How To Create An Online Business Website For Huge Earnings?

There are 7 steps to consider in regards to how to create an online business website.

These are not my steps, but rather the basics that every successful business owner online should follow when they start to work from home to attract potential customers.

You may find that comforting, so here they are.

Find A Need For Your Online Presence

Your business should focus on a particular need that you can take care of. That need may often refer to as finding a problem and providing a solution in a niche.

Because the Internet has matured today, you are better to drill down to a micro-niche. This can be a good way to get more targeted traffic and have fewer competitors.

Set Up Your Website

Your online business website is quickly set up when you use a WordPress template. The best way to do this is to purchase a domain name, set up a website hosting account, and choose a responsive template to install your site.

You will have options for this, but let me just give you one here. Set up an account with Go Daddy or Wealthy Affiliate where you can purchase a domain name and host your new online business website with them.

Pick a WordPress template that matches the theme of your business. You will have many options to choose from, but use a responsive website that automatically sizes to the devices being viewed.

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Start Adding Content

It doesn’t take any technical skills to add content to a website when you’re using a WordPress template.

All you have to do is start typing and when you’re done hit the publish button.

You can certainly get more sophisticated than this in terms of the kind of content you write and using search engine optimization as you go. Many business experts will tell you today that initially don’t worry about SEO, and just try to add high-quality content that helps provide solutions to the problems your website is designed for.

One other tip I can tell you is, to provide a variety of content. Not only do you want to text, but you should also have graphics, videos, and even audio to leave on your website.

Keywords & SEO

Eventually, you’re going to want to build a keyword list and begin to SEO your content. Your keyword list is the top keywords that people are searching for relating to the theme of your website.

Building a keyword list of hundreds, or even thousands of phrases, is one of the keys to doing search engine optimization correctly. You can also start adding these keyword phrases in your content and even building-specific articles around them.

There is software that will build a keyword list for you. Do a Google search and look at some of the testimonials to determine which one you want to use based on your budget.

Get Active In Social Media

Most Internet marketing experts will tell you that being active in social media is an excellent source of traffic generation for your online business website.

I would like to suggest that even if you’re not getting a lot of traffic, initially there’s another reason to start getting active in social media marketing.

You can establish yourself as an expert on the theme of your business. You do this by building your credibility using social media marketing.

Every online business should have a Facebook account and post content to it. For sure you want to bookmark your blog post on your Facebook account so people can click on the link and come to your blog and read the whole article.

Beyond Facebook, consider a handful of other social sites to be involved in. Initially just focus on being active in two or three and work hard at establishing a presence in those.

Email Marketing (Building An Email List)

Use your website to start building an email list of subscribers you can contact in the future. The easiest way to do this is to use an autoresponder that should come with the template you are using.

If it doesn’t, there’s probably one provided by your autoresponder company. It’s important that you don’t use a free autoresponder company, but rather use a professional one such as Aweber.

As you begin to develop your email list, use it for traffic back to your website. Every time you make an update you feel is useful to your subscribers send out an email and tell them about it.

You should also use your email list to sell, but do not make that the focus of every email. You can enhance your credibility by providing useful information that doesn’t require a purchase as well.

Your Hosting Provider

Hosting providers are essential for running a successful website. They provide space where your site files can live, security features, and other services. If you don’t have a web host, you won’t be able to access your website or upload new content.

There are several types of hosting providers, each offering different levels of service. The most basic option is shared hosting, where multiple websites share a single server. This type of hosting is inexpensive, but it limits your ability to scale your website.

If you want to build a scalable website, then you should consider using a VPS (virtual private server). These servers offer greater flexibility and scalability, but they cost more. Finally, if you want to go all out, you can opt for dedicated hosting. Dedicated hosting offers the highest level of performance and security, but it comes at a price.

So how to create an online business with a website to Make Money?

having a Business Website to make money online

How are you going to make money on your website?

This is also referred to as monetizing your website.

Some online businesses use a website primarily to sell their products and services. Others use it for reputation management and to build credibility online.

Maybe your online business will do a little bit of both. Hopefully, you are taking a long-term view of building a website online.

This is often referred to as building an authority website, or an authority blog. Almost every business would love to be in that position.

My final thoughts on How To Create An Online Business Website

Hopefully, I’ve given you some useful information on how to create an online business website. As you can see, there’s much more that goes into it than the actual design of the website itself.

Once you find a good template to design your website from, the rest of your effort will be focused on adding content and marketing that content!

If you get any value in this article or need further clarification, please leave your comments or questions below, I would love to get your feedback.

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2 thoughts on “How To Create An Online Business Website For Huge Earnings?”

  1. The information you offer is right on target. I agree with the steps you lay out starting with find a need, set up your website, start adding content and so on. I also have to agree that proper keyword research is crucial to optimizing your seo. Another thing i agree with is email, i have actually written an article myself on how powerful email marketing still is. I enjoyed reading your article. Cheers!

    • Mark, thank you for the positive comment. Although email marketing is old, it still works today once the messages are filling a void to your subscribers and not sending a selling message. As you know no one like to be sold.

      Consistent article writing is my favorite. You can really reach out to your audience once you keep educating them on your niche. This will add value to them as you help them to understand before they make any decision, something that had forgotten in the past.

      Wish you all the best with your business and thank you for leaving a comment on my website.

      Take care.


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