How To Create A Good Website – On The Right Platform!

In this article, I am going to cover a few key points regarding how to create a good website. With all of the tools available today there is no reason not to have a good website.

Let me ask you this; When you land on a website can’t you almost immediately tell whether it is a good website or a bad one?

I can, but why is this the case?

Let’s look at how to create a good website in terms of the basics and what I think is the best and easiest way to get started.

website URL for your business - How To Create A Good WebsiteThe basics of How to Create a Good Website

Every website contains a few basic elements that make it good. Here is how to make sure you follow the basics.

1. Content management system. This is also referred to as the platform you use to build your website.

There is no end to the number of platforms you have access to. Some are free and some are not.

Without a doubt the top content management system used on the World Wide Web today is WordPress. In fact, it is what I use to run my Make Money Tips blog. We will cover WordPress more in a minute.

2. Choose a good domain name. In spite of what you may have heard all of the good domain names are not gone.

What makes a good domain name? Try and stick with the most common extensions such as .com, .org, .net, etc.

Choose a name that describes what you do, or just use your own name as I have done. This is great for building a brand around YOU if that is your goal.

3. Pick a hosting company. Again there is a never-ending number of choices here.

I suggest sticking with proven companies such as Go Daddy, Blue Host, Host Gator, etc. These have a proven track record of uptime, also known as keeping your website online all of the time, and offering customer service if you need it.

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4. Choose a theme or template. This is critical, but not hard.

WordPress offers literally thousands of choices when it comes to choosing a theme. You will find free and paid themes. is a good place to start looking. They have over 437,000 businesses using them.

You can also do a Google search for the niche your business is in and the WordPress theme. For example, Health Niche + WordPress Theme.

The advantage of using a theme for a specific niche is the layout is going to work well for that niche. Start looking at the results and choose one.

Don’t worry if you change your mind later. Changing themes is as easy as clicking a couple of buttons.

One key point here is to make sure your theme is responsive. This means it adjusts automatically to the device being used to view your website.

Your site will look the same on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Looking good on a smartphone is known for being mobile-friendly.

This is the most important of all. Google predicts over 90% of all searches will be done on a smartphone, so your site really needs to be mobile-friendly.

Newer WordPress themes are responsive. Older ones may not be so, in that case, you should avoid them.

Related Video: On How To Make A Website In 10 Mins.

Customizing Your WordPress Theme

This is the fun part and one you can play around with. If you do not want to do any of this go to and hire it to be done for you for $5.

Otherwise, you get to decide exactly what goes on your site and what does not!

Look at some of your competitors to see what they are doing. This will give you ideas on things you can add to your site.

You can set up your header differently depending on the theme you are using. A good header is one that describes what people will find on your site.

I like to have a menu across the top under my header that sends people to the pages or posts I want them to read. When someone lands on our website they will read left to right from the top down.

The area above the fold is critical. People do not always scroll down.

I like to use a theme that has no sidebar on the left. People can read a post or view various posts without being distracted by the options on the left sidebar.

I do have a right-hand sidebar where I put various things. These are known as widgets and are easy to add to any theme.

What you have here is up to you. I like the search box, affiliate banners, recent posts, etc.

Most important is to put your sign-up form at the top so people can easily subscribe to your email list. Most people will decide in 20 seconds if they are going to stay on your website.

In that 20 seconds if they do nothing else you want them to get on your mailing list. This way you can follow up and drive them back to your website over and over in the future, and be educating them as they get value by being on your list.

The great thing about having your sign-up form at the top of the right-hand sidebar is it automatically shows up on every post and every page. This gives you the best chance of getting their name and email.

creating your website with valuable contentFinal thoughts 

The website builders available today are easy to use. However, WordPress stands out and is the top choice in my opinion.

Many hosting companies have one-click installation now that any first grader could do. My point being does not be afraid to try this yourself.

The other thing is you can Google search any question you have and find an answer in seconds. You can also email, chat, or call your hosting company and they will help you.

When it comes to how to create a good website, take the time to do just that. Keep improving yours until it is as nice as your top competitor’s websites are!

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4 thoughts on “How To Create A Good Website – On The Right Platform!”

  1. When I first read the title of this post I thought that it would be nearly impossible to cover such a large topic in one post.

    I was pleasantly surprised by your article, it breaks down what must be done to create an attractive site and you do a great job of highlighting the priorities.

    Customizing the WordPress theme was the most daunting aspect for me, it took a long time to figure it all out but the hard work was definitely worth it.

    • Hi Stephen, is funny that you should say that. When I was asked to create an article from one of my Team member, thought the same. How can I write an article explaining how to create a good website in one post.

      Yes, I had to break it down in a simple form but not leaving out anything. Thank you for the kind words that i have done that and that you got some value here.

      I still have problems in customizing themes within WordPress, but i never let it hold me back, I just focus on writing valuable content so that my audience can use to build their business and make money online. good liuck with your business, and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Dear David,

    Thanks for the post. At the beginning of my online career, I was so afraid of building a website and I thought of it as a rocket science. Thanks to the technology now building a website was made very easy. Your post covers everything on How To Create A Good Website. All the very best!

    Your Friend,

    • Paul, you were not the only one that thinks that building a website you need to be an expert or some sort of web genius. I and many others felt the same way. But working with WordPress and Wealthy Affiliate makes it much easy for anyone to do. Glad that I was able to cover all the aspect of creating a good website.

      If you need help with anything going forward, please let me know, I take this business and building a website very seriously, and I will do whatever it takes to see that others have the same success.


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