5 Tips To Make Money From Video Marketing On Your Blog

You and most people are wondering how to make money from video marketing using a blog and whether can it provide a full-time income.

Video blogging is the use of videos on blogs. It is often referred to as vlogging. Today, like many other forms of Internet marketing, there is a cross-over from one medium to the next. Video blogging could also be where you create a video, post it on YouTube, and then link back to a blog post where the content is words and graphics.

More on this in a minute. Video blogging has gradually emerged as one of the most recent and hottest internet trends. This is because it is extremely effective, economical, time-friendly, and easy to do, and as most people would agree, it’s very fun. You now have a better idea of just what video blogging is, so let’s look at how to make money from video blogging.

be creative when choosing a topic

Here are 5 successful tips!

1. Chose a topic you want to cover

The first step in creating any video is choosing a topic. Choosing something that you are enthusiastic about will make it easier for you to come up with the best ideas for a new video post. This will primarily be determined by the niche your blog is in. It will also be tied back to what product or service you are promoting.

This is why I am so strong on affiliate marketing. It is very easy to tie an affiliate product back to the topic of your video. One can lead to the other and vice versa. I have made many videos from text supplied by an affiliate program and posted those on my blog with links to the affiliate product in the body of the post.

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2. Choose a tool that has great video and audio playback

You don’t have to choose a video camera for this purpose, but instead, choose something that will keep your cost down and focus on raising your profit. Here are some examples of tools that you need to start making your video today. * Smartphone – thousand of teenagers make videos daily by simply using mobile phones and still make money through it. * Jing Pro – screen capture software that will only cost you ten dollars.

Jing Pro is recommended because you can record a video using a PowerPoint representation. You can record on your whole computer screen and show people how to perform any task using your computer in real time.

  • * CamStudio – This is much similar to Jing Pro and it’s free to use.
  • * Animoto – One of the best video creation websites online. At $42 a month for unlimited videos, this comes highly recommended.
Make Money From Video Marketing  - creating videos for your website

3. Create your video post

You can now start creating your digital video. However, remember the greater the resolution the better the output. It’s important to choose a good web camera.

Make sure you totally light up the area you are going to use while recording. Once your video has been created, you should upload it to your computer so that you can do the formatting and compressing.

Related Video On video marketing using Your Cellphone.

4. Compress your video blog

Make sure the video is compressed as far as possible so that your audience will be able to download it and view it quickly. As you do the compressing you must be able to monitor the predicted file size. The video should preferably be no more than 5 megabytes and with enough resolution.

5. Post your video online.

You can now post your video on any platform that will not delete your link. Choose either your own personal website or a public blog site, but the important thing to remember here is that you want to make a profit. Therefore, you should avoid posting your video on any site that prohibits commercialization.

If you have no idea about monetization, the main way you can make money from video blogging would be through Google AdSense and Affiliate Marketing or by driving traffic to your own product. Posting your video on a number of sites is a great idea as most people tend to stick with the video providers they prefer. I do have another scenario.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Make Money From Video Marketing - creating a YouTube channelStart A YouTube Channel

There are many people making anywhere from a little bit of money each month to literally thousands and millions of dollars a year on YouTube. Here is a strategy laid out step by step for doing that.

  • 1. Start a niche YouTube Channel.
  • 2. Create videos and post them on your channel.
  • 3. Add a link to an affiliate sales page in the description.
  • 4. Share the video on social media including Facebook and Twitter.
  • 5. Rinse and repeat over and over.

Here is a variation of this.

  • 1. Start a niche blog.
  • 2. Create a blog post around a targeted keyword phrase for SEO.
  • 3. Link to an affiliate product you sell in the blog post.
  • 4. Create a video with a variation of your keyword phrase in the title.
  • 5. Publish your video on YouTube.
  • 6. Use your keyword phrases in the description.
  • 7. Link to the blog post URL in the description to drive traffic to your blog.
  • 8. Share the video on social media.

Your profit will come from the sale of the affiliate product or service you promote in either the description box of the video or in the body of the blog post.

final thoughts

If you want to blog to make money, Video Blogging is a great way to go because it is the proven method to reach a larger audience and obtain big rewards. I have given you several scenarios for making this happen.

The great news today is none of this takes any technical ability on your part. Starting a blog is easy to do and anyone can do it. Creating a video is easy to do and you can do this as well. Affiliate marketing is, in my opinion, the perfect monetization method for video blogging!

The best approach is to create a website, post content on that website on a consistent basis using low-competition keywords from Jaaxy, and add videos to your post for better rankings in the search engines.

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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10 thoughts on “5 Tips To Make Money From Video Marketing On Your Blog”

  1. Thanks for that! I really enjoyed that article because I’ve been thinking of starting that very thing myself and it’s great to get some good tips on how to do it. Youtube itself also has tons of good videos on how to benefit from the platform to grow an audience. 

    • Thank you for the comment and stopping by. Although I believe writing content is king for your business, I am seeing that videos are gaining more rankings on the search engines. That tells me that Youtube videos will be the wave of the future shortly.

      Glad that you got some value with this article and please feel free to stop by from time to time, cause I constantly providing updates on a regular business on the tips on growing a successful business and what is working in the marketplace. All the best.

  2. well said i have just learned a lot from this its amazing this was a lot said sweet and simple for anyone to do from step to step this is great keep up the good work wish you all the success in life great job

    • Hi Sophia, glad that you get some value in this article. I hope you use the tips that I mention cause it can really boost your business and help with your overall rankings on the search engines. Wish you all the best.

  3. This is very insightful. I now understand better how video blogging works.

    The trend in affiliate marketing is taking several dimension. I like the way you simplified the process of making videos and the tools that work better. Even a newbie can understand the process very well. I have to follow the approach and try making a video myself.

    Thanks for the revelation.

    • Glad I was able to bring some new light to you on how video blogging works.

      We all make videos on a daily basis and p[eople can relate to anyone trying to bring a message across through video. It does not have to be professional than the ones we see at weddings. If we focus on the message and send the information in its simplicity, people can relate to it.

      Once we start doing videos and able to send the message, our videos may out-rank our content, because more and more people are searching on Youtube to find information. Hope you start to implement videos in your business soon.

  4. Hi,

    I have read the whole review about this information.This is really a great tips about make money from video marketing on our blog.I was planning to do something like this. I got a lot of information from your article.When I will start video marketing then your tips will help me.I will share this Information with my friends.Thanks for sharing this informative article.

    • I personally believe that video marketing will out-rank content marketing in the near future. some of my articles on the search engines when I look at the ranking factor, most times videos are the ones that are ahead of me, so that was my wake up call.` I had to start doing videos.

      In the beginning, it may look too good but if you add a little fun to it you will be more relax and people will focus on the message rather than the messenger.

      Keep in mind to can do animated videos as well where you are not in the picture, just be sure that you link it to an article or a website that your audience can get more information. Hope you get some value here.

  5. This is very useful information on video marketing. I have been thinking about how to add videos to my posts in the future. These 5 tips you mentioned are very clear and makes it seem so easy. Tips 2 and 4 I really appreciated as I was totally clueless regarding choosing an appropriate tool and compressing video blog. I enjoy watching videos and I really think it adds a lot of interest to the blog when done properly. 

    Will definitely be saving this post for future reference when I reading to start vlogging.

    Thanks for sharing this very helpful post!

    • Brenda, thank you for your comment and kind words. happy to know that this article was very helpful and that is something that you would implement in your business.

      I do content marketing regularly, but I think videos will be the wave of the future because people are getting to be more visual today. So is good to start doing videos now before you are left behind. If you need help moving forward, please reach out to me, would be happy to lend a hand.



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