Local Client Takeover Review – Boost Your Website Rankings?

If you have been looking for ways to boost your website’s ranking, you may have read a Local Client Takeover Review before. If not, continue reading this article till the end.

Local Client Takeover is an SEO agency claiming to rank your website and more. You may have wondered if this company is a client magnet or just a waste of good money. Whether or not that is true, we will find out in my Local Client Takeover review today.

  1. Product Name: Local Client Takeover
  2. Founder: Mark Luckenbaugh
  3. Product Type: Digital marketing learning platform and SEO services agency
  4. Price:
    All courses on the Local Client Takeover website are free, but some courses are paid courses and invite-only.
    The Local Client Takeover offers two monthly plans for their SEO services, and they are:

    1. Standard Monthly Entity Signals ($55 per month)
  • 20 Total Entity Signals /month
  • Citations/Socials/Branded NAP Profiles
  • Available For All Countries
  • Custom List Creation Available
  • Tiered Link Boost Add On
  • Checked for Duplicates
  • Triple Checked NAP

    2. Premium Monthly Entity Signals ($100 per month)
  • 40 Total Signals /month
  • Citations/Socials/Branded NAP Profiles
  • As Many or as Few Months of Signals You Need
  • Steadily Increase Prominence Every Month
  • Advanced Signal Indexing
  • Completely Optimized
  • Manually Crafted
  • Branded Web2.0s Included
  • NAP and GMB Map Embeds

They also offer a couple of optional add-ons upon checkout:

3. Monthly Entity Booster ($75.00 per month)

  • 10 High TF network links
  • Included anchor texts optional
  • Custom List Creation ($50.00 per month)
  • Create custom local and niche entity signals from manual Google search operators, citations, and backlinks from competitors.
  • Best For New to mid-level marketers

    The Local Client Takeover is a learning platform where you can use digital marketing courses for free. This website also offers several training programs for digital marketers as well as agency owners.

    You can learn SEO, Facebook ads, Google My Business, and more. The Local Client Takeover claims that with their SEO services, they can boost your online presence, therefore helping to generate more income from your business. We will discuss more of that in this review
  • Ratings: 60/100

What is the Local Client Takeover?

The Local Client Takeover is a digital marketing training platform founded by Mark Luckenbaugh in 2014 in Harrisburg, PA. Initially, the Local Client Takeover is a community for marketers.

Then the following year, M Stack and Brian Willie joined Luckenbaugh along with other coaches. By 2016, they released their training courses for digital marketers.

In 2017, The Local Client Takeover hosted the “7 Figures or Bust SEO” conference in Las Vegas, with 300 local marketers attending the event. The Local Client Takeover is also included in the top 15 SEO Facebook groups for SEOs for 2018.

And by 2020, Jessie Taylor and Michael Milas joined the Local Client Takeover team, and they launched the Local SEO Community Facebook group.

The Local Client Takeover is also for agencies or aspiring agency owners who would like to provide marketing services to their local clients. Their company offers services such as agency consulting, strategic planning, white-label fulfillment, and many others. They promise that with their SEO services, you can grow your businesses and earn up to 7 figures and beyond.

How does the Local Client Takeover work?

The Local Client Takeover works similarly to other learning platforms. You can either sign up as a trainee or go to a specific course you would like to take and click register. The courses contain video tutorials made by the instructors themselves. You will need to watch them complete the course.

The Local Client Takeover offers free courses, and the following are courses offered as of today.

  • GMB SEO Specialist (FREE)
  • Facebook Local Ads (FREE)
  • Link Building Science (FREE)
  • 7-Figure Agency Training (FREE)
  • Google Ads for Local (FREE)
  • Local Marketing Mastermind

There are also invite-only courses, according to their website.

