How To Make Money With A Website – Right Platform Matters!

How to make money with a website? I am going to approach this article as though you do not have a website yet, and you need to build one so you can make money with it.

Because I am so big on affiliate marketing here on my blog, I understand you can use the affiliate website the merchant provides for you to promote.

I am not in favor of this, for a number of reasons, which I have gone into in other articles. With this in mind, if you are going to try and make money in affiliate marketing, I feel you should have your own website.

With this in mind let’s go over how to make money with a website of your own starting with the basics of building your own site.

What is your Reason or your Why?

With millions of websites you will be competing against, why would you want to start one of your own? Because you want to make money you really need to define what your income goal is. This is important because it’s going to play a role in deciding what website you’re going to build, what niche it’s going to be in, and how you’re going to monetize it to make money.

For example, if you would just like to make an extra $300 a month you could break that down to $10 a day and come up with all kinds of different ways to achieve that. You might be surprised to know that most websites do not even make $10 a day so do not minimize this as some small accomplishment.

If your goal is to quit your job and earn a six-figure income, you’re going to approach your website with a different mindset. The business model you decide to get into is probably going to be different than one where you’re only trying to earn $10 a day.

Be crystal clear about why you want to make money with your website! here is where I would advise you to get some in-depth training so that you would have the knowledge to know what direction to take.

That is why I would always recommend Wealthy Affiliate, because that is where I started, and that is the reason it is working for me.

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What Is Your Niche Or Target Marketing?

How To Make Money With A Website - planning a niche for your market

In today’s world of Internet marketing, your target market has become known as your niche. To make the most money from a website you need to drill down and think in terms of a micro-niche.

For example, your target market might be people who are interested in health. A micro-niche could be specifically somebody who’s looking for a way to deal with the pain of fibromyalgia.

Do you need to have a passion for the niche you choose? I think it is a good idea, especially if you are new to making money online. You will enjoy it more if you love the niche you choose.

Related Video: How Do Websites Make Money

Domain Name, Hosting & WordPress

Try and buy a dot-com domain name if possible. Put a keyword in the domain name that describes what your website offers. You can buy domain names from a number of different sources including NameCheap, Wealthy Affiliate, and GoDaddy for about $15 a year, or less.

There are a few good websites hosting sources as well. These could include Go Daddy, Bluehost, Host Gator, Wealthy Affiliate, and many others. You should be able to find website hosting for five to $10 a month.

I suggest using a word press theme for your website regardless of whether it’s an e-commerce site, an information site, a lead generation site, and so on. Any hosting company can help you set your website up with one or two clicks.

How To Make Money With A Website - through online marketingHow Will You Make Money?

I have discussed at length various ways to make money with the website using the business model of affiliate marketing. I happen to think this is the easiest way for anybody to make money on the Internet today.

In my opinion, having a blog on your website is the best way to build it out and promote your affiliate programs and products. Your WordPress website can be set up to blog right on the template just like I am doing here on the website you are on right now.

You can basically make money in affiliate marketing in three different ways. This is what I will spend the rest of the article talking about.

1. Pay-per-click affiliate marketing. How would you like to make money with your website when people click on ads Google sells for you?

Once you start getting meaningful traffic this is about as easy as it gets. Google AdSense is the affiliate program to join for free.

Google will pay you 68% of the billed amount to the advertiser. They match ads to the content on your site so it makes sense to your visitors when they see them.

If your goal is $10 a day you would need 15 clicks a day if the ads average $1 and you are earning 68% of the click. 15 X .68= $10.20

2. Pay per lead. You get paid to get leads for the affiliate merchant you have joined with.

Joining an affiliate network is the fasted way to find affiliate merchants offering pay-per-lead programs. I suggest Max Bounty is a good one. OfferVault is an excellent source for all kinds of pay-per-click merchants.

3. Pay per sale. Make money by selling other people’s stuff. Start right off the bat and join Amazon and Clickbank.

This will give you a never-ending supply of products, programs, and services to sell as an affiliate. Amazon is the best source for physical products. Clickbank is a great source for digital products to sell.

Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free

I feel joining Wealthy Affiliate for free is the best way to start making money with a website and affiliate marketing. They have a number of free training courses you can take.

You can then upgrade to a pro membership if you want, but that is not required. Many affiliate marketers like myself, started for free and then upgraded to the premium membership, so we can take full advantage of making money with our own website.

If you Google search “how to make money online” you will find a never-ending number of websites to go check out. If you like what I have suggested in this article, then do not do that.

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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4 thoughts on “How To Make Money With A Website – Right Platform Matters!”

  1. Hallo there,

    I have website on perfumes that is coming along well very nicely, and I was looking for ways to monetize it. Thanks a bunch for the extremely valuable information you have shared here.

    I think I am going to go for the affiliate marketing option that will pay me per sale. I feel it is the most convenient for me. Thanks.

    • Dave, congratulations on your Perfumes business and decided to build a website for it. Glad that you get some value in this article, how to make a money with a website. That will happen for you if you follow my guidelines here.

      Great choice on choosing Affiliate Marketing to do so, is what working for me, and if done right, it will work for you as well.

  2. I also know that affiliate marketing can be quite lucrative however how long it takes to create a legitimate business.

    I think of working at least a couple of hours per week and I can work and listen to lessons a couple of hours as well. Would that be enough?

    • Thank you for your input and insight on it is possible to make money with a website. Within six months you should be building a successful business if you follow the guideline and the program I recommended.

      A couple hours a week maybe be a start, but to build a successful business,  to 5 hours a day would be your best bet. hope that helps!


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