Here are some Ways To Make Money With A Website!

When you have a money-making tips blog like mine one of the most common questions is “ways to make money with a website?”

I could probably come up with 101 ways to make money with a website, but in reality, all that does is takes me a long time to research and write, and I end up skimming the article and leaving in 2 minutes or less.

So, let me give you the most common and best ways to make money with a website based on personal experience and what I have seen other average people like you do every day!

Let’s just say I think you should set up a website as a blog and then use one or more of the following ways to make money from it. WordPress is the blogging platform I suggest and yes you can build an e-commerce store, or have a static home page on any site with it.

OK, here we go……..

Information Websites

An information website is great for people who want to focus on content and not on selling. You can start one on anything that interests you and then make money in a variety of ways.

1. Sell advertising. Get traffic to any website, blog, or even one page and sell advertising on it. The hard part is getting the traffic. The easy part is you sell the ad, put it on your website, and forget about it. This is perfect for bloggers who want to focus on creating great content and nothing else.

2. Google AdSense. Join Google’s affiliate program for free and let them sell the ads for you. Again your focus is on content and Google pays you 68% of the ad cost when somebody clicks on an ad.

3. Build a list. Focus on getting email addresses and then you can monetize your list with anything you want including your own products or other people’s products.

4. Affiliate products. Make money as an affiliate marketer by putting banner ads, text ads, or other affiliate ads on your Information website. I love this model and make money this way on my own money-making tips blog.

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There are a variety of ways to set up your own money-making e-commerce website.

1. Sell your own product or products. If you have products or services you offer to sell them on your own website.

2. Fulfillment by Amazon. Use Amazon to sell for you. This is most commonly done through dropshipping where you source a product, store it on Amazon’s website, and let them sell, collect the money, and ship it for you.

3. Shopify. This is a fast way to set up your own online store and it is one of the highest-rated programs you can join. They have so many features and benefits you need to visit their website to see how to start yours.

Cost Per Action Programs

Ways To Make Money With A Website - cost per click programs

These are also known as pay-per-lead affiliate programs. Basically, you join an affiliate network for free. Then you will have access to programs to promote where you get paid when someone fills out a lead form downloads software, etc.

1. Max Bounty. One of my favorite affiliate networks and one of the highest-rated CPA networks online.

2. OfferVault. This is an unbelievable resource for learning how to do CPA marketing. It is also great for finding high-paying offers where you can earn hundreds of dollars for one completed lead form.


Buy and sell websites at Let’s say you have to build a valuable information website and then decide you want to do something else. Flippa is a site that matches sellers and buyers and does over $1M dollars a week in sales.

You could sell your site and find another one to buy. Many Internet marketers flip sites on Flippa just like people do in offline real estate. You could even buy, fix up, and hold the website for future income if you choose.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Network Marketing

Network marketing is a billion-dollar-a-year business model. Active MLM’ers use their website to educate prospects about their business opportunity and the products they sell.

1. Leads. You could use your website to attract prospects for your business opportunity. Take the leads and follow up with them by email or phone to sponsor them into your business.

2. Retail. Sell products through pre-selling. Use your website to offer testimonials about the products you love. They pass them through to your company-provided sales page to make sales.

Ways To Make Money With A Website - affiliate marketingAffiliate Marketing

Join an affiliate program most often for free. Perform a specific action for the affiliate merchant and earn money from it.

1. Pay per click. Make money when people click on ads. Think Google AdSense!

2. Pay per lead. Make money when people fill out a lead form,

3. Pay per sale. Sell something and make money on the sale. Look at Amazon and Clickbank first.

4. 2-tier programs. Make money recruiting. Earn money on your sales and your recruit’s sales.

5. Start your own affiliate program. Clickbank might be a good place to start. You earn money when affiliates in your program are earning money.

Final thoughts

Does this give you some ideas? How you earn money from a website is hard to answer but easy to do once you get started.

Millions of people just like you and me do it every day. I am partial to affiliate marketing and a great training program called Wealthy Affiliate.

You might choose to go to another avenue. Many Internet marketers focus on one income stream while others combine them to maximize their income potential.

There is no wrong or right way to go about making money on a website. However, I suggest you follow proven training such as is provided at Wealthy Affiliate. There is no sense in trying to reinvent the wheel and going through trial and error anymore.

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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10 thoughts on “Here are some Ways To Make Money With A Website!”

  1. I’m so glad to read your blog once more on how to make money from a website. Indeed it’s an interesting phenomenon to be able to make money online and this is exactly what I’d like to do in my life.

    You mentioned Shopify and this is one of my recent interests. I’m planning to set up an online shop via Shopify and I would like to know whether it’s a wise investment or not. I’ve used WooCommerce before and not Shopify. Would you please give me some helpful guidelines on how to go about it.



    • Hey Paul, thank you for the comment and kind words. Making money online is a dream come true for everyone seeking to do this, and Affiliate Marketing is your best bet.

      Online store is good and if created right using Shopify, you would increase your chances of being successful. You can learn more about Shopify here. https://davidbishopmakemoneyti… Hope that helps.

  2. Hello,
    I’ve created my own website and it’s getting quite fleshed out, I think I’m ready for some traffic.
    But, what’s the best way to attract your first traffic? How long might it typically take for websites to get clicks just through searching? I’m only at 1.5 months, but I’ve read that it’s possible to have 100 unique visitors by the third month so I’m hoping to get the ball rolling soon.


    • Hi Bruce, glad that you started to build a website. You should concentrate on giving value to your audience and the traffic would follow as they begin to like and trust you.

      Focus on low competitive keywords to get your post on the first three spot on the first page on Google so that more people would read your posts and likely to respond to your offers.

      One of the fastest way is to consider paid advertising. Start with Bing and Facebook ads, but please get enough knowledge on how to set it up right so that you would not blow your hard earn cash away.

      Consider taking a look at wealthy affiliate so that you can set it up right. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance with generating traffic to your website. Talk to you soon and thank you for stooping by and leaving a comment.

  3. Hey i really enjoyed this article, you gave a lot of different ideas to make money online. I have been trying most of what you listed and i also wrote an ebook. I have not done the email list yet becasuse im not to sure how to or how to even get started. I am still learning as much as i can so i can succeed!

    • Justin, I have been asked this question so many times from members on my Team that I thought is better to write an article on it. Good to know that it was helpful and you got some light here.

      When starting out, it is good to take one step at a time so that you build your website right. Writing quality content to your audience on a regular basis should be your first priority. Building your list can come after you start getting traffic to your website. Taking the courses at Wealthy Affiliate is your best bet because it is being broken down by stages to get better results.

  4. I am with a network marketing company and they do provide a simple website that I can use for promotion. There’s nothing much I can do about the site actually – it only has my referral link but I couldn’t change anything in terms of content.

    MLMs are typically face-to-face promotion so how do I actually go about using a website for this purpose? Do you have any idea?

    • Cathy, I use to be part of couple Network marketing companies that provided you with a website. With multiple people having the same website, it is hard to gain rankings in the search engines. A for of marketing strategy that do not work.

      You can build your own WordPress website, write a review about your product or services, and write articles educating your audience and sending them to review. You can learn all how to build your website and monetize it through Wealthy Affiliate. Check it out here. https://davidbishopmakemoneyti… Take care, and I will see you inside.

  5. Really an amazing article I have been struggling for a few months now to make money online and your story has motivated me and the method you have explained on this blog is what I found to work to make money online. I will like to try as many methods as possible to make money online. THANKS A LOT, MAN.

    • Glad that you get some value here on how to make money with a website. If you need a hand going forward,please let me know. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success. Talk to you soon.


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