How To Publish A Book Online – A Proven System!

It is easy to learn how to publish a book online. In fact, many people, including writers who have never written a book before, are easily doing it.

Publishing companies are not making profits like they used to. This is because many people have started getting the information they need online and few are still purchasing paper or hardback books.

In fact, more eBooks are sold today when compared to books in print. The reason for this is authors have come to understand the many benefits of publishing content online.

With the rapid advancements in technology, it is easier to self-publish a book. Provided you can type and you are well conversant with Microsoft word, online publishing won’t take too much of your time.

In this article, we will go through writing your book and publishing it online on the most popular website for selling your book.

Select Popular Topics

Even before we start with the process of publishing your content online it is first important for you to come up with trending topics. You can also discover a niche that is yet to be exploited and work on it. It is easier to earn more on such topics when compared to other crowded niches.

It is also prudent to go through the list of bestseller books and get an idea of what exactly you have to do if you want to achieve the desired results. ‘How to’ books are especially very popular among readers.

This is because most people would want to learn new things and reduce the cost of outsourcing. These books also cost more when compared to other nonfiction books.


How To Publish A Book Online - proofreading my book before it go live

If you want your book to sell be sure it is well written in simple English with no grammar errors. After you proofread your book give it out to a few people you trust and get their opinion.

They will also help you spot any errors that you did not see when you were proofreading it. A copy editor can also assist you in finding any grammar and spelling errors.

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Once your text is edited it is time to work on formatting issues. It is important to ensure that the book is available in popular formats.

Start with a Microsoft word document to maintain simplicity. You can then make the word doc available as an HTML file to be read by a variety of reading devices. As an HTML file, your text will be displayed according to the size of the reader’s screen.


For publishing your book online I suggest using Amazon. They are the largest book sales company in the world.

Once your content is edited and formatted you can get guidelines from and on how to upload the document. These sites also have software that can transform your file into different formats.

You can publish your book on Amazon in a variety of ways.

1. Kindle Direct Publishing. You will earn 35-70% of the royalties when you publish your book using Kindle.

There is no charge to upload your book via a file to be sold as a digital book which is also known as an ebook. One of the best things about using KDP is they do not require exclusivity so you can sell your new book on your own website or at other online retailers.

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2. KDP Select. This is a popular way to get your book out to Amazon Prime Members. You earn up to a 70% royalty for lending your book out to prime members.

3. Convert to eBook. Another thing you can do is convert the book that is currently in a text or word doc format into an ebook and sells it yourself online.

How To Publish A Book Online - converting your book to an ebook

Word 2 Kindle offers this service starting at $49 dollars. They handle formatting your ebook, creating a cover, and formatting your ebook correctly


Publishing your book alone does not guarantee it will sell. It is also important to come up with different strategies for promoting your book.

There are many online platforms where you can advertise the book. Social media is among the most rewarding platforms you can use.

The best part of it is you will also get feedback from people who have already read the book. Telling your friends and family about the book will also increase the chances of having the book purchased by more people.

If you are willing to offer your book for free on Amazon for 5 days this can be a way to create some buzz about it. Use sites such as Addicted To eBooks to begin getting the word out.

Other places you can promote your ebook include:

  • – Author Marketing Club
  • – Books On The Knob
  • – Bargain Kindle Books
  • – Digital Book Today
  • – Wonderbookland

Beautiful Dawn Designs

I am assuming you have written a book worth reading. If you have questions about writing your ebook check out Beautiful Dawn Design’s article on how to write an ebook.

This article takes you through the whole writing process including even more ideas on publishing your new ebook online.

final thoughts

All in all, the process of publishing a book online is very simple. Once you put all the necessary measures in place you will no doubt be guaranteed great returns.

Be sure to price your book in the correct range for other similar books. This way once you have published it you stand a better chance of not losing potential sales due to it being overpriced. You can always bump the price after it is popular.

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10 thoughts on “How To Publish A Book Online – A Proven System!”

  1. Nice article on how to publish a book online. I agree that going the Ebook route is probably the best way to sell a book in 2019 and the most efficient way, I like that you aren’t restricted and can sell it in multiple places if you upload it to Amazon. Writing a book is definitely one of my future goals, so I will be saving and sharing this article moving forward, Thanks!

    • Marvin, thank you for the comment and insight. Happy to know that you get some value here and the multiple ways that one can sell a book online. Wish you great success with your writing and please keep me posted when the book is live, I would love to be the first few to purchase one.

  2. Thanks for your article. 

    I agree how ebooks since becoming much easier to self publish are becoming a much more sought after way of earning some extra income and building a platform to continue to contribute towards providing good quality information with many niches out there. 

    There is another benefit that I am finding with ebook publishing that I wonder if you agree with as well. That benefit is it doesn’t feel like when an ebook is published it may feel to the author as much as a final etched in stone never changing again type of word, as a book put into print. To add future changes due to more developed research etc. is easier with an ebook than a print one not to mention the price difference of republishing the two types of books. 

    One more comment, I would like to say thanks for sharing the idea of allowing Amazon to offer the ebook for 5 days free to help build momentum for the book. I had never heard this idea before and find it as an interesting idea to give some potential consideration towards. 

    Again thanks for sharing your post.

    • Hey, Todd is amazing how time has changed, I still pull a hardcover book out from time to time when traveling on the subway here in NYC and many people have their iPad open reading ebooks that they have downloaded, still have to adapt to that.

      I will agree with you on the editing factor between the ebook and the hardcover print. That is the reason for proofreading before you go live. And the ebook price would be less than the other.

      Amazon is here to serve their clients, and it is essential if you can get in touch with them when you decide to use their services, you will find lots of free services would become available to you. Glad that I was able to the point that out to you. Thank you for the feedback.

  3. I enjoy writing and have wanted to create my own ebook but have just felt overwhelmed on how and where to get started. These are useful tips to make sure your work is well written and professional before publishing it online. I am gaining more confidence that I can do this. Thanks for your help!

    • Christina, you are welcome. It opens up some new avenues for me as well and I think I will be publishing one before the year is over. Doing my research for this article I came across some tools that would help, KDP direct was one of them that caught my attention.

      Thank you for the feedback.

  4. Hi David, I completed writing my book which I want to be first in a series of e-books. I had it edited by Bookbaby and have it as a doc.  file. You have formatting as the next step. Am I to contact Amazon for publishing at this stage? Do they provide guidance on how to complete the publication? Thanks for the info

    • Wow! good for you and congratulations on moving into the ebook arena. Hope it would be a successful one and would love to get an opportunity to purchase one, Please free to come back here and post your information. Would love to take a look and recommend it to my audience.

      Yes, Amazon would be able to help with guidelines on your publication. You can access the information on the link I have provided. KDP Jumpstart. Hope that helps!

  5. This is great Bishop,

    I am at the verge of publishing a book and have been looking for tips and tricks to make it go well.

    Your article has definitely provided me with all that I needed and more..

    I wasn’t sure if  Amazon Kindle Publishing would be the right choice for me, but now I see it’s your best recommendation, I will definitely go on with it.

    Thanks for these simplified steps to work with.


    • Queen, congratulations on making a decision to publish a book, wish you great success. And please send me the info so I can be one of the first few to purchase my copy.

      Yes, please utilize amazon, they have come a long way and they would definitely help you with your publication and give you guidelines to follow. If ever you are stuck, please reach out to me, would love to help.

      Happy I was able to give you some value here.


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