As long as you’re working for somebody else, you probably have a boss. When I see an article titled “how to beat your boss” I think of three different thoughts.
1. Physically. For example, if your boss is a golfer use a pitching wedge or your three wood. Obviously, this is a good way to end up in jail and this is not what this article is about.
2. Quit your job. I am going to spend more time on this later in the article, but you win when he or she can no longer tell you what to do.
3. Beat them at their own game. Turn the tables and take things they do that irritate you and use them against them. We’ll talk about some of the different types of bosses more in a minute.
Did you ever see the movie, Horrible Bosses? May others mention firing their boss, will this is the same scenario that I would discuss in this article?
The Horrible Bosses hilarious movie deal about three guys who have had it with their boss and devised a way to do away with them. In most instances, not all of us have bosses this bad, but the movie is funny and one you might want to watch.
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Different Types Of Bosses
There are different types of bosses and luckily for most people working in America, or anywhere in the world for that matter, most bosses are very good.
1. Dictator. These types of bosses are not good leaders because they just tell everybody what to do, and there’s no teamwork involved.
Maybe think of Dabney Coleman in the movie “9-to-5” to get an idea of what a dictator boss might be like. He ran his division of the company like a dictator, and no one respected him for it.
2. Bully. These types of bosses have a very poor self-image and compensate for that by bullying everybody in the workplace.
Nobody likes this kind of boss! I feel sorry for you if this describes your boss.
3. Technical. There is no grey area with a boss like this.
Everything is black and white to them. They tend to go by the book in all situations which doesn’t always work.
4. Perfectionist. These types of bosses are almost micro managers in that everything has to be perfect, and they nitpick everything regardless of how good a job you may have done.
The perfectionist is hard to live up to. Can you ever really please them?
5. Wishy-washy. These kinds of bosses can’t make a decision. Often they are more trying to please everybody rather than make sound decisions and run their business in the right way as opposed to doing things that make everybody happy.
What Can You Do?
Once you describe the type of boss, you have the next thing was to become solution-oriented and a figure way to deal with them. For example, a micro-manager can be annoying, especially for somebody who’s been with the company as long or maybe even longer than their boss.
It takes real skills regardless of the type of boss you have. Try to become somebody they can trust.
Even bosses may second-guess themselves at times and want someone they can bounce ideas off of, for clarification. Build trust with your boss by using people skills and identifying what makes them tick and focusing on that.
Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!
Read this excellent article on bad bosses and solutions on how to deal with them.
Start A Home Business

Many people would give anything to quit their job.
More than any time in the past people are starting a home business as a way to supplement their income or possibly even stay at home and work for themselves.
The funny thing about being an entrepreneur with your own home business is you will become your boss, and be able to choose any profitable business to sell.
What kind of boss will you be to yourself?
Chances are you will not be the type of boss that you had in the past, but you do need a certain amount of discipline if you’re going to be self-employed. It’s ironic that people who start their own home businesses often do it to get away from a boss, and they immediately create a new one.
What kind of home business should you start?
I’m partial to online home businesses that use the Internet to sell things. When you start an online home business, you have the same advantages and disadvantages as everybody when they first start out.
I’ve referred to the Internet as the great equalizer. Every disadvantage and advantage can be created.
For example, if you start a home business with little cash out of your pocket you can compensate for that lack of monetary investment by investing your personal time to do things to make your business successful. This takes a lot of self-discipline.
Here’s an example. Instead of doing paid advertising to promote your product, you’re going to do other forms of marketing online that require you to get your hands dirty and do what I call the grunt work. You’re getting down in the trenches at this point and hopefully, you are bossy enough to make sure you get the job done in the working hours you set for yourself.
Social media marketing is an excellent example of getting down in the trenches.
I promote a program called Wealthy Affiliate. It is an excellent way to start a home business because you’re using the affiliate marketing business model in a variety of ways to generate income from home on the Internet.

You can take some of their free courses that teach you how to do affiliate marketing. As you begin to see some of the benefits of the program you may want to upgrade to a premium membership that offers more features and benefits to you.
My final Thoughts
Affiliate marketing is one way that people beat their boss at their own game every day. You can even do a part-time while you’re still at work. As your income increases if you decide to go full-time in your business would be up to you. But what a feeling and peace that would be created.
If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, my personal private assistance and much more.
See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income