How To Finish What You Started – See Your Business Evolve!

In this article, I will show you how to finish what you started and not be 92% of all people who never achieve what they set out to do.

This applies to everything from New Year’s resolutions to goals and unfinished projects.

To me when you think about how to finish what you started you have so many variables to take into consideration. In this article let’s see how we can help you finish more of what you start and join the 8% of achievers.

starting a new business - How To Finish What You StartedQuit Starting So Much

Have you ever been around people who always seem to be starting things, but will never finish them? The trick here is to become more selective about what you start.

You’re better off only starting things you have a real interest in or maybe even passionate about. If not you are going to end up wasting time that you could’ve spent more efficiently and effectively.

You’ll also find that you complete things at a higher rate if it’s something you’re really interested in seeing through the end, and not just another thing you’re starting.

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Time Management

I think this is something we could all learn to be better at. Wasting time is one of the biggest killers of not finishing what you started.

The other thing is to create a schedule for how much time you think something is going to take to complete. Be honest as well.

If you think something is going to take longer then plan accordingly. This way you do not underestimate and quit because you do not have time to finish it.

To-Do List

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to create a to-do list. This can be a long-term list of things you’re trying to get done to finish what you started.

However, you should also break this down in a daily to-do list. Having one of these will hold you more accountable to actually finishing things for the day.

You should also mark things off as you complete them. This is very liberating and an effective way to keep you on track to completing your to-do list.

Get Committed

being committed by writing down your to do list

Do not start something unless you’re going to be committed to finishing it.

This is going to require you to determine what’s important and what is not at different times in whatever it is you’re trying to finish.

It’s very easy in this world to get sidetracked and off course. Being committed to seeing something through once you have started it will make it easy for you to say no to distractions and say yes to finishing what you start!

Related Video: How to Always finish what you start.

Stop Being A Perfectionist

My wife calls this OCD which is a personality trait that can drive people crazy. A perfectionist has a hard time completing things because it never seems perfect.

Here is a clue. Some things will never be perfect. If you are the type of person who just can’t seem to make things perfect try setting your standards a little lower or being a little more reasonable with yourself.

Do What You Like First

This is something I’ve never really considered. In the past, I would have a to-do list in sequential order and try to finish them one at a time.

What I found, and I know this is true for a lot of people, is some days you don’t feel like doing task number one, task number two, task number three, and so on. Maybe you feel like completing task number five first.

If that’s the case then, by all means, do it that way. At least you’re accomplishing things and marking them off your list and it will help get you motivated to complete some of the other things that maybe you are procrastinating on.

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Progress Tracking Sheet

You should feel proud of the things that you are completing on your to-do list. Beyond marking them off one thing you can do is actually create a progress tracking sheet.

When you do this it makes it easier to keep the momentum going. Let me give you an example.

If your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight keep a progress report showing how you are progressing toward your end goal. When you’re looking at this it can be very motivational to see the results you’re having!

Mini Rewards

We live in a society where everybody wants everything right away. This is not always possible, however, I do think there are times when you can reward yourself as you are progressing along toward your goal.

If this will help you finish what you start why not give yourself a little mini-rewards to celebrate what you’ve done so far? Maybe it will help you keep on track to reach your final destination!

When To Give Up

never give up even to the end of the day

I am realistic enough to know that there may be times when you can not finish what you started.

I think we all lose interest in things for various reasons.

There may be times when you know this is it not what I want to do anymore and just go ahead and stop. The key thing is to follow some of the tips I’ve laid out in this article. Maybe you won’t be constantly starting and quitting things all the time if you’re more selective about what you do start.

Final Thoughts

I have laid out some pretty good ideas in this article on how to finish what you started. Keep in mind it is ok to stop and it is not quitting if you change your mind. Otherwise, focus on the tasks at hand!

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10 thoughts on “How To Finish What You Started – See Your Business Evolve!”

  1. You hit the nail on the head. The bite-size step by step points is good reminders for those that choose a goal worth reaching. Followed up by a video that hammers the points home. Nice summary and thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like the journey was worth the effort, pain and time!

    • Thank you for the feedback. Many times we look at the big picture as oppose to taking little step by step process. This I found is the best way and it works for me all the time. Happy to share.

  2. Hey there,

    This a very motivating article I must say. From the very beginning to know of human race man has achieved everything by his will and hard working. But everyone can’t achieve the goal they dream for. 

    And at the point, man needs the motivation to keep himself going. It’s ok to stop but not ok to quit. And that’s the moral of this article. So this article is going to help mentally so many people. I’m going to share it more and more so that others can also get motivated. 

    Thank you for this article.

    • Thank you for commenting on the motivational part of this article and its help for mankind and how hardworking they are.

      Motivation is a big part of one’s life and in most cases, we need it to take us through the end. That is the reason for us to keep the end in mind as we move through our journey  

  3. Hello Bishop,

    Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article with all the necessary information about “How To Finish What You Started.” So many times we start a new program and never see it through.

    This is a fantastic article that will give me the determination to finish. It is motivational and also an eye-opener for someone who may be struggling at the moment. You have provided some excellent tips about finishing what you started. I have learned something new from this article and would apply the tips to my project.

    I have gained all the important information that you have highlighted why we need to finish our project. This will be very much helpful for the ones who are struggling to finish what they have started.  I am going to share this great article with my social media following and hope they get the same value as I have received. Thank you.

    • This is why most people failed in business. They do not want to get out of their comfort zone and see what they have started to the end. With Wealthy Affiliate, they have cut it up int small bits of training and tasks to follow, not to make the training lengthy and boring.

      You will want to get to the end of your training cause you are awarded completion badge and recognition when you complete a certain part of your training and accomplishments.

      Wis you decided to finish whatever project you have started, and if ever you get stuck, you can reach out to me, I would be happy to take you to the next level or get you unstuck.


  4. At first, I don’t really know what niche I am going to choose for my business, so I just thought of good names with high competition as my domain, registered and build my website until I found myself with not enough knowledge about it so I changed it until I built three websites. This time I find myself in difficulty of what really would I pursue.

    I think this is in connection with the last point when to give up. It is not that you start something and then give up but to take down some of the things you cannot really do something and concentrate on a more fruitful one.

    • Whatever your decision that you have made, focusing on learning the skills first, and maybe you can decide what your passion is later.

      The thing is that, when you are learning, being practical is always a good learning curve, and if still, you can decide, the best thing is to reach out to others and let them know what you are learning, and the progress you are making.

      Then on the second time around when you do decide what niche you are going to target, build your website and still share it with others. They will applaud your efforts and progress. Hope that helps!

  5. Thanks for these great tips on finishing what you started. They are valid points that you make but the one that stands out for me and I have been using for several years now is a daily to-do list. 

    Although I call mine a must-to-do list. But that said, I can resonate when you say about doing the tasks you enjoy. I now number the tasks in importance and then work through the list that way. I do get more done now so would definitely recommend a daily list for sure. 

    • Hey Martin, the daily to-do list is what had helped me as well, and doing what is more important first, is what got me the results and the momentum to continue to the end.

      life is all about trial and error and using what is necessary to get us out of our comfort zone, and should not stop until we are out. Thank you for sharing what worked for you and your input with this post. Wish you all the best.


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