How To Drive Traffic To A Website – For Better Conversions!

When you want to know how to drive traffic to a website, with the goal of generating a lead from the traffic, you want your marketing to be very specific. That is what we want to talk about in this article.

It is always a good idea to have a precise strategy in mind whenever you do website advertising. Using a lead generation strategy is a good example of this.

How can you drive traffic to your website using lead-generation strategies designed to get the information you need to work with a lead? Here are my Top 10 ways to do that!

Blog All Of The Time

I like blogs because they give people a reason to bookmark your site. This gets them coming back if they like what they read.

This strategy only works if you blog on a regular basis. Don’t be one of these bloggers who start out strong and then lose interest.

Your blog should have links to landing pages that generate leads. Put these in your posts every chance you get.

Build An Email List

Add a sign-up form on the top right-hand corner of your blog. Offer a useful giveaway to get their name and email list.

With your email list, you can generate leads for whatever you are promoting. The great thing is you can follow up in the future!

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Focus On These Social Media Sites

Is it just me or does it seem like there is a never-ending number of social sites these days? This can be both good and bad unless you focus on the right ones.

What are the right ones?

  • 1. Facebook.
  • 2. Twitter.
  • 3. Instagram.
  • 4. LinkedIn.
  • 5. Google Plus
  • 6. Pinterest

Depending on what niche your business is in you might find specialized social sites or discussion forums to join.

Graphics & Images

I read once that 63% of clicks on Google images lead to website traffic. Learn to create your own graphics, or find them on royalty-free sites such as Dreamstime and Pixabay.

Incorporate SEO into the alt text of the image. This can help you rank on Google. You can learn SEO by clicking on the link below and meeting me inside.

Learn SEO through Affiliate Marketing

How To Drive Traffic To A Website - Doing Youtube videosYouTube Videos

I have seen many Internet marketers easily create videos off of their smartphones. Animoto is a great site for creating videos as well.

Once you have a video created publish it on YouTube. Create your own channel and put your videos there. Then link back to your website or blog to drive traffic from them.

Short Lead Pages

Keep in mind that your goal is to drive traffic to your website for lead-generation purposes. Keep your lead pages focused on that goal.

You are not selling anything yet. Just get the name and email address and then redirect them to your website and go from there.

Short Lead Forms

On your website use short lead forms. The same thing on your lead pages.

All you really need is an email address to follow up. If you want to personalize follow up get the first name of your prospect as well.

Facebook Live

This is quickly becoming a top way people drive traffic to their website for the specific goal of getting leads. Here are the key things to keep in mind.

– Promote your Facebook Live broadcasts.
– Practice a little until you are comfortable with what you are going to broadcast.
– Be yourself. You are your own brand. Just be natural.
– Optimize your broadcast. Visit Facebook to learn how to do that here:

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Start A Podcast

Use your voice to connect with people. A podcast helps you do that in ways a website, blog, or email list can not.

As you grow your audience it will be natural for them to want to follow you in other ways such as visiting your website. This can help you increase leads which may not have been possible before.

Another benefit of having a podcast is people will listen for longer than they will stay on your website. This can help with increasing your reputation as an expert in your niche.

If you are branding yourself as a lead generation strategy having a podcast is a great way to do that. You don’t always get that from text content.

using SEO to generate traffic to your siteSearch Engine Optimization

Do not be afraid of SEO. Learn to embrace it.

SEO is something you will implement into every other traffic strategy I have talked about. At least understand the basics of search engine optimization.

For me at the very least learn how to do keyword research. You will have a big advantage if you know what people in your niche are searching for, which would increase your conversions.

Use a keyword research tool. I still like Google’s Keyword Tool that is used to build Adword campaigns. You can build a very deep list of keywords and longtail keywords with it.

Use these keywords in your website, blog, and video content. This will help you rank on Google which can have a HUGE impact on increasing your website traffic.

Final thoughts

Does this seem like too much? Anytime you talk about driving traffic to a website using 10 lead generation strategies you know you are going to get a lot of information.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. You do not need to master all of these right away either. However, keep a long-term eye on each of these because they offer the best chances to get more leads from a variety of sources!

You may want to focus on 1 or two and master these or outsource as much work as possible. This lets you focus more on the actual follow-up on the leads you are generating.

This may be the best use of your time. I always say to focus on what you like best and outsource the rest. It really applies to these 10 lead-generation tactics.

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8 thoughts on “How To Drive Traffic To A Website – For Better Conversions!”

  1. Most website owners can agree that one of the most difficult things of owning a website is generating traffic.

    I definitely agree that blogging all the time definitely helps as Google loves ranking a big website that has a lot of articles! so you have to keep writing.

    Which source of traffic works best for you?


    • Cem, thank you for your insight and understanding how important traffic is to your website. Although blogging helps, it takes time if your site is new. but if you stay consistent and focus on giving value to your audience, a load of traffic can come to your website on a continuous basis.

      My favorite form of traffic is paid advertising, Bing and Facebook ads, while I continue to build content on my website. Hope that helps.

  2. These are great tips! I’ve bookmarked this page.

    As someone particularly new to writing content for the web, I think the biggest challenge newer websites face are being visible on google search results, and gaining a significant audience. But as with everything in life, you gotta grind.

    Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

    • Mike, glad that you get value in these traffic tips.

      It do take time to show up on Google search if your website is new, but as you consistently write content with low search volumes, you rankings would increase. hope that helps and thank you for the comment.

  3. Thanks for the great article on how to drive traffic to a website. I’m new to affiliate marketing and driving traffic to my niche website has definitely been one of the biggest obstacles I’ve come across so far. I’m continuously posting and using long tail keywords but am not seeing the traffic yet. I just keep posting though hoping it will eventually pay off.

    You have some great options for me to try. I feel like making a podcast would be a lot of work but I’m going to try using facebook live as you recommend and see if that helps at all.

    • Jon, you are on the right track by choosing long tail keywords. Also, it is best to choose the ones with low competition and some traffic. Using a service like Jaaxy will help in this area.

      Trying different ideas is always your best approach and trying Facebook ads can definitely can be one of them. let me know how it go or if you need a help with anything.

      I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success with their online business. Talk to you soon.

  4. HI David,

    I’m a newbie to this online journey and that is my greatest concern now-how to drive traffic to my website.

    I’m actually focusing on creating more content to my new site and your article is very helpful. I’m inclined to learn how to produce videos to be incorporated to my blogs.

    Thank you for this very helpful post.


    • Marita, glad that you found my article helpful. You are right on track by creating content to drive traffic to your website. keep in mind that you should focus on low competition keywords for your content. Using Jaaxy help me in this area when to decide which of my keywords will get rank.

      Adding videos is good for traffic and it helps visitors to stay on your site longer to help in rankings. You can learn more about how to add videos to your site here. Hope that helps.


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