How To Make Money As A College Student!

College is expensive, and so are the day-to-day living expenses that are associated with going to college. Here I will show you how to make money as a college student and join some who already started.

Student loans certainly can help, and so can mom and dad, but what if you need additional money and have to work for it?

I want to give you some ideas on how to make money as a college student. Rather than traditional things, you can do part-time jobs such as delivering pizzas, working in a retail store, and so on. Let’s focus more on ways college students can make money using the Internet.

This is a website that brings employers and employees together in what is known as telecommuting. College students are perfect for telecommuting because they are smart, have talents employers will pay for, and lead a life requiring flexibility.

This has always been one of the problems regarding finding a part-time job. Often employers needed part-time workers to work a particular schedule, and the student’s class load would not allow them to do that. offers membership to check them out. Then you’re going to spend $15 a month to have access to jobs all around the United States. You can find these arranged by category, by keywords related to the skillset you offer, and so on.

Many of these offer a guaranteed hourly rate, and some even come with benefits as well. This makes it one of the best sources for researching how to make money as a college student if you’re looking for a job with flexibility.

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Get Paid To Programs

Get paid to take paid surveys and supplement your income to the tune of about $100 a month. You can bump that up by referring people to Cash Crate programs and earning money on the surveys they take.

This can be an excellent source of income for college students who want to have a voice in shaping future products or offering their opinions on various topics, including politics, sports, entertainment, etc. Most of these can be done right online using either your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Other ways to make money getting paid to do things include reading emails, performing tasks at Amazon Mechanical Turk, offering the service at, and much more.

Start A Blog

How To Make Money As A College Student! - start a blog at home

Most college kids are doing a lot of reading and writing, so starting a blog makes sense.

This can be an excellent way to make money as a college student when you monetize your blog with the Google AdSense pay-per-click affiliate program.

The writing part is going to be very easy for college kids.

Marketing the blog will take a little bit of education, but certainly, that’s a skill you can take with you long after you graduate from college.

The beautiful thing about monetizing your blog with Google AdSense is, you don’t have to provide any level of customer service. You’re not selling anything either, so you don’t need to worry about setting up a shopping cart, shipping products, or anything like that.

You develop your niche blog by adding content in the form of articles, videos, graphics, and so on. You drive traffic to your blog where they are met with ads sold by Google.

Whenever somebody clicks on an ad, you make up 68% of the sale price. That means you are earning $6.80 on every $10 worth of clicks.

The primary thing to know is you will need many pages of content and a lot of traffic to start making money on this. However, the income is ongoing once you get it coming in, and you can primarily focus on generating new traffic.

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Join An Affiliate Program

How To Make Money As A College Student! with affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn money by selling products, getting leads, or by the click, as I have already mentioned. You can join affiliate programs in virtually any category, and often they are free to join.

The affiliate merchant provides everything you need to get started, which is one reason this is an excellent way to make money as a college student. Let me give you a couple of examples.

Join an affiliate network such as Clickbank and sell digital e-books. The authors of the ebooks have already written them. Clickbank gives you an affiliate ID number. Then, you use the marketing materials to promote them online and make money whenever a purchase is made.

Clickbank Affiliates earn as high as 75% in commissions. You get paid on direct deposit, so this can be an excellent source of income for college students.

Another idea is to join Wealthy Affiliate and take their free training course. This will give you the basics you need to get started making money in affiliate marketing.

They also have a premium course that offers more benefits and training on making money with affiliate marketing you can upgrade to. You could even make money selling the premium membership, which creates a residual income that is ongoing for you in the future.

How To Make Money As A College Student Final thoughts

These are a handful of ideas on how to make money as a college student. One or more of these would work well for college students who need flexibility and are not looking to travel back and forth to a part-time job.

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