How To Be The Best That You Can Be

Building a successful business online can be very challenging, one of the major factors in life is how to be the best that you can be in whatever niche you are targeting.

Human beings have a natural urge to always better themselves day after day. One of our primary goals in life is to prosper and achieve our dreams. That has always been the reality for every dreamer out there, but this journey isn’t always easy.

Greatness is achieved over time. It is not something that happens in mere seconds or minutes. It always has, and always will take time to truly achieve greatness. Take a look at all the successful people you know.

Did they achieve success overnight? Were their achievements handed to them on a silver platter? For you to be better you must first be ordinary. Remember your future will always be in your hands. Only you can truly set yourself up to be a successful person.
Are you wondering how to be all you can be? Here are tips to help and guide you on your journey of self-prosperity.

How To Be The Best That You Can Be -  Knowing you can do this1. Determine What You Want

Knowing what you want gives you a sense of purpose. What is it that you want for yourself? Do you want to become a successful businessperson or a prominent politician? Knowing you give the direction of where you are headed.

It would be impossible to be the best version of yourself if you have no idea of where you are going. And not only that, you should make your goals your first priority.

Time is not on your side and if you will not prioritize what really matters you may get attracted along the way. Each day ensure that you have a to-do list that will help you stay committed to your cause.

Sometimes obtaining the best version of yourself requires only small goals, while for others it will require much more long-term goals to be set. Regardless of which category you fall into you must always know what exactly it is that you are reaching for. Without planned goals ahead of you, there will be nothing to strive for.

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2. Eliminate Fear Of Failure

How To Be The Best That You Can Be - by eliminating fear

Most of the time we feel that failing makes people think we are stupid.  Failure is a natural part of human life. There is no one out there that can say they have not had failures in some form during the course of their lives. Failure could show itself while working towards achieving a goal or just during simple day-to-day activities.

If you ever listened to success stories you will know that successful people have failed at some point in their lives. Look at failure as a learning tool. Because it is only through it that you will be able to know your mistakes and correct them. It is better to try and fail rather than not to try at all because you were scared of failing.

Failure oftentimes becomes a stepping stone to success. It is just hard to see that most times in the here and now. Failure cannot determine your final outcome. It needs to simply be a stepping stone toward your individual greatness.

3. Listen

Do you have a problem with tuning out? You are not alone. It seems like many of us are not great listeners. According to research human beings can only remember between 25-50 percent of what they hear. However, listening is crucial to our success.

Paying attention to what is being said makes us learn and helps us to take direction. Make an effort not only to want to hear what someone is saying but also to listen to them. Without proper listening, nothing will ever be learned. Hearing from others about their successes and failures will help to set you up for success.

Something can be learned from every conversation whether the person on the other side is a child or a senior citizen. Everyone has words that we can learn from.

celebrating small achievements4. Celebrate Small Achievements

Many people do not small wins are worth celebrating. However, the truth is appreciating what you are doing at that moment gives you the motivation to keep working hard and progressing toward your goals. Completing small wins is what will propel you to reach your ultimate goal.

Most long-term or large goals are not achieved in one step, but rather in multiple smaller steps. Looking back as you reach each small goal will allow you to see the long road you have walked to reach your ultimate goal at the end of that road.

Looking back as you reach each small goal will allow you to see the long road you have walked to reach your ultimate goal at the end of that road.

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5. Stop Pleasing People

There is a way that all of us want society to view us. This can sometimes make us not work toward our goals. The world is not cookie-cutter. Everyone is different. Each person has their own set of goals and beliefs.

There are simply no two identical people out there. If you want everyone to like you, or you never speak your mind or you never get angry, it is time to put an end to it. Because as long as you are focused on pleasing people you are wasting that energy you could be doing something constructive with your life.

Regardless of what belief you have, or what decision you make, someone will ultimately not agree or be happy with what you do. Pleasing yourself is the only way to achieve goals and live a truly meaningful and happy life.

