Online Article Writing To Build your Online Business!

It is often referred to as freelance writing, but I like to think of online article writing as a business opportunity. It is one of the truly free businesses you can start with no money down and be making money the very same day you get started.


Glad you asked! 🙂

In this blog post, we will dive into various ways you can use online article writing to make money online. This can be done by offering your writing services to other online businesses, or just writing for yourself and earning money from what you write.

I really like this topic because I know virtually anyone can make money and in many cases, they can make a lot of money.

Here are some Online Writing Jobs

building a websiteContent Mill Websites

Wikipedia defines a content mill website…

“In the context of the World Wide Web, a content farm (or content mill) is a company that employs large numbers of freelance writers to generate large amounts of textual content which is specifically designed to satisfy algorithms for maximal retrieval by automated search engines”.

As a business opportunity, it is one way you can start today and be making money a few minutes after you join a content mill site. Many of the customers using content mill sites are bloggers who need content for their blogs.

As a writer, the amount of money you will make is not as much as if you were writing for another blogger. For example, you might earn $4-$5 for a 400-word blog article.

The advantage to you is you can join for free, log into your account and look at what is available to write, and get started. It is often that simple.

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Fiverr & Similar Sites

When first started I was impressed at how many services I had available to me. As a writer, you can offer your writing services and get $5 for completing a gig.

As a business opportunity, you can turn one article order into a buffet of projects you offer as a writing business owner. There are many other websites that have popped up over the years similar to Fiverr, so you do not have to rely just on them to make money.

Start An Article Writing Business

If I was going to start an online article-writing business today I would do 2 things.

1. Start my own blog and use it as a sample of my work.

2. Join AWAI and view some of the ways you can make money writing online. They offer article writing training that is worth what you pay for it.

Wealthy Web Writer is a course to check out:

Getting training as well as writing for yourself will improve your skills. It will also help you charge more for your online article writing.

What Else?

Online Article Writing - writing articles

I could write a whole book on various ways to make money writing on the Internet. Being an online article writer is in demand because there are so many websites and blogs today that need fresh content.

Many Internet marketers either do not have the time to write, do not like to write, or are not good at article marketing. You could pick a topic you like to write about, do a Google search for it, and start emailing the web owners offering to write for them.

Eventually, some will say yes, and you are off and running.

Making Money Writing For You

How does starting a blog of your own and writing content for it to make money, sound? I think it sounds pretty good and millions of blogs are started every month by people just like you and me.

For many, the goal simply is to start a blog in a niche they have a passion for and monetize what they are writing to earn money online. This can be easy or it can be hard depending on a number of factors.

1. How competitive is the niche? Some niches are tougher to make money in because of the competition.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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2. Your traffic generation skills. You will not make money unless people come to your blog and do something for you that makes you money such as buy a product, click on an ad, or fill out a lead form.

3. This is why passion is important. You will never feel like online article writing is work if you love the theme of your blog.

If you get this right when you get started you can take your blog in multiple directions and earn money long-term.

Each blog post has the potential to be like a mini-website. People can find it online for many years to come.

Think about that!

When you write to customers you are paid for the work you do. When you are finished so is your pay until you write something new.

Writing for yourself can be a long-term proposition. This is why I like to think of online article writing as a business.

Monetize your business with affiliate marketing products, services, and ads and people can help you make money over and over long after your article is posted.

Google AdSense, Amazon, and Clickbank are 3 affiliate programs I would join if I were you. This will give you the chance to make money by clicking and selling digital and physical products.

You focus on writing good articles and posting them on your blog. Set up some code that places ads, text links, and banners so people can click on the ads and buy products in your niche.

This is a great online article-writing solution to making money.

Final thoughts

 Online Article Writing - tools for writing

Depending on the financial situation you can, and probably should try to make money in 3 ways at first.

  • 1. Content mills.
  • 2. Writing for other bloggers.
  • 3. Start your own blog.

These 3 ways will keep money coming in and you can get started right away. Which way you decide to take your business in the future is 100% up to you!

You need to get the word out there, so start by building a website for your business, and you will need to associate yourself with a community to guide you along the way or answer any questions you may have.

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8 thoughts on “Online Article Writing To Build your Online Business!”

  1. Hallo there,

    I have been an online writer for about 2 years now and I have to say it really pays to write articles for website owners and companies.

    I read your recommendation of joining the wealthy affiliate community and was intrigued by it. I want to make a full time income with my writing passion.

    I will be contacting you inside the community so that you can show me the way forward. Thanks.

    • Hey, Dave, congratulations on your ability to write for website owners and companies. This can be demanding at times but I can see that you are use to it, considering the amount of time you have been doing it.

      Your writing ability can earn you a full-time income, and I can show you exactly how to approach it within Wealthy affiliate.

      Look forward to speaking with you and helping you get set up with your writing business. You welcome!

  2. I think that starting a new blog is a good idea. However I have some questions. How long should regular people work per day? Is working 2 hours per day enough or should it be more?
    I also wonder how long it takes to reach success. What is your experience with it?

    • Furkan, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my website. Blogging is becoming popular by the day, and is a good way to start a business and make money online, and online writing can very well help in this process. When starting out blogging and building a business online, 4 hours minimum per day would be an average time to work on your business.

      Success in any business varies for each person. The more you put into your business, the more you would get out of it. Content marketing would take a little longer than paid advertising. And outsourcing can add more value to a person business if they do desire to go that way.

      I have been working online for some time now so for me it would be much easier than a person who is now starting out. I tend to lean on content marketing for long-term gain, but dabble into paid advertising as well to get faster results, and it pays off. hope I was able to answer all your questions and concerns. Take care.

  3. Online content is definitely something always in demand, and I don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon.

    Great thing about writing online is you can build a business writing for yourself, and in the meantime do freelance work on the side to make immediate cash.

    Have you used any feeelance services before?

    • Yes, you are right about that, Michael. I don’t believe that Online content is going anywhere.

      Writing for yourself is great especially if you are writing about your passion. This can help you build a business online and freelance writing can be one of them. Yes, I have used them in the past. thank you for your comment and insight.

  4. Hi David!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Some time ago I wanted to write articles for others, as I found Iwriter platform. I could join it for free.
    What blocks me is that I’m afraid that others can reject my articles and I risk only to lose time; This is the reason I continue to write just for my blog. My writing style is ok for me, but don’t know how others can judge it.
    Anyway, maybe I should at least take a try.

    • Marta, glad that I was able to give value here on online article writing. if you have a blog and you write for yourself, on that blog you can create a widget on your sidebar about writing for people in that way when they read your articles and love the way you write they can ask for you to right for them.

      In this way you they can see your ability so that those coming to you, will already know your capability so that your rejection can be little to none. And from there you can move on to Fiverr and present your gig so that your reach would increase. Hope I was able to help.


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