Search Engine Optimization Results – What A Good Choice!

I’ve been thinking more about what could be a better traffic generation strategy than SEO. Any Internet Marketer who is trying to get traffic to their blog or website has to be concerned about search engine optimization results.


Google Is Making Changes Every Day

I recently read that Google makes over 500 changes to its search algorithm every day. When I first read that my thought was why am I trying to rank on Google at all when they are always changing the rules as they pertain to ranking in the first place?

I mean, seriously, think about that. We are not talking about Penguin or Panda updates here. We are talking about changes that you and I are not even smart enough to figure out, or maybe even understand if we knew what they were.

Have you ever read an article where the writer is bragging about being on page 1 for a specific keyword? When you do a Google search for that keyword you don’t see them on page 1 anymore.

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What happened?

Google changed its algorithms and with that, it lost its ranking. Not through any fault of their own, but just because Google can do that.

Here’s another thing to think about. Google doesn’t make any money giving you free placement for targeted keyword phrases unless you have Google AdSense ads on your blog post or web pages. What they want you to do is buy your position by purchasing Google Adwords.

Advertising revenue is how Google makes money. So based on this…..

Now, are you not sure whether Search Engine Optimization will benefit your business? Well, have you tried PPC (Pay-per-Click)?

SEO is very famous because of its ability to convince search engines that your website is the most relevant for the keywords searched by a client. SEO has been working well, but as time goes by Search engines have become incredibly complicated.

Therefore, you can’t just optimize, sit back and wait for customers to show up. Plus new businesses are finding it difficult to get started with SEO.

However, paid search can be a faster way of doing marketing. You can target your prospective customers depending on how they use the web.

The rest of this article will focus on the difference between PPC and SEO, and why PPC is better.

What’s the Difference Between PPC & Amp; SEO?

tools for search engine optimization results

There are two significant differences.

The first one is that paid ads appear above the search engine listings. Secondly, traffic from PPC has a cost for each link whereas in SEO; it’s free. Below are some of the benefits of PPC that make it better than SEO.

What are the Benefits of PPC?

The Position on the Page

The first benefit of paid ads is that it dominates above all other content. On desktops, four ads usually appear, and on mobile three of them appear. Therefore, if a client searches for specific keywords, they will see your paid ads before seeing the optimized content.

Related Video: Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

You have the ability to Tailor your Ads

PPC is a form of advertisement. You can take this opportunity to tailor the message of the ad so that you win over more clients. You can advertise aspects of your business such as locations, contacts, pricing, and much more.

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You can Opt to Use Visual Advertisements

The saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is very applicable in this situation. Google allows you to use visual shopping ads. A user can see what they are clicking on. SEO doesn’t have this option, therefore making price ads a more effective marketing strategy.

It Makes Your Brand Visible

The use of paid ads is a strategic way to ensure you are seen by your target audience. As a result, you will get to build your brand. Plus, PPC allows you to target potential customers. You can target by using: keywords, language, time, and geographical location.

It’s Cost-Effective

You can easily control your budget. You can determine what you are willing to spend in a day and set that fixed amount. A well-set-up PPC account can generate leads for your business.

internet ideas for Search Engine Optimization ResultsIt’s Fast

Unlike SEO, where it will take some time before your site is visible. You can create a PPC ad in a day or two, and within a week you will be able to get lots of traffic. Plus, it’s ideal when testing a new product. You will get lots of feedback from the consumers.

As you can see, PPC is a convenient way for you to reach out to potential clients. It’s fast and very useful. It’s a great way to jump-start your business marketing efforts.

So why don’t small businesses like yours or mine pay-per-click advertising? I think like most things relating to Internet marketing it comes down to 2 things primarily.

1. Cost.
2. Knowledge.

So how do you overcome that?

Start small and scale. Start with a small advertising budget of say 25 or $50 and run a small campaign.

Decide right up front whether your goal is to build a mailing list by driving traffic to a landing page. Or, whether you’re going to promote a specific offer you want to sell and possibly drive the traffic to a pre-sell page where you’ve included personal experience.

If you are looking for traffic from Google pay per click, or PPC ads are better than SEO traffic because you have control over what you show up on a Google search. This is a better long-term strategy once you get it going and working for you on a profitable level.

Scaling means as you begin to make a profit you reinvest some or almost all of that into expanding your campaign.

Of course, you’re going to need knowledge on how to set up a pay-per-click campaign on Google. Google can help you as well as there are all kinds of training online both free and paid you can look at.

One other option is to hire someone to run your campaigns for you. Of course, there’s a cost for this, but outsourcing has become a primary strategy for the small Internet marketer to make more money online and this certainly would apply to PPC ads versus search engine optimization.

Final thoughts

As I have learned, it is better to start out with Bing Ads and get your campaign running, before getting into Google ads. The best way to learn how it is done is through Wealthy Affiliate. It is working for me and it will work for you as well once you go through the training and follow exactly how Kyle shows you step by step in the videos.

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4 thoughts on “Search Engine Optimization Results – What A Good Choice!”

  1. I have been interested in PPC and was curious to know if it worked well, especially for new websites? Your post brought some clarification to this issue. I definitely looks like it is worth a try. I like the advice of starting the advertising budget really small and see what results are generated.

    • Thank you for your comment and interest in PPC. This can be very scary if you do not know what you are doing, and you can lose money if you do not set it up right. My advice to you is to learn all that you need to know about PPC, and when you create your first campaign, start with a small budget first.

      The good thing I like about PPC is you get to target high keywords that you know that is getting high clicks with good impressions and that is converting nicely. then you can scale up your budget to determine how much you would like to earn. This works for me cause I am not waiting on Google to find favor in my sites and it eliminates the competition because I am paying for my ads. Please give it a go by learning first how to build a winning ad campaign.

    • Is a good practice to try paid ads together with your free ad campaign. But first, know how to create a winning campaign. In Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle teaches you how to do exactly that, and even give you some rich keywords campaign that gets results.

      Most of my investment goes into my paid ads traffic, and this turns out to build my business at a higher rate. you can first start with Bing ads and then move on to Facebook and Google ads. This is what I did and it is working for me while I wait on Google for higher rankings in the search engines. Hope that helps and feel free to reach out to me if you need assistance. All the best.


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