How To Blog And Earn Money – And Which platform To Use

How to blog and earn money is a question found all through the Internet and social media.

Good question.

Maybe you have heard stories about how people sit at home in their underwear and make money all day long blogging.

I guess for starters, you need to be a day person, own a pair of underwear, and have an Internet connection, and a device to access the Internet with. These are the only physical things you need.

That is the easy part. Now let’s attack the hard part!

Here are a few ways to earn money as a blogger.

Start A Niche Blog

In this example, you will start a blog of your own, add content to it, monetize it in various ways, and then work on marketing to get traffic. How do you monetize your blog?

1. Pay per click. The most common way to earn money as a blogger is to get a Google AdSense account and let Google sell advertising for you. When a visitor comes to your blog and clicks on one of the ads, you earn a commission that Google will pay you monthly.

Google has told us that the commission is 68% of the amount charged to the advertiser. So, you earn .68 cents on every dollar the click costs.

This is good to know, but it also lets you know how to make meaningful money. You either need to be in a niche where the click costs the advertiser more, or you will need many clicks to make real money.

2. Pay per sale. Another way to earn money on a blog is to join a specific program and promote it. I am doing this on my blog with the Wealthy Affiliate Program.

Affiliate marketing is a common way that bloggers make money. It’s easy to join affiliate programs and place advertising banners on your blog for people to click on.

3. Pay per lead or CPA. Cost-per-action affiliate programs are another easy way to make money. You add blog content that includes links to specific landing pages; The affiliate merchant pays you when your visitor completes the required action.

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Write For Other Bloggers

1. Start your own freelance writing business. This is a fast way to get started blogging.

A good strategy is to start your blog to use sample content for other bloggers to hire you. Then you charge so much an article for every article you write for them.

One tip I can offer when you start is to focus on a specific niche for which you want to write articles. This allows you to write for other bloggers on a topic you are already knowledgeable about or one you have an interest in and would enjoy writing about.

2. Content mills. These had taken off over the last few years when the unemployment rate stayed high, and millions of people decided they were writers.

Here is how they work and how you can make money as a blog writer. A blogger goes to a content mill site such as iWriter and orders an article for their blog.

How To Blog And Earn Money

You join iWriter for free and log in and find articles you want to write. Follow the instructions and write the article. Once it is approved, you are paid according to their terms. Usually, this is weekly, twice a month, or monthly.

You are better off starting your blog and practicing a little on yourself first before writing for customers. You can start a free blog with Google’s Blogger or buy a domain name and set up hosting. Use a responsive WordPress theme, and you are off and running.

Consider starting a blog of your own in a niche you want to write for customers on. Do a good job and use it to show off what you can do to prospective customers.

GoDaddy is a one-stop shop for domain names, hosting, and WordPress themes. Setup is easy, or you can go to and pay someone $5 to do it for you.

Final thoughts

There are millions of blogs right now that need content added to them. You can earn money as a blogger part-time around your current schedule or approach it from a full-time business right away.

If you do a good job and complete your articles in a timely fashion, you will be in demand very quickly. You are your boss; you can establish your rates and write about what you want, which is an excellent way to blogging money.

You will find that the difference between content mill sites’ pay and the pay you can charge your customers to write for them directly really adds up over time. Use the content mill sites to fill in downtime when you do not have orders, and you will always be making money.

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1 thought on “How To Blog And Earn Money – And Which platform To Use”

  1. Hi David,
    You have a very interesting and informative website.
    The pictures complement the information very well.
    There are several tid bits we didn’t know about how to earn money blogging.
    All in all a great read, thank you.


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