Super Affiliate Network Review – My Unique Take!

In the Super Affiliate Network Review, you will learn that it is an Internet training membership, which provides training on how to market online in many different ways.

The core of the business teaches how to start your own online business and build it, focusing on email marketing. This is a business model I support because an email list is a long-term asset.

Rankings on Google may come and go for a blog, but an email list full of subscribers who have permitted you to contact them is forever. Affiliate marketing has evolved this way, and most markets still love Google but don’t rely on 100%.

The name Super Affiliate Network is catchy. Many of us who do affiliate marketing to make money strive to be super affiliates. As a matter of fact, the program that I am a part of has a 12-month Super Affiliate Challenge that the company’s owner is working with a selected group. The next class begins on April 1st of this year.

A super affiliate is the best of the best. These are the people you see on the leaderboards of affiliate programs and contests.

For that reason, a newbie is drawn to this program. The dream of big money is a powerful one.

Let’s review the Super Affiliate Network and look at the good and bad of this program. Full disclosure here. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, but I think I can be objective in this review.

  • Name: Super Affiliate Network
  • Website:
  • Price: $1 trial, various other options
  • Owners: Misha Wilson
  • Overall Rank: 65 out of 100

Super Affiliate Network Product Overview

A general overview shows that this Affiliate Network teaches affiliate marketing, online marketing, list building, and how to build an online business. This is delivered in an online course.

Email marketing and solo ads are focused on as a marketing method to help you make more money. Solo ads are where you promote your offers on other people’s lists.

As a business model, this is not necessarily bad, but you eventually want to build your own list. Until you do, Misha Wilson and the other people at Super Affiliate Network believe strongly in it.

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The Pros and Cons of Super Affiliate Network

There are always going to be good and bad if you take an open-minded look at a program. I could even say that about Wealthy Affiliate, but won’t in this article 🙂 What is good and bad about This Affiliate Network?

The Pros:

  • PRO #1 – Join for free. Sign up for the free affiliate program.
  • PRO #2 – $1 trial offer. Check out the member’s area and see everything you will get as a full-paid member.
  • PRO #3 – Quality training. This is real-life training you can use to make money online.
  • PRO #4 – Facebook group. If you are into Facebook, you get to join the group and hang out with other members.

The Cons:

  • CON #1 – Somewhat limited training. The push is towards solo ads and list building and not on the website and keywords.
  • CON #2 – Upsells in the videos are probably the #1 complaint people have when watching the training.
Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Who is The Super Affiliate Network For?

Affiliate marketing is a migration business, in my opinion. It’s similar to network marketing in that people are always looking for the next greatest thing.

The Affiliate Network appeals to newbies who are brand new, and there certainly are millions of these people coming online all of the time. However, it also appeals to experienced affiliate marketers looking for a program to get behind they can promote and make money with.

Because of their affiliate program, it will attract people who want to learn the business and are also looking for specific Affiliate Networks. This is similar to my favorite program, Wealthy Affiliate.

How Wealthy Affiliate (My #1 Recommendation) VS Super Affiliate Network


Super Affiliate Network Tools & Training

The training is delivered primarily via video. This makes sense because most people like to watch videos and listen to the audio for training.

The videos are of high quality. They are well done and provide a lot of value on the topic the training is on.

Much of the focus is on selling high-ticket affiliate products. This includes where to find them and how to sell them.

This is interesting in a way because the core affiliate product is priced at $47. Again this mirrors Wealthy Affiliate.

Super Affiliate Network Support

the Super Affiliate Network Support

The support offered by Super Affiliate Network is the community, forum, personal support, and even sometimes from the owner Misha Wilson. I do like that he is active.

The video on their home page is a welcome message from his home in Maui, Hawaii. That sends a powerful message right there.

The main thing is when you are a paid member, you will be able to access the support you need to use the program to build your own online business.

Super Affiliate Network Price

  • Join free as an affiliate.
  • Trial Offer: $1
  • Bаѕіс Mеmbеrѕhір: $47/month.

You will be billed automatically after the trial is over. I do not see how long that is, but you will know when you join.

