Is Using Facebook For Business Work Today?

Is Using Facebook For Business Work Today? I think this is a fair question. Of course, using Facebook for business works! One of the reasons why it is used daily is for building a Facebook ad campaign to collect leads

If I am a business owner looking for ways to create more exposure for my business and products, I would certainly be looking at social media marketing.


You can not do that without looking at Facebook.

Not only are they the largest social site in the world, with over 1.4 billion members, but they are also the second-largest site in terms of monthly traffic.

Who is #1?

It is still the Google search engine, not Google’s social site Google Plus, but they are growing every month as well, the good old Google search box.

So what about using Facebook for business? Does it work for business, or is it mostly a place for people to hang out with friends?

Yes, if you promote it and are active with it.

Here’s how!

Set Up Your Business Facebook Account

You will be faced with a question here. If you already have a personal Facebook account do you want to set up a Facebook business page or create a separate business account?

For Internet marketers who are micro-business with one employee, a business page on your personal account may be adequate. If you are a small business owner with employees, you’re probably best off setting up your separate Facebook business account.

You’re not going to want to mix your personal and business together. In my opinion, setting up your Facebook business account is probably the best way to go for the majority of business owners regardless of the size of their business.

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Connect With Other Members

connecting with people using Facebook for business

The great thing about having a business account is that you’re making it possible for people to connect with your business who are already Facebook users themselves.

As we said there are almost 1.5 billion Facebook members, so chances are there are at least hundreds if not thousands of Facebook members your business should be connecting with daily.

I suggest you look at other competitors’ pages to see how they’re using their Facebook accounts. Finding the best way for your business to benefit from Facebook is to be active on a regular basis.

It’s nice to be making timely posts and updates on what’s going on with your business. It also means interacting with your friends and followers if they are posting on your timeline and leaving comments.

You have a great chance to influence people with updates to products, sales you might be having, employee changes, and so on. The more members you connected with, the more exposure your business is going to get.

Grow Your Audience

Growing your audience with Facebook for business

One of the best ways to increase the number of people you’re interacting with on Facebook is your existing customer base.

Any time you’re talking with an existing customer invite them to like your Facebook page.

If you’re lucky enough to have an email account, send out an email asking people to come over and like your page as well.

Be sure and put a link on your blog or website where people can go to your Facebook page too.

Develop A Lively Facebook Page

I think this is critical. You never get a second chance at a first impression on Facebook, so you want to create the appearance of a lot of action going on in your Facebook account.

The best way to do this is by posting a lot and including graphics, videos, and so on. Share posts from other members which is an excellent way to populate your Facebook timeline without coming up with new content ideas every time.

Consistency is critical. I know when I’m on somebody’s page I look at the date of the most recent post to see just how active that person or business is.

The worst thing you can do is have your last post one, two, or three months elder. The best thing you can do is have updates at least weekly, if not daily, or even several times a day.

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One option to use Facebook for your business is to run paid ads on Facebook. This gives you the opportunity to connect with people who are not business friends right now.

One of the primary benefits of Facebook advertising is the ability to target the market of individuals who are going to see your ad. Facebook uses the pay-per-click business model, so you’re only going to be billed when somebody clicks on your ad.

Of the 1.4 billion members 900 million people access Facebook every day. Of that number 700 million are accessing via their smartphone or tablet.

This gives you an excellent opportunity to do mobile Facebook advertising. Facebook ads are placed in a stream of information, so there’s a very good chance that your ads are going to be seen and acted upon if it’s something that is relevant to the person viewing it.

That’s where targeted marketing comes into play. Facebook can target specific groups of individuals based on their viewing habits and comments they have made in the past, and some of these are going to be good prospects for your business and your products.

final thoughts

Social media marketing is less than 15 years old. Facebook falls into this category and in my opinion, has barely gotten started.

Yes using Facebook for business still works today, and the various ways you can take advantage of it are something you need to be involved in if you’re looking for more exposure for your business.

It only makes sense to be where your competitors are, and when doing some quick research, you are going to find most if not all of them are already on Facebook. That’s another reason for you to use it for your business.

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