The Killer Content System Review – Is Killer Content A Scam?

I will discuss the Killer Content System Review and why this system would not work for you or any marketers looking to build a business through content marketing.

  • Product Name:  Killer Content System. Killer Content
  • Website:
  • Owners: Socrates Socratous
  • Price: $47/$37
  • Overall Scam Rank: 10 out of 100

The Killer Content System, Product Overview

The Killer Content System. also referred to as Killer Content, is an authentic software program that will supposedly automate the entire structure process of functional, productive websites or blogs. In this review, when we refer to a blog, it can be interchanged with the word website, depending on how you use it.

Specialized blogs are niche content that delivers on a specific topic. They attract people who are interested in particular specialties by creating content that depends on the specialty.

Specialized blogs can generate dollars through affiliate marketing or other monetizing methods.

If you do not have experience with affiliate marketing or partner marketing, you can click this link and read about it.

Let me summarize it for you. Affiliate marketing is a business model where an affiliate gets paid to market a product or opportunity for an affiliate merchant. This could be getting a click on an ad, getting a lead, or making sales.

The Killer Content System claims they can turbo load this structured process from productive specialized websites using their software. They have two or three different marketing software programs and preparation tools, but their essential software is 150,000 articles of expert content to add to your blog.

How about we discuss this more thoroughly?

Who is the founder of The Killer Content System? Is the  Killer Content a scam or legit?

The founder of the Killer Content System uses the nickname, Socrates. My question for him is, why are you not using your name?

Some cheats, in general, will use different names to deceive people with different products. Or, maybe the identity of Socrates is his real name. You can find more information about him on the Internet on Twitter and YouTube.

His last Twitter tweet is from 2012, and on YouTube, you can only watch a video of him. In a video on Socrates Socratous, the Killer Content System promises to be one of the most natural approaches to making profits online without having related knowledge or particular skills. The video also states that setting up a site is as simple as touching the mouse a couple of times, but does this program deliver on those promises?

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The most effective method to acquire with Killer Content System

When you go to, you will see the sales video of Socrates. He is promising anyone can make big profits just by just pressing a few buttons and allowing tools to handle everything from there for you.

Who is Killer Content System made for?

The Killer Content System Review and who is it for

Killer Content was intended to be used by people with no computer or marketing experience.

While it makes many promises, there are some problems with the way there are so many options to manage. Those options could be overwhelming for the average individual, particularly for those looking to start earning now.

I have found from personal experience any system is not as easy to use as it is often portrayed. Killer Content is no different in that it takes skills to use any system, and you are going to have to learn how to use it.

You will need to focus on one area and become adept at it. Then you can move on to another.

Killer Content Affiliate Program

The Killer Content System has morphed into just Killer Content. They do have an affiliate program and out using Clickbank to manage it for them.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Why Clickbank?

Clickbank is an affiliate network. This is where you will find thousands of products to sell from thousands of different merchants.

Killer Content is one of them, but the affiliate sales page is not up to date. When I go there, I see a place where a video is supposed to be.

Of course, the checkout page still works. You enter your email address and are taken to a Clickbank checkout page where you pay $37 to join.

Killer Content Affiliate Tools

As I look into the affiliate members area for Killer Content using Clickbank, here is what I see from top to bottom.

You are presented with the affiliate link where you input your Clickbank i.d. This is known on Clickbank as your Hoplink.

Clickbank has always been great about how you can input your Hoplink id and be selling any product in their system and pick the right niche for you to market.

When you do this with Killer Content, you get a sales page supposed to use a video to pre-sell, but there is no video on the sales page. That right there eliminates them for me.

Next, you are presented with links to promote Launch Swipes, Pre-Written Reviews, and Banners.

1. Launch Swipes. These are available in both plain text and HTML versions.

They have short copy and long copy versions. Neither is very impressive, but they are ready for you to promote.

2. Product Reviews. These are also available in long-copy and short-copy formats.

One thing that does catch my eye is the claims of 150,000 articles in 980 distinct niches. The product reviews are ready for you to promote, but again are nothing special.

3. Banner Ads. There are 3 banner ads, all sized at 300 X 250. Here is what one of them looks like.

the killer content system Review - and the money that is possible to make

What Socrates Says

Here is what Socrates says at the bottom of the affiliate area on Clickbank.

