How To Start An Online Business With No Money

I want to talk about how to start an online business with no money and the process you need to take to get results.

This happens for several reasons.

1. You have no money to get started.
2. You are unsure of what business to start and want to test the waters first.
3. You lack confidence in your new business idea and do not want to waste money on something that may fail.

Fair enough!

Let me first say that choosing to start an online business is a smart move.

Many people have started their own businesses on the Internet with little or no money out of their pocket.

The great thing about the Internet is, it does not discriminate against anyone due to their lack of money. You have just a good chance to succeed as somebody who is starting with money; it just may take you a little longer.

I have always said that you can make up for what you lack in money by investing your time. This, off-course, is where the Internet is the great equalizer, so expect to spend time doing things that you might otherwise purchase-including marketing your new business for free.

Okay, with that in mind, let’s talk about how to start an online business with no money!

Get Paid To Programs

You can get paid to do things such as taking paid surveys, data entry, reading emails, typing, being a virtual assistant, and so on. You may not think of these as online businesses, but your chances of succeeding greatly increase if you run these get paid-to-programs like a business.

Let me give you an example.

Join Cash Crate for free and earn money by taking surveys and referring people to take surveys. This is one of the oldest and most reliable survey programs on the Internet.

You actually will earn money taking surveys. You can also make money by referring people to Cash Crate and earning a commission on the surveys they take. Their affiliate referral program provides you with the opportunity to develop a four-figure monthly income just on your referrals surveys taken every month.

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Digital Business

How To Start An Online Business With No Money - your own business online

There are numerous ways you can start a digital business and make money just by logging on and completing services.

For example, you could set up a website design business using a free blog at Join PayPal for free and use them as your payment processor.

You could then join and promote your new service. You could also promote your new blog all over the Internet in different ways for free, including social media.

Many services are in demand, but one of the most popular right now is freelance writing. Writing blog articles is an example of a micro-niche in this broad niche.

You literally could be writing blog articles for other bloggers in one day and, with a little bit of promotion, never run out of work. Freelance writing offers many opportunities to start your own online business with no money, including other ways such as copywriting, business writing, writing email messages, web content, and much more.

Affiliate Marketing

Many affiliate programs are free to join. Affiliate marketing also offers you different ways to make money as a business.

How To Start An Online Business With No Money - start affiliate marketing

For example…..

1. Sell other people’s stuff. Join an affiliate program and let the affiliate merchant provide the products you’re going to sell.

You can break down things to sell on the Internet into two categories.

A. Digital products. This would include things such as e-books, online memberships, reports, and so on. The nice thing about Digital Products is there is no shipping involved, and you can provide instant access to your customers. Check out the affiliate network at ClickBank.

B. Physical products. Amazon started one of the first affiliate programs allowing people to make money by selling books online. They offer the largest program on the Internet today, with physical products in virtually every category you can think of. This is just one example of an affiliate program you can join, and there are thousands of these on the Internet you can join for free.

2. Cost per action. Join an affiliate network such as Max Bounty and find offers to promote. You get paid when people complete the required action. This would include things such as getting the lead or providing a place for somebody to download software.

3. Pay per click. Google Adsense is the largest PPC affiliate program and has a payout of over $1 Billion a year in commissions to its publishers.

All you do is place some code on your website, and Google sells the advertising related to the theme of the page the code is placed on. You then earn 68% of the charged click price to the advertiser when people click on the ads on your site.

wealthy affiliate business

4. Join WA. Affiliate Marketing has matured as a business. In my opinion, you are best off joining an affiliate marketing membership site such as Wealthy Affiliate and beginning to learn the ropes. They offer a free membership where you can start to get your feet wet as an affiliate marketer.

They also offer a paid membership for people who are more serious about building an online business in affiliate marketing. You can even make money selling the paid membership and develop a residual income which is another excellent way to make money online.


These are just a few tips on how to start an online business with no money. None of these is the pie-in-the-sky or just theory, as people make money in all of these ways every day.

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