How To Be The Best That You Can BeFinal Thoughts On How To Be The Best That You Can Be

Since we are struggling to be the best we can be these tips can come in very handy. Remember to open up to someone you can trust about your problems and avoid negative self-talk. Remind yourself that you can and you will. The road to achieving your best self and achieving the goals you set for yourself is a long one.

Most successful people in this world did not become so overnight, but rather over the course of a longer term. Keep your head held high and your eye on the prize. In the end, you will become the success that you have always dreamed of. Never forget that hard work will pay off.

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10 thoughts on “How To Be The Best That You Can Be”

  1. One of my goals in 2019 is to start earning money online and I’m really glad i found this post.  It is really an overwhelming idea as there are some many options out there.  

    The way you lay out the five steps is awesome and definitely taking all of them to heart!

    Going to check out the community you recommend as well.

    Thank you!

    • Hey Barry, glad that you get some value here. I started to write this post as my goal for 2019, then I started to stray a little and ended up turning it into a blog post.

      Thank you for the kind words and glad that you going to take a look at the community I mention. They have done a lot by helping me grow my business, and In know they can do the same for you. Will see you around.

  2. What a great article and it makes so much sense.  In life in general you need to be the best that you can be.  In your internet world of making money it is going to make you a lot more money.  Its all about working hard and believing in your self.  I can relate to these articles because I know what Im capable of and I know I stay away from negativity.

    Once again thank you for a great article.  This is one that everyone should read whether they are marketing or not.


    • Dale,

      Thank you for the comment and kind words. I wanted to start of the year on a positive note, and with members joining my community of people, I wanted them to know what it takes to build a successful business online.

      Being the best anyone can be is the major obstacle in building a successful business. If we learn to work harder on ourselves than on our job or business, we will accomplish more. My goal is to help others reach their full potentials. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Becoming successful is the goal of every individual in life. Success might mean different things to different people at different stages of their life, However the goal of constant success is always thesame in life and in business.This leads me to the 5 points listed in the article above, The last point, “Stop pleasing People” is a genuine warning, cause in the end we alone are responsible for our actions and inactions.

    • You are right, there are so many things one can become success in, but achieving them the process is quite similar. Thank you for your comment and your insight. Definitely we should not focus on pleasing people, is an area that I have seen that disappoint many people.

  4. Thank you for this empowering article. It’s a good timing that I read this because, as we all know, it’s new year! We all wanted this to be the best that it can be, and now we are setting new goals and some have already started working for them. I, too, has set my own and with your points here, they served as reminders for me.

    On the 5th suggestion of yours, of not trying to please people, I think I need to work around this one. I’ve been trying to please a lot of people on social media, been employing what some of us knew as “attraction marketing technique online”. I was trying to be a good boy to everyone, for the reason that I want to attract people to my business. The problem is, I am dealing with two groups on social media—first is my friends and family who unfortunately have little faith in what I do with my business, and the other group is the business people who like to be around “business-minded and positive”. Everytime I post something on my timeline, I find myself in the middle of who to please. My friends and family or my new business friends?

    Are you also on social media? How do you deal with social media marketing? How do you work around those people you already knew but unfortunately love non-sense and shallowness?

    • Is great that you got some value here and that the timing was right. I myself took this to heart cause I wanted to start the year on a positive note and aim for the sky while I work on my business.

      Social media marketing can be very effective if you have the right approach and lots of time. I do not focus on it too much because I think my time is better used in other areas in my business, like writing quality content on a regular basis.

      The best approach is to mix it up a bit. Do not only market your business to your timeline. you can share what is trending a little humor sometimes, motivation and positive attributes can be shared. And you can always build a fan page dedicated to your business. Hope that helps.

  5. The road to success is not an easy one, these tips would definitely come in handy. In the end, the rough road we have come through will help groom us for the life after success has been achieved. Also, keeping a company of positive friends will help you go farther in life. It is important to have a friend that pulls you up when life hits you hard.

    • Thank you for the comment and insight on being the best you can be. Nothing good is easy and as you mention, having positive friends can help you along the way, especially in bad times. Thank you for stopping by and leaving some feedback.


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