ways to make that happen. Affiliate Marketing is a good avenue to explore, it is happening for me and I know it will do the same for you. Take care.

  3. Hallo there,

    I read this blog and realized how much I have been wasting my life and money in the things that really don’t matter.

    I have been stopping by Java, a very expensive coffee shop, every day and now I have discovered how it has been impacting my financial life.

    Man, I really need to be stopping by your website to get more help with my life. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your insight and advice.

    • Hi Dave, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. One of my mentor says never beat yourself up for realizing the mess you are in, but pat yourself on your back for figuring it out.

      We all fall prey for all the mistakes we make in life, but some people stay there and do nothing while others look for a way to make their lives better. It all start with the individual.

      You can start by joining this Community and let us help you shape your life to worth something and steer you to a new life that can be around for a lifetime. Talk to you soon.

  4. Really enjoyed reading this article. It kind of reminded me on how I started a few months back. I’m a uni student and I want to make my online business become a profitable thing before I finish my course. I definitely feel like sometimes its hard to keep at it every day but when you pull through it makes you feel so much better.

    • Dominik, thank you for the comment and glad that you get some value here. Glad to know that you have entered the online world of business. If you need a hand with anything, please feel free to contact me, would love to lend a helping hand.

      Anything that is good would be hard to stay consistent, but as you rightfully said, if you pull through the outcome is rewarding. Thank you and all the best with your business.


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