My Final thoughts

My opinion of the Super Affiliate Network is it is a good program. I do not think they put enough emphasis on building your own website as an affiliate.

Even if you use it for pre-selling, having something outside of the affiliate sales pages or landing pages is a better long-term approach to doing affiliate marketing, in my opinion. That is the question you need to decide for yourself.

What is my business model? How am I going to do affiliate marketing? You do have options, and Super Affiliate Network will help you with some of those.


What do I think is an even better training program for learning how to do affiliate marketing the right way?

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

Super Affiliate Network






Overall Quality



  • Free To Join
  • facebook group
  • training


  • Limited training
  • Upsells in the videos is probably the #1 complaint
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10 thoughts on “Super Affiliate Network Review – My Unique Take!”

  1. Your article is very informative, You have a lot of good information on here. I am new to Affiliate marketing so anything I can read and get a little more experience on is welcome. I like the fact of building an email list. I know you can really have more of a dependable base with that. Thanks for sharing about the Super Affiliate Network. See ya at the top!!



    • Lynda, focus on writing content to your site with competitive keywords, to gain organic traffic. Once your traffic starts to flow, then you can start your email campaign.

      Letting Google know of your site should be your primary focus, and writing content consistently would do just that. thank you for your comment and kind words.

  2. Thanks so much for your review with Super Affiliate Network. It’s my first time hearing it, I have been looking for something similar to Affiliate marketing recently. I have seen your Super Affiliate Network Review today and thought that it might be a good service to look into, your post convinces me.

    But when I read about your personal recommendation and how you are willing to help, that caught my attention so I took a look at it. I can’t wait to experience it. I feel the same as you described. “The videos are of high quality. They are well done and provide a lot of Value on the topic, the training is on.” Thank you again for your valuable information and recommending Wealthy Affiliate.

    • Thank you for seeing the value of Super Affiliate and is good to know that there is some legitimate business that helps people. Although I am not a member, I can safely say that the people who are, will definitely learn the skills and build a successful business online.

      My passion is what I know, and being a member of WA not only teaches me to build a successful business but also show me that it is necessary to help others as well. This is one of the major factors I love being here at Wealthy Affiliate. You will enjoy this growing community.


  3. It’s nice getting to read your article review on super affiliate network. I agree that super affiliate network is legit because the owner of the platform is not concealed unlike other affiliate that owners are unknown. The price too is affordable and not outrageous too and with a quality affiliate marketing training as well building an email list is really amazing. Thanks for sharing this article. 

    • Thank you, Fortune, for seeing the value in this company. I am a big fan of email marketing and that is what draws me to this company and the owner. Anyone that teaches email marketing wants to give their potential customer value. how many times this is missed in today’s internet world.

      Thank you for your positive comment and insight on Super Affiliate Network. Wish you all the best moving forward with your online business.

  4. I am quite excited to read this article on the Super Affiliate Network. It is a demand of time to make income online. But nowadays, there are many platforms, some of those are a scam. Many people like me do not know the accurate path. In this case, Super Affiliate Network has opened up a possibility. And its initial cost is less compared to other affiliate marketing. Thank you for offering such a useful review. I will also share with my friends about this program.


    • You are right by mentioning the amount of scam program that is surfacing on the internet. It gives me great pleasure when I see companies like Super Affiliate Network is making a difference and willing to take the initiative to help people.

      Glad that you share the same thoughts about this company and is happy to share it with others. your friends will thank you for the information like others who did the same to me. talk to you soon and take care.

  5. Hi David, I am glad to read this information because I have built my website, gotten good site health as indicated by Google but have never really gotten into the affiliate marketing drive that I need. From your article, I see some things that I need to pay more attention to, like my email lists. I am ready to do some work here so I have signed up to do the Super Affiliate program…..with hope. Thank you for the explanations.

    • Happy I was able to help JJ and is good that you are going ahead with becoming a member at Super Affiliate Network. Please feel free to share with me your experience so I would be able to update this review from time to time. Wish you great success and learning curve.


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