5 Best Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs To Boost Your Income!

It is all about the clicks. There are lots of ways affiliate marketers can earn money. Pay Per Click affiliate programs are one of the best.

Pay-per-click advertising is a great way to boost your income. The reason you can make more money is that advertisers are spending billions to get their products in front of consumers.

Pay per click is one of those methods they use. As an affiliate marketer, It’s nice to be able to share in the pay-per-click pie.

If you are not sure what pay per click or PPC is just continue to read our article. Not only does it explain the purpose of PPC, but it also provides you with 5 of the better pay-per-click programs out there.

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What is pay per click?

Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

The pay-per-click system is as simple as the words it uses. You are paid every time a visitor to your website clicks on one of the ads you have placed in a strategic spot. That is all there is to it on that part of the system.

How the system works is up to the different PPC affiliate programs you work with. Probably the most famous PPC system out there is Google Adsense. To make money off of the ads Google places on your website all you need to do is add a little bit of code and you get a payment for every click.

However, the statistics show us two things.

1. Visitors. To make any real income from Google Adsense you need to have about 10,000 visitors a day and get many of them to click on a Google ad.

2. Target market. Be in a niche where there are high-paying keywords. This way you need fewer clicks to make more money.

There are many programs that help you make a little better money. All you have to do is continue reading to find 5 of the best pay-per-click affiliate programs that work well with you and your affiliate business.

My Top 5 Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

There is no particular order to the following list. All 5 are good and your top choices will be determined by your preferences and how well the programs work with your business strategy.

1. Revenue Hits

There are several ways you can make money using this pay-per-click program. The first way is to sign up for their referral service. This referral system lets you make money every time a blogger, publisher, and other internet affiliate workers sign up as a customer.

Once they do you get 10% of their revenue after they have earned $1500. If the blogger does not hit that monetary mark you will still get 5% of their total income.

The other way to make money through Revenue Hits is through the pool of advertisers they have already signed up to use this system. There are 5,000 or more advertisers waiting for you to help promote their products.

Those advertisers are from a wide range of industries that are some of the most popular industries to be involved with. Once you start making money through Revenue Hits you only have to reach $20 for a Pay Pal payout. You will need $500 in your account if you want to use their wire transfer option.

Plus, you get instant sign-up for free, along with a variety of programs like CPA, CPI, CPL and CPM to work with. This is a company worth investigating to see how it will work with your online business plan.

2. Bidadvertiser

PPC Affiliate Programs

If you do not like Google and any of its money-making programs you may want to consider turning to Bidadvertiser to get a good pay-per-click income. Its ad presentation policy is a bit looser than Google’s Adsense which means you have more freedom with the use of your ads.

The tools in this PPC system are built-in and are not that complicated to use. There is also tracking automatic optimization, and reporting functions that help you keep track of how you are doing.

Also, Bidadvertiser helps publishers and advertisers meet halfway so that both parties can gain success through their system. While being an alternative to Google Adsense is a very nice feature there are other positives that make this PPC system work for you

First, it is an easy way to monetize your website. Second, it has cheaper ad prices for publishers to work with. Third, its payout is $50 but you can get your money through a variety of transfer methods.

It is a good alternative for those affiliates who think Google is trying to corner the affiliate marketplace. Check them out to see if this is a program you can live with.

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3. Skimlinks

Here is a PPC program that helps you earn a bit more than average after you sign up. The commission split gives you 35% of the annual revenue from everyone who has signed up. To help you promote their program you get lots of advertising and promotional materials to display on your website.

There are other perks that come with signing up for this program. One example is if you are a WordPress user you get access to their plugin making integration a lot easier.

Then there is the 75% revenue commission split and you will need to talk to the company about how that works. Once you sign up you can have your money direct deposited or given to you through Pay Pal. Direct deposit only works with American or British banks. A $10 minimum balance is all you need to get paid.

Give the program a thorough going over to make sure this system will work for you. Signing up should not be that difficult and it looks like you can start monetizing your website almost right away after signing up. The system also looks simple to operate and maintain.

4. Infolinks

A lot of people do not like banner ads. That is why Infolinks designed their ads to hyperlink as well as being unobtrusive. All your visitor has to do is hover their cursor over the hyperlink to get the ads to become visible.

Their referral program only pays 10% of the annual revenue of the people who sign up through your link. But 10% is better than nothing and for doing little work. Signing up depends more on the content of your website than the number of visitors you get each day.

With 6 different ad formats to choose from you should be able to find one that works with your philosophy and strategies. After you sign up the minimum payout threshold is $50 and you can get your money transferred to you through Pay pal, Payoneer, or the eCheck system.

Then once you get the payment straightened out you can work with a large number of advertisers whose ads appear through the smart ad technology this PPC program utilizes. The company also has mobile ads for your cell phone using visitors. That is one area that needs targeting as more people use cell phones than computers to surf.

5. Outbrain

Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs Outbrain

One of the best ways to use your PPC online business strategy is to make sure it is flexible and versatile. Outbrain has developed such a system and you have a variety of ways to use the PPC strategy.

Here are just some of the ways to implement your new PPC features. There is the sponsored content feature; then there is the audience exchange; next, you have a look-alike audience function; along with the traffic shaping and native engage server.

All of those programs help you earn through their PPC connection. They all work with Outbrain’s ability to be used as a network program. That makes monetizing your website and blog a lot easier to do.

This is a real pay-per-click affiliate program that works best when you have a lot of visitors to your website and they are clicking on the different ads you have set up. The good thing about those ads is they will integrate smoothly with your content.

Signing up shouldn’t be a problem and you will have to check their website to see what your payout is really like and how much of a commission you get for every click you receive.

Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs: Honorable Mention

There is a whole industry not mentioned in many of the pay-per-click reviews and assessments you find online. Those people like Google Adsense and similar PPC options and tend to not mention this industry.

That industry is travel.

People love to travel and you can boost your earnings by signing up with some great PPC travel affiliate programs. Some of the top travel affiliate programs are:

– Travel Payouts
– Hotels Combined
– Walk Affiliate Program
– Cruise Direct
– Eurail

To reach their websites and find out their commission and PPC splits just click here.

That website has the links to reach each of these top travel affiliate programs. The commission splits range from almost 2% to 10% making them a viable option for you.

Final thoughts

Pay-per-click affiliate programs are not as difficult as they may seem. All it takes is to sign up with a top company and use their program correctly.

There are well over 5 top programs you can choose from. Take your time and investigate each one to make sure they are the right fit for you.

Getting revenue from a variety of sources is the smart way to conduct your online business. PPC is not dead and you can benefit from it as long as you make the right choices.

To be a success you need to go with the best tools and programs that are available. These 5 will help!

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