My Make Money Online Tips For Today – Answer This First

I created this website to give you my make money online tips and what direction you should take in building a successful business.

Making money online sounds good, and there are millions of people worldwide doing it right now!

Want to be one of them?

You can do it no matter where you are as long as you have an Internet connection and a device to access the Internet with.

However, let’s don’t get ahead of ourselves……

Every make-money-online tips article has to start with two questions in mind. Answer these, and you can proceed to get started using the Internet to make money.

What are they?

Here Are 2 Question To Consider

1. Are you a worker?

2. Are you an entrepreneur?

Let me explain the difference.

1. A Worker

A worker is somebody who wants to log online and get paid for the work they do. They are willing to trade time for money.

These people value their time at an hourly rate or want to know exactly what they will make per job.

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Let me give you a few examples.

1. Paid surveys. Taking paid surveys for money is the mindset of a worker. They know how much money they’re going to make for every survey they take, and their income is strictly controlled by the number of surveys they complete.

This falls into the get paid to mindset. Typing, doing data entry, and reading emails would apply here as well.

2. Blog writing. Another example would be a blog writer who works in a content mill. These people log online, find an article to write, understand precisely how much they will get paid, and complete the report for that amount.

Content mills are not bad, but they have driven the writing online for money niche into the ground. If you want to try and make minimum wage as a writer, this is the way to do it.

3. Telecommuting. This is another example of making money online, but again you are trading time for money. You are working for an employer and understand exactly what you’re going to earn. is the top telecommuting website on the Internet. They match employees and employers.

There’s nothing wrong with being a worker, but you want to understand upfront. Many people do not understand this until later after they wasted money trying to start a business.

Make Money Online Tips- working consistently

2. An Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is somebody willing to work for free right now with the idea they will make money in the future. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers, and they want to build their businesses.

Entrepreneurs have more of a long-term vision of what they are working on online. These are people who will start their own home business in one way or another and might even scale it into new business models in the future to earn even more money.

Are you an entrepreneur?

Making money online with your own business has gotten easier to do, thanks to Internet marketing. If you do not know how to start a business and market it online, consider your business model first.

A business model is a way in which your business generates a profit. How you make money from the way you are running your business is the question to answer.

Here are some of the top business models……

  • 1. affiliate marketing.
  • 2. network marketing.
  • 3. E-commerce.
  • 4. drop shipping.
  • 5. email marketing.
  • 6. info blogs
  • 7. providing a service, i.e. website designer, writer, virtual assistant, etc.
  • 8. ebook writer

And so on……

I am partial to affiliate marketing because of its options and how easy it is to get started. I understand that many people do not know where to begin when starting their affiliate marketing business.

You can make money by the click, by the lead, by the sale, in 2 tier affiliate programs, or by running your affiliate program and signing up affiliates to do the work for you.

Which is better?

In my viewpoint, the best way to start is to research potential niches and then choose your affiliate programs based on what place you choose. Niche marketing and affiliate marketing are the perfect marriage.

In the end, you may end up using more than one affiliate marketing strategy. This is smart because it gives people options when dealing with your online business.

final thoughts

Once you have decided whether you are a worker or an entrepreneur, you can investigate the different ways to make money online. It’s incredible how many different ways there are to make money on the Internet, so this is another tip I can give you.

Make Money Online getting the right training

Find something that fits your criteria, and then focus on it. One of the biggest mistakes people make is jumping around too much, thinking the grass is always greener on the other side of the road.

In reality, the grass is not going to be greener until you develop some Internet marketing skills. You are best focusing on one specific way to make money until you are earning money. Then you can branch out from there.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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17 thoughts on “My Make Money Online Tips For Today – Answer This First”

  1. Well classfied. I guess this is helpful in a way it makes you think what your real identity is. Having said that, I personally am an entrepreneur since I love to think what ahead on the long-term. I mean, I always have that vision visualize in my head which I consider them as an objective and a factor which influences me in driving my online business forward.

  2. I have read a lot of articles on the internet on how to make money or money making tips and while they are great articles, this is the first post I have read that breaks in down so clearly into two groups.

    I personally see myself as half-half. While I would like to be an entrepreneur eventually, I have to be worker first to earn the capital and build my business. Earn money and use that money to make more money is the way to go.

    • I have seen so many confuses the two. And those who want to be an an entrepreneur waited until they have no job, which can be very frustrated. I always recommend someone has some kind of income coming in before the ventured into online marketing. My quest is to educate my audience on the tips on how to make money online. You being half-half is exactly where you want to be when starting out.

      Like you rightfully said you need the capital first if you want to build your business, and being a worker is where you need to be to make it happen. I glad you have the determination to move forward with your entrepreneurial venture. I wish you all the best, and if there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. Asking for help is key. Take care

  3. Hello D.Bishop , I will go with the second option.I am an entrepreneur for over 20 years now and I would not change that with anything in the world.

    I had offers to work for very well paying jobs in my life but I always denied them.I even worked for a bank , only for 3 days , just to understand that I don’t belong there.

    I like to take risks , I love challenges.And I mostly enjoy the outcome , and this is not always about money.

    I believe that only through entrepreneurship someone could discover his limits and true power.

    Nice article , keep them rolling.

    • Hi, Tasos, great choice on choosing Entrepreneurship. The sky is really the limit when you are working for yourself. Wish you all the best with your online business and thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.


  4. CI am definitely an entreprenuer, Im all about residual incomes. I would rather work 3 times as hard on something without expecting money, then a while later get paid back unknowingly because I did that work a long time ago. Kind of like music sales, you make the music, but the money comes at different times, different amounts, and you just kind of sit back and watch it happen 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

    Matt TheDopestMatrix

  5. Hi Dbishop,
    Very thorough blog post about making money online. You did a good job breaking this topic down for beginners to clearly understand. I will be bookmarking your site to refer back to as my girlfriend and I have been looking for a resourceful site on this topic. I wish you the best in your future endeavors in online marketing.
    Best Regards,

    • Thank you for stopping by Stephen and giving such kind feedback on my article. Will be going into some deeper details on making money online, so is good that you going to bookmark my site and keep coming back. I take this business seriously and I will do my best to see others succeed.

      Wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and if there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask.


  6. I know what you mean about the difference between a worker and an entrepreneur. I have been a worker for so many years, and now I am coming round to the idea of being an entrepreneur.

    A worker is someone who writes articles for money. An entrepreneur is someone who invests money in paying other people to write articles for their own websites so that they can build up their business.

    It’s the difference between simply earning money, and building up a long-term business. It’s not easy, it takes commitment, and there are risks. But it’s definitely achievable with the right training and support.

    • Marcus,

      Glad you understand the difference, and that you rather be an entrepreneur that the typical worker. You are so right when you mention it is not an easy task, but with the proper training it is achievable.

      I looked all over before I stumble on Wealthy Affiliate, and I glad I did. My business is heading in the right direction and is growing at a paste that will bring success to my future and will put me in a position to do the same for others. Thank you for your comment and I wish you all the best with your business.


  7. I’m a worker by day and an entrepreneur by night! Well the first part is true and I’m working towards the second part.

    I have a full time job and have been trying to make money online for the last seven or eight years now with limited success.

    I’ve tried more or less everything such as Ebay, amazon etc and made a little bit, but I want to build a real business rather than a bit of extra cash. I want to build something I can be proud of and I’ve figured that I need to build my own website, something that I actually own and have control over rather than relying on third party websites.

    Any tips on where to start would be much appreciated!

  8. Hi, Bishop.

    Great article. This insight made me realise the difference between a simple worker and an inspiring entrepreneur. Somehow, I always felt the difference between the two, but now, it’s clearer for me.

    I was a worker (actually, I’m still a worker for 3 to 4 hours a day) That’s what helped me join and pay for the yearly membership at WA. And I can’t wait to completely transition and become a full-time entrepreneur (I’m working for free as you mentioned) on my website.

    Thanks again for the article, it really adjusted my perspective.


  9. As somebody who already knows the differences between workers and Entrpreneurs, I know which one is more beneficial and life-changing.

    I really don’t understand why people waste their time with online “jobs”, exchanging their time for money, when they can choose their own income and work on their futures as Entrepreneurs, instead!

    The Entrpreneur lifestyle makes absolute perfect sense! Those who are working at online jobs have clearly been brainwashed by society!

    Your recommendation for making money online really is very appealing to me.


    • Neil, thank you for you honest comment. Although the Entrepreneur lifestyle makes sense, we must not forget that it involves hard work and dedication. Glad that you find my recommendation make sense.

      If there is anything I can do to help move you business to another level, please do not hesitate to ask. I take this business seriously, and I will do what it takes to see others succeed.


  10. Good post Dave determining this is KEY for success, because i guess it helps towards knowing your goals! I love being an entrepreneur online making income for myself! Have you seen people making thousands selling products on amazon? what are your thoughts on that? Seems like a great way to make money passively!

    • kyle,

      Thank you for visiting my website and leaving a comment. Yes indeed, working for yourself gives you the opportunity to do what you like, whenever you like.

      People are making thousands daily on amazon, although to get to that level requires a proven system that keeps you updated with the Internet trend.

      This is why I will recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone starting out online who wants to work from home and make money the right and long term way. Hope you are having success with your business, and if there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.


  11. Proud to say that I can classify myself as an entrepreneur. Life is fun now since I quit my job. I feel refreshed every morning and no longer dread going to work. I can tackle the day how I choose to tackle it. I really like your #1 recommendation for making money as well. That place is the main place that inspired me to become an entrepreneur.


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