How To Create An Online Presence For Your Business!

Whether you have an offline business or an online business you need to know how to create an online presence for it, and I will explain why.


Because every day billions of people come online looking for things.

In the category or niche, your business is in they are coming online looking for something as well.

Will they find you or your competition? The old “lose business to your competitors” is often the main reason a business decides to develop a presence on the Internet.

If that is your reason that is good enough for me. If it is for another reason such as growing your business or expanding your brand those are good reasons as well.

So, let’s answer the question of how you create an online presence for your business.

How To Create An Online Presence - Start a blogStart A Blog

Even if you do not like to write your business should have a blog. Let me just say right up front do not use free platforms to build your blog either.


Because you do not control the hosting and could wake up one day to find your blog gone. Millions of bloggers have gone through this with the Google Blogger platform.

Buy a domain name and host your blog with a professional paid hosting company. As an example use Go Daddy to buy your domain name and host your blog using a WordPress template.

This does not take any technical knowledge. However, you can always go to and pay $5 to someone to get you set up if you are busy or do not want to mess with it.

Buy your name or business name as the domain name if it is available. If not get one that describes what your business does or offers. Your blog will become your hub for everything you do to create your Internet presence, so you want traffic coming to it that wants to be there.

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Search Engine Optimization On Your Blog

How To Create An Online Presence - Learn SEO for your Blog

SEO is something many bloggers hear about and quickly ignore because they think it is too complicated. Let me just say do not let that be the case for you.

When you start your blog you should do so with search engine optimization in mind from the very beginning. It’s important that you know what keyword phrases people are searching for on Google so you can include those in the content that you place on your blog.

Let me give you a very simple way to do that.

Do a Google search for a primary keyword phrase that someone would be searching for relating to your business. Google will bring up what is known as organic results.

Go to the bottom of the Google search page and they will show you the top searches related to the keyword phrase you’re looking for. You’re going to see somewhere between 5 and 10 related searches.

When you do a blog post use your primary keyword phrase as the keyword in the title of your post. Include as many of these related search keywords in the body of your text.

It’s important that they sound natural when somebody’s reading it, so don’t try and force those into the text. Just do it so it sounds natural.

You may wonder how can you get a list of primary keywords to start with. The easiest way is to use the free service Google provides known as Google keyword planner.

You can start with this and then develop your list based on related keyword searches according to Google. If you will just do this much you will find your blog starting to rank on Google because you are taking the time to do search engine optimization in a way that Google is telling you exactly what people are searching for.

This is important because it’s going to help you develop an online presence by ranking on Google for keyword phrases that people are typing in. The higher you rank for these keyword phrases the more traffic you’re going to get, and the more you’re going to start showing up for all kinds of related keyword phrases even if you’re not targeting them in the primary keyword in your title.

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How To Create An Online Presence - social media marketingBrand With Social Media Marketing

Your brand is developed by creating an image of your company. Whereas SEO is based on targeted content through keywords branding is done online today in various ways that mostly revolve around social media marketing.

There are billions of people using social media every day. According to a Google search, I just did 1.23 billion people use Facebook, and that number is growing every day.

The Wall Street Journal Monday says there are 974 million existing Twitter accounts. LinkedIn is up to 467 million members and is a very good social network for growing an online presence with people who are business-oriented.

According to Google, they have 2.5 billion users which are more than all other social networks combined. However, this is true only because everyone who has a Gmail account also already has a Google Plus account and most have never used it.

Still, I have found bookmarking my blog posts on my Google Plus account is a good way to get Google to rank my blog with a link back to the original post.

I have found trying to be everywhere all of the time to be very hard to do. In my opinion, you are better off focusing on a handful of social networks and really creating an online presence for them.

social media marketing

I would say these should include…

  • – Facebook business page
  • – Twitter
  • – Keen
  • – YouTube
  • – LinkedIn

If you want a couple more include Pinterest and Instagram. The exception to this would be if you hire an outsource worker to do your social media marketing for you.

If you have the money and they have the time, go for it. Just make sure you are posting and checking your social accounts regularly.

When you make a blog post bookmark it on your social accounts. Then reply back to any conversations that are started from it.

Anything else?

Build an email list and send out an email every time you make a blog post. Include a link back to your post so people can come read it.

Final Thoughts

That is about it in this article. Developing an online presence is a must if you want to compete in virtually any marketplace today. These are some of the top ways to do it

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