What Is A Copycat? – How Should I Be One To Boost My Blog?

Let’s define what I mean by what is a copycat. I am referring to various ways you can make money online by being one. It is okay to be a copycat, Once you copy the right cat.

I am not talking about that annoying person that repeats everything you say verbatim. Online you can be a copycat and no one will even know you are doing it.

Being an online copycat is not plagiarism. That is unethical and against the law. Most websites have the copyright to their own content!

How can you be a copycat in a good way for you?

What Is A Copycat - influencers in businessFollow The Influencers!

Become an Internet spy. What do spies do?

They watch people.

Do you know who the influencers in your niche are? These are the people you should be following.

You should be on their email list. You should bookmark their blog posts.

You should subscribe to their RSS feed, or give yourself notes to consistently visit their blog and see what they’re doing in terms of making money online.

Influencers are well-connected and make the most money on the Internet. This is a great way you can copy some of what they’re doing and use it to your advantage in your own online business.

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Buy Blueprint Reports And eBooks

E-books, if they’re current with what is going on in the marketplace, can be a good source of information you can use to you can copy make more money. However, I’ve always liked blueprints the best.

A blueprint is laid out step-by-step and is generally action items that can follow. They call it a blueprint for a reason right?

It’s easy to be a copycat when you’re following a blueprint. The trick is to actually implement everything step-by-step that the blueprint says.

Don’t be a person to pay $7 for a report, scans it, and then save it on your hard drive to never be looked at again!

Website Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is probably the greatest example of how to be a copycat to make more money online. First, let me design a website on reverse engineering.

Reverse engineering is taking apart a website to see how it works in order to duplicate it for a website of your own. This is not that complicated and I am surprised that more Internet marketers do not do it. It involves doing in-depth research.

What Is A Copycat - Being exactly like the other

Here are a few websites’ reverse engineering tips.

1. Start a competitor chart. List every website you analyze.

Who are your competitors? What is their website or blog theme? How is their site laid out? What catches your eye about it and so on…

2. How are they making money? What are they promoting? Are they using any type of affiliate marketing including Adsense? CPA offers, and pay-per-sale products and programs.

3. Do a Google search. Use the Google search bar to see what Google is saying about the site you are researching.

For example with quotation marks here is how I searched my own site: “davidbishopmakemoneytips.com”

Doing this will bring up what Google thinks is important to a website. This can include review pages, social bookmarks, plugins being used, ratings, reports, and so on.

4. Do a site search. What is Google indexing? Enter it this way……


Google will show you the most popular web pages and blog posts. This will give you ideas for pages and posts you should be making.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

5. Run a web page test. Go to WebPageTest.org and enter the site you are testing.

I will do a free test for davidbishopmakemoneytips.com.

You will get results that include summary stats, page load times, bytes downloaded, # of HTTP requests, a mini-performance analysis of compression, image optimization, concatenating scripts, and stylesheets. You will also see a waterfall chart.

This is good to do for your own site as well as competitors you are reverse engineering.

6. Go to SimilarWeb.com. This is good for seeing similar websites, traffic rank, traffic sources, top referring sites, etc.

7. ahrefs.com. You can find helpful information including:

  • – how many backlinks do they have
  • – can you compete with them
  • – anchor cloud
  • – what text is being used for search engine optimization for backlinks

8. Buzzsumo. Shows the most popular shared content Facebook shares, Twitter shares, Linkedin shares, etc.

Some of the resources and websites I have listed here on reverse engineering offer a free and