How To Follow Up In Network Marketing

Let me offer some tips on how to follow up in network marketing.
I don’t know who first said “the fortune is in the follow-up”, but it is still true today.

It applies to sales and marketing. This is especially true in the competitive world of network marketing recruiting.


Before you can follow up in network marketing you need prospects. The best way to prospect today is to use the Internet. How do you go about doing that?

Here is how I do it.

  • 1. I blog.
  • 2. Drive traffic to my blog.
  • 3. Sign up form on my blog.

Then…..I use an autoresponder!

Are you using an autoresponder to build an email list? If you do it right your list is going to be packed with people looking for ways to make money, start an online business, home business, and so on.

Once you have at least their email address, and the first name is optional, then you can start following up and go to the next phase. The great thing about building an email list is that you are building an asset.

Most people will not join your network marketing business today. Some may never join, but you always have their contact information to follow up with any time you want.

Your list is the most valuable asset to focus on and never lose! Build a BIG list and never stop building it.

The best way to get more prospects for your network marketing business is to get more people’s contact information into your autoresponder.

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How To Follow Up In Network Marketing - by sortingSorting

Once you have their contact information you’re going to be following up by sending out useful information to their email inbox.

You will want to discuss business opportunities, ways to make money, and so on.

You may not even bring up your network marketing business at first.

That’s okay!

All you are trying to do is build some credibility and start developing relationships. People are going to get used to hearing from you and they will begin to know you

This is all part of sorting through your MLM prospects! Keep in mind that learning how to follow up on network marketing prospects will be the same as internet marketing with a little twist.

Your goal is to let your autoresponder find people who are seriously interested in making more money or starting an online business of their own. The longer they have been on your list eventually you’re going to start to talk about your network marketing business opportunity.

This may or may not interest people because most are just looking for some way to make more money or start an online business.

They are in luck because you can help them with that.

Once they identify themselves as having an interest then the follow-up part of network marketing starts.

How To Follow Up in Network Marketing - creating your personal contact

Personal Contact

There are several ways to follow up using personal contact once they have contacted you.

  • Email them back.
  • Text them.
  • PM on Facebook.
  • Call them.
  • Have coffee.

Ultimately no matter how you follow up with them once they have contacted you, I suggest that you push for a telephone call. 

You can do this on your smartphone, or you can sign up for a Skype account that will let you follow up with people all over the world for little or no money.

The whole point of the personal call is to separate yourselves from how most other people are doing business today.

I’m still amazed at how many people try to build their network marketing business 100% online.

I’m all for the process of using a blog and autoresponder to sort through prospects, but then at that point, you really need to get personal. The best way to get to know them, and find out about what their goals are, is to talk to them.

Let me throw in here that you do a face-to-face meeting if you are doing local prospecting.

You are going to make the phone call, but if it seems appropriate to get together at Starbucks and have a personal conversation.

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How To Follow Up In Network Marketing - making a callMaking The Call – Problem Solving

Are you familiar with the term “Consultative Selling“?

Consultative selling is a method where you spend time with your prospect of getting to understand their problems.

You are in the problem-solving business, not the network marketing business.

Asks questions. Be a good listener.

I’ve always thought that the biggest problem people have with prospecting and enrolling people into their business, is as they never had enough prospects to start with.

This leads you to slobber all over someone when they show the slightest bit of interest. It also leads you to be oversold when you get somebody that’s willing to listen.

You need to increase the number of prospects you have so you can get into the sorting phase and find true prospects you can call. Even at that point, you don’t know if they’re going to be a legitimate prospect for your business or not.

You have a possible solution to their problem. You just need to find out if it’s a good fit for BOTH them and you.

This is a two-way street.

Contrary to the way many people try to follow up in network marketing you do not need them as badly as they need you.

Establish some posture here!

Once you get the right posture following up with people in network marketing becomes easier.

The bottom line is the best way to do that is to increase the number of people on your email list that are identifying themselves to you as somebody that’s interested.

Then arrange a phone call and start getting into the real problem and solution phase of your business!

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8 thoughts on “How To Follow Up In Network Marketing”

  1. Hey Making The Call Problem Solving this also one of the most important points. This was a tough art in my business when wanted to keep up-to-date with my people who had send me their information. You break it down in a simplistic way so the average person can grasp the necessary steps on how to follow up with their people. Good work
    Keep sharing.

    • Charmi, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I myself had found it difficult as well to follow up with potential customers in my business. once I learn the right approach, I decided to help others to do it the right way as well.

      if there is an area in your business that you need help, please do not hesitate to ask, I take this business seriously, and I will do what it takes to see others have success online as well. thank you, and I wish you all the best.


  2. I am still trying to drive traffic to my site and I see it is starting to bear fruits. I have not started using an autoresponder for my email list yet, but this is definitely something I will implement soon. I love how you have broken down the steps. Sounds very practical and doable. I have abandoned a few other internet marketing platforms because I thought it was too tedious for me. I now see how these steps can ramp things up. Thank you for taking the time to provide us these useful tips.

    • Hey Carol, thank you for taking the time and leaving a comment. Happy that you received some value here. once you start receiving traffic you should have a contact form on your website to collect emails. You are losing valuable leads to your business not having one.

      If you need help choosing one or wanting to know how to set up one, please reach out to me, would love to help. Talk to you soon.

  3. Hi, David. You offered some valuable tips on following up. I do find some difficulties using an autoresponder. The first is that the engagement is one way and sometimes you cannot engage because you are talking only from your point of view. 

    The other is more compliance with SPAM regulations which require you to limit your engagement to a specific subscriber list. This means the management of multiple lists which makes the engagement impersonal. I am not sure of your experience but appreciate your views or how you handle these scenarios.

    • Stanley, thank you for the feedback. if you set up your email campaign correctly to correspond with your subscribers it does not have to be a one-way engagement. Remember you suppose to be educating your subscribers and giving them the information they requested. I suppose to be a dialogue.

      Always give them the option to opt-out and the end of all your emails and that would prevent you from spamming. Also always make your opt-in double, inn that way you letting them make the decision that they bare subscribing to your list by confirming in an email.

      Another thing does not sell in your emails, rather you educate them and send them to a blog post or an article if they need information. The best way to get tips on email marketing is to subscribe to a successful entrepreneur list and see what they are doing. I hope that helps!

  4. Hey David,

    Great post.  MLM is not an easy market to make money in as people are generally skeptical (I mean, who hasn’t been hassled to attend an Amway party).  But I totally agree with your process in regards to problem-solving (email lists are an absolute must as well) when it comes to selling these products and building your network.

    I have some experience in the Essential oils market and I know from experience that the prospect of a sale is much different if I can explain how oil can solve their problem rather than “it just smells nice”.  And, as you mention in regards to online posts, people search the internet to solve a problem as well.

    I will be re-reading this post to make sure I am following what looks like a sound process


    • Paul, thank you for your take on things here and confirming that email marketing is an important part of your business if you want to be successful in building your Network.

      Solving a problem or offering a service that people need is the right approach this is the reason I created this website so that I can inform my audience what works and what to stay away from if you want to build a successful business online.

      Thank you.


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