TrafficZion Review – Traffic On Autopilot! Is This Possible?

It is all about traffic. This TrafficZion Review will tell you what you need to know about getting more traffic to your WordPress site. This is a different review because it focuses on a product, not a company or owner.

Affiliate marketing has brought more and more people to affiliate marketing platforms to make some honest money. Because of that surge, the amount of traffic to their individual websites may not be as good as they had hoped.

This product is supposed to be a magical traffic-driving tool. It builds traffic to your website without you working that hard. Does it work? You will have to continue reading our review to find out.

It will only take a few minutes to see if this tool is worth the investment or if it will hinder your already incoming traffic. Is the hype to be believed? That you should find out as well.

What is TrafficZion?

TrafficZion Review

That is not a hard question to answer. TrafficZion is supposed to be a tool that automatically drives about 250 people plus a day to your website. That is what the website says at the top of the landing page.

There are other claims made under the main banner headline and beside a video created by the man behind the tool. This tool is supposed to be fully automated, has a one-click installation, helps you avoid paid traffic, sets it and forgets its operation, and works for all niches.

That is not all it does. It is supposed to bring that traffic from a reputable source. It is supposed to be an ethical traffic-driving method that you can start using with no money.

The problem with this product from the start is it uses Clickbank as its affiliate platform. Clickbank, if you are not already aware, has a great money-back guarantee program. However,t is also the affiliate platform with the most scams, illegitimate products, and vendors of any affiliate platform.

The claims made by those products and their owners rarely perform as stated. If that isn’t bad enough, the bad English on their website is horrendous. It makes you think someone with nefarious ideas is behind this product.

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How Does Traffic Zion Work?

According to the website, this software has to be installed on your computer first. Then you go to Gravatar and create an avatar. After that, you select a niche and connect your website to your Gravatar avatar and software.

Once that is done, you sit back and wait for the traffic to appear from the product’s secret reputable traffic source. When that happens, you start to make money. Your website has to be one from WordPress.

One of the problems with this tool is that it may only drive uninterested people to your website. By uninterested, we mean they are your competitors who do not want to read your content or buy the products you are trying to sell.

Another problem is that this tool depends on having other people in your niche. Other niche operators have a difficult time connecting to your website. The key is that you have to like the other websites in your niche.

This is where the automotive part comes in. The tool will automatically like other websites and somehow get those people interested in coming to your website. The only thing you have to do for the tool to work is to set the tags and keywords it is supposed to look for. Then you forget about it.

Can You Make Money With TrafficZion?

Good question. Since you are not signing up to sell a product, it may be tough to make money using this program. There are several reasons for this statement. First, the initial $47 fee only gives you one month of access.

You are not told that you have to pay $47 every month to use this tool. Or you can pay a $297 fee for annual access. So you are out of money and have nothing to sell except the products you represent on your affiliate marketing website.

There is a lot of hype on the landing page. There is a lot of traffic talk, but little talk on how you can make money. At least how other than using the tried and true methods you learned when you signed up for affiliate marketing.

The company claims that the increase in traffic will boost your sales. They do not provide real hard evidence that is true. Oh, and keep in mind the two men behind this tool only use first names, and you cannot prove that it is them in the picture.

As you scroll down through their website, you get the same claims and even more positive testimonials that you cannot be sure are true people or paid actors. In other words, the only people making money are the creators of this tool, and you will have a long-shot chance of making anything at all.

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TrafficZion Review: Examples Of How To Make Money

At this point, we are only halfway through scrolling down their website. It is a long way down, and so far, the only example of making any money we could find is that there is hope the new traffic will stop and buy something from you.

We are still looking for where this benefits you after you buy this tool. It certainly benefits the owners as they have you on the hook for $47 a month. Even an MLM company offers you better examples of making money than this website and tool do.

You are scrolling through an endless talk on the same point this tool is about– traffic. The owners keep talking about the increase in traffic and repeatedly repeating the same information in different fonts, hoping you won’t notice.

They also overwhelm you with testimonials that have no evidence they are telling you the truth. If you want to make money, stick to the standard SEO strategies or find a more credible tool, as you won’t make any money using this product.

This product does nothing to help you, nor is it revolutionary.

The Pros & Cons of TrafficZion

Here is a situation where the cons will be the truth, and the pros will be the hype. It happens as there is a scam artist out there for every person who is not good at hanging on to their money. Here are the pros and cons:


  • Works with Clickbank
  • Clickbank has an excellent reputation for returning your money
  • It saves you time and energy
  • It helps generate traffic to your website
  • Basic support
  • Easy to install
  • Nothing to sell
  • No recruiting


  • High-priced tool for generating traffic only
  • It does not help you make money
  • Questionable quality of traffic to your website
  • The traffic is unsustainable
  • The software may lose its effect if lots of people use it
  • You have no control over the software
  • It May be rendered useless if Word press changes a code or two
  • You’re responsible as the software acts under your name, even when things go wrong
  • No guarantee you will make money using this product

Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

TrafficZion Reviewed

There are lots of negatives that come with this traffic tool. While the two owners seem to be real people, their reputation is not sterling. Then the software has a lot of potential for glitches that render it useless, and ineffective, and can cause you a lot of problems.

With no control over it, you are at its mercy, as is your computer or website. Then the traffic it generates could degrade if something goes wrong or WordPress changes to code and stops letting this product work. You would have paid $47+ for nothing.

The cost is deceiving, and owners who lie about the costs should raise a red flag before buying. You may think you are getting unlimited access for $47, but in reality, you are only getting one month, something the owners fail to mention.

Is TrafficZion Legitimate?

Our honest opinion is that it is not legitimate. There are just too many problems with the tool itself, and the dubious advertising and low-level quality of traffic make us think that this product is just a scam to separate some money from you.

The product seems to be designed to work at the barest minimum to justify the cost. This tool does not give you a good rate of return on your investment, and you could use the money you spend in buying more legitimate tools that are honest and above board.

Also, there is no secret high-quality traffic source. That is another misleading piece of hype hoping to convince you to buy their product.

Final Thoughts

Our first thought is to tell you to avoid this product at all costs. It is not worth the money or the paper the ink is printed on. Having good tools to drive traffic to your website is essential in affiliate marketing, but this product doe not meet that objective.

There are misleading claims, and hidden costs, and the low quality of traffic may not generate any sales for you. It is a big investment for something that brings you very little in return. This TrafficZion review has nothing good to say about the product, and only a sucker would invest in it and waste their time installing it.

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6 thoughts on “TrafficZion Review – Traffic On Autopilot! Is This Possible?”

  1. When I first came across this site, I called my husband and told him “We have struck gold, baby!”

    Hmm, I’m glad I didn’t let myself go with that first impression and that the excitement didn’t blind me. I know it’s always good to research platforms well before we join them. And I have discovered here that Traffic Zion would be a complete waste of time and money. Thanks for warning me here on your post!

    • Ann, it did attract me at first, simply because the heart of our business is traffic, and it seems to draw our attention every time it appears. Companies use people to snd them to your website even if they speak another language or have other interest at heart. It is totally a waste of time and money.

  2. I guess the lure of traffic gets us all in and $ 47 is not a bad price but every month would be pricey

    Unless it produced sales. Over one year and about 5000 leads could it close two recurring income products?
    The stats tell me, yes but my head also tells me no.

    I was almost tempted to try it but your closing statement convinced me to stay away.

    Thanks for the report.

    Peter H

    • The feedback on this traffic generated service is not a good one, so you made the right choice by staying away. A company that has the name traffic in it will all attract business owners and entrepreneurs like ourselves, and the big players know exactly that. Here are just a few I wrote about to inform my audience to stay away. HitLeap Traffic, Traffic Monsoon, Traffic Adbar, Infinity Traffic, 

  3. David,

    I appreciated the candidness of your review. You caught my attention at the part when you said that Traffic Zone isn’t a legitimate site. Your pros and cons make sense as well. What kinds of lawsuits has Clickbank been involved with recently? You mentioned in your review that Traffic Zone uses Clickbank to funnel traffic to your site.

    Kudos to you for pointing out their biggest flaw: how are they helping their clients to make a profit? I’ll be honest, it’s a steep price at $297 to not make any money. I hope that people read your review. I thought it was well-researched. Thanks for the information!

    • This company draw my attention when one of my team members ask me about it. They wanted traffic to their website and came across this service. Some of my friend’s gad tried it in the past and had nothing good to say about it.

      I  know people are looking for the fast way out to bring traffic to their website with the intension of making sales, and smart business owners are aware of this. Getting traffic to your website is a learned skill, that bis the reason I always recommend Wealthy Affiliate to achieve this. There is really no shortcut to this.


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