REAL HIGH QUALITY product + HOT COPY = Clісkbаnk #1 (оur GOAL)

Hey partner, Sосrаtеѕ hеrе, wіth a mаjоr lаunсh соmіng uр аnd I nееd уоur hеlр. If уоu don’t already knоw whо I аm, сhаnсеѕ are I ALREADY mаdе you mоnеу (check the lіѕt here) – іf nоt, ask anyone оn thаt lіѕt tо соnfіrm. Or саll Clісkbаnk fоr thаt mаttеr.

I аm оnе of thеіr tор аffіlіаtеѕ аnd аn APEX mеmbеr (рrооf here). If wе hаvеnt yet wоrkеd tоgеthеr, help mе out, and I’ll mаkе іt rain fоr your lаunсh. Sіmрlе аѕ that…

Wе gоt a grеаt рrоduсt, grеаt сору, grеаt funnеl, great cash PRIZES, аnуthіng else you nееd just let mе know…


Copy fоr the front еnd + upsells hаѕ been wrіttеn bу David Rауbоuld оnе of thе bеѕt соруwrіtеrѕ wіth a string of #1 Clickbank products. Graphics bу another guу with CB #1 еxреrіеnсе.

Nо expense hаѕ bееn spared making ѕurе you get mаxіmum EPC’ѕ. (еvеn thе dоmаіn name соѕt mе a ѕmаll fortune)


Thіѕ is аn аmаzіng рrоduсt (unlіkе аnуthіng you’ve seen) whісh tооk 1.5 уеаrѕ to соmрlеtе. It’ѕ a pure рuѕh-buttоn соntеnt + money mаkіng ѕуѕtеm.

Wіth оvеr 150,000 private lаbеl аrtісlеѕ, 986+ Cаtеgоrіеѕ, ѕtаtе оf thе аrt search еngіnе, buіlt in сuѕtоm spinner, automatic рuѕh buttоn ebook сrеаtоr, Multі-ѕіtе tіmеd аutоblоggіng, dummу-рrооf web 2.0 dаѕhbоаrd, trаіnіng, Copyscape іntеgrаtіоn, nеw content added соnѕtаntlу, real ѕuрроrt frоm our 6 реrѕоn tеаm рluѕ bonuses and MORE… (ассеѕѕ tо content аnd fеаturеѕ varies depending on whісh оffеrѕ customers buy from our funnеl – і.е. more upsells = more access, whісh mеаnѕ more money for уоu)

Wе wіll аlѕо have соmmіѕѕіоnаblе upsells аnd сrоѕѕ sells frоm wіthіn thе mеmbеrѕhір site. Thоѕе wіll be lосkеd to thе FIRST JV раrtnеr tо refer the lead.

Wе wіll hаrdсоdе your CB id іnѕіdе еасh mеmbеr’ѕ ассоunt. For example, if someone whо turnѕ down thе uрѕеllѕ, decides thеу wаnt an uрgrаdе a week later, we show thеm YOUR аffіlіаtе lіnk tо complete the рurсhаѕе.

Yоu саn contact me аt SocratesV@gmаіl.соm anytime wіth any ԛuеѕtіоnѕ аnd rеԛuеѕtѕ.

Thаnkѕ іn advance. I trulу аррrесіаtе your ѕuрроrt and lооkіng fоrwаrd tо rесірrосаtе.

VERDICT: The killer content Is a scam

The Killer Content System Review - A scam

The concept of automating content has been tried over and over with varying degrees of success. The bottom line is this…

The Killer Content System is dated and not worth the money or the time to get involved with it! I can tell you from personal experience shortcuts online do not work.

If you were to contact some of the top niche bloggers globally, they would tell you to write your own content or outsource it. If you decide to outsource, buy the highest quality long-form content you can buy.

These would be articles of 1000-2000 words. If you create cornerstone content, you could be talking about 2000-4000 words. The always amazing Neil Patel has pages and posts that are over 5000 words with stunning graphics.

I am not saying you have to do this, but you need to compete in your niche. Using a system such as Killer Content will not allow you to compete at the highest level.