  • 6-figure agency in 90 days
  • GMB masterclass
  • Agency growth calls
  • SEO revamped
  • Agency Automation

At the time of this writing, Local Client Takeover has several instructors

Local Client Takeover Review
  • Chaz Edwards, GMB and Local SEO
  • Mark Luckenbaugh, Agency Growth and Sales
  • Neil Bellevue, SEO Strategy and Fulfillment
  • Jessie Taylor, GMB Consultant
  • Michale Milas, Agency Automation
  • Jonathan Kaufman, Media Buying coach

While most courses are free, their SEO services are a little expensive. Their SEO services also offer local listing, local networks, local branding, and link-building services. These services aim to help local businesses to find more clients.

If you would like to get their SEO services, you can go directly to the SEO services tab and select the plan you like to get. They will offer you some optional add-ons such as the booster and custom list creation during checkout.

Local Client Takeover offers done-for-you SEO services for businesses as well, and these are:

  • Monthly Entity Signals – This helps improve your local ranking and your brand’s reputation by the integration and optimization of authoritative links, signals, and citations such as your business name, address, and phone number. They will also provide you with informative and relevant sources to help improve and maintain your business’s online presence.
  • Local link building – This will provide you with different link-building solutions, such as guest posts and niche edits.
  • Local citation building – Aims to improve your citations so your business can get NAP mentions on well-known online business directories.
  • Local press releases – Get your business featured in over 300 popular news outlets to boost your online presence.
  • Brand account creation – Create better social media domains.

The Local Client Takeover offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with their services.

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Can You Make Money Local Client Takeover?

It’s nice that Local Client Takeover offers free courses, but there’s no guarantee that you can make money by following their teachings. Otherwise, nobody will get their paid SEO services.

There are also platforms offering similar courses which are more updated than what they currently offer. For me, these free courses are to bait you into signing up. In fact, after I signed up, I received marketing emails about their SEO services one after another.

The Local Client Takeover helps you in improving your business, which I think is nice. They promise a quick ROI and up to 7-figure revenue which I think is too exaggerated. But the reality is very different. Getting your website to rank high in search engine results does not happen overnight.

SEO takes a while before you see some excellent results from your efforts. Even when your website started ranking high on Google, it does not mean that you can earn a 7-figure income immediately. It is just a marketing tactic to promote their SEO services.

How To Make Money With Local Client Takeover?

Unfortunately, I can’t say that you can make money with the Local Client Takeover services since there’s no solid proof their strategies work. This is the problem with getting SEO services.

Since SEO is not an exact science, it’s hard to master it and apply the same strategies. This is because SEO is always changing and evolving into something more challenging.

Pros & Cons of Local Client Takeover

The Local Client Takeover still has its pros and cons despite claiming to have trained hundreds of marketers and helped launched many agencies in the US.


  • Learn the basics of SEO
  • Learn about Google Map Listings


  • The courses are video tutorials, not interactive.
  • Some courses are via invitation only or paid.
  • There are similar courses in other learning platforms that are better
  • Expensive SEO services

Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

I didn’t find a lawsuit against the Local Client Takeover, but I found some negative reviews from their unsatisfied customers. Apparently, after paying for their SEO services, some customers experienced a different outcome than what the Local Client Takeover promised them.

Their websites were de-indexed, and as a result, they lost traffic. And when this happened, they eventually lost revenue.

Is the Local Client Takeover Legitimate?

The Local Client Takeover is a legitimate business. If you’re new to digital marketing, you can learn a lot from their free courses. However, I think you should be careful if you are going to use their platform.

You may get marketing emails, and they can persuade you to take up expensive services that you don’t really need. You may end up losing money instead of increasing your revenue.

Final Thoughts

I like the fact that the Local Client Takeover offers free courses, but I personally do not recommend the Local Client Takeover for their SEO services. There’s no assurance that their strategies will work plus, their services are expensive.

Their strategies may have worked for their owners, but it doesn’t mean that those strategies will work for you and your business. From what I learned, they will offer the same strategies that they claim to work, but that’s a debatable topic.

Nowadays, it’s a bad idea to stick with the same marketing strategies when your competitors always improve or change their own. I always think that it’s best to create a marketing plan that is tailored to your business. Then identify the methods that work best and improve on them.

Then test another marketing strategy again and evaluate. It’s an unending cycle of testing marketing strategies and making some changes to your marketing plan because your customer’s needs change.

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