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10 thoughts on “The Killer Content System Review – Is Killer Content A Scam?”

  1. I got to thank you for exposing this scam. I have never heard of killer content but your review was very helpful. Reading the promises made by Socrates I can understand how people can fall to this trap. 

    And because many people think that making money online is a simple and quick process, they may believe that with killer content, they can just plug it in, sit back and wait for the cash to flow. It’s so unrealistic! We need to learn about creating an online business the right way, that will help us create a sustainable business and passive income.


    • Thank you for taking the time and reading my article on the Killer Content System. It amazes me how people don’t due their due diligence and find out about these companies before they invest in their hard earn cash.

      People have to know that it takes dedication and commitment to learn how to build a successful business online, and nothing that is good happens overnight. This is the reason I build this website so that I would educate my audience what business they should invest in and the ones to stay away from. 

      Happy to know that I was able to point out this system to you. Thank you for the feedback.

  2.  Hello there!

    Good to see your article about an interesting topic. The Killer Content System may be useful as you said in its description. But it is doubtful to me that is it really a legit or not. Although the price of $47 is also reasonable. You have described all the necessary things about the killer content system. This is good that it is included in Clickbank which is a legit site to earn money online. Hope for the best for you and for the system

    • The Killer Content System would not work if you are trying to build a successful business online. The system is not updated, I am surprised that someone will still purchase this product. this system supposed to help people with no marketing experience and no computer. By now you should know that is impossible.

      Please stay away from this marketing system that has no value. Hope that helps!

  3. Never heard of the Killer Content System.  I appreciate your review.  I was never interested in products like this as I prefer to write my own content.

    Not using his name as the author of the program is a red flag to me as it makes me think he has something to hide.  There are too many folks out there like this putting out mediocre products with lots of false promises.

    You do a good detailed job of describing the essence and details of this program.  The fact that it is dated is all you have to say to keep people away and not wasting their time and money.  Thanks for this informative review.  Much appreciated.

    • Joseph, thank you for taking the time to read my detailed review on The Killer content system and I am happy that you are hearing about it and understand the nature of this business that has no value to anyone.

      A lot of flags if you take the time to look at this system that can turn people away. Thank you for your kind words and feedback here. All the best.

  4. This sounds like one of those programs that over promises and under delivers, and is simply built around selling the program rather than offering people solutions. 

    I can’t see how simply posting reviews that have already been written, and are therefore not unique, can possibly benefit anyone, be it a website visitor looking for information or the person posting the review.

    Search engines don’t like content that is not unique and penalize websites where it appears. 

    Also, it begs the question of how pre-written reviews can stay relevant when the subject of a particular review could be evolving over time. 

    The review would also be based on Socrates own opinions, rather than those of the person posting it. And it makes me wonder how Socrates could possibly have researched so many products and written so many reviews himself.

    Sounds like one to avoid.

    • It is definitely a system that does not deliver anything that is necessary for building a business online to making a part-time income from home.

      I thought the same as you did while back about Reviews, and when someone told me about it and the response they were having I decided to change my approach. I was a success for me with not only helping people but attracting the ones that already in business but looking for the right one. This is how I came to WA.

      yes, you are right on track with unique content and all article should be taken through a system that detects that. Thanks to WA it can detect these articles, thank you for your input here.

      Reviews should be written in the now and most of the time the companies may no longer be operating, it happens but you just have to keep going.

      It is definitely one to avoid. Thank you for the feedback, Richard.

      All the best.

  5. Hey David,

    I have enjoyed reading your interesting and detailed review of the Killer Content System. I agree with you on the rating of 10 out of 100, according to it, and I Just wonder how they have existed with their shoddy services since 2005 under Underfox Co-operation, which is registered with CLICKBANK. their joining fee is $47, but they have two upsells of $197 each. It is true that these are the kind of people who promise to deliver mountains but come up with anthills. I am sure many newbies must have been scammed without reading your review.

    Thank you for sharing.

    • Yes, Joseph, only people who do not know how the Internet works and what Google looks for would be fooled by services such as this. My hope is that this article meets the eyes of those who are considering using these services.

      I personally believe that ClickBank should ban services like these and look for others and do the same with programs like these. Thank you for your feedback and insight on this scam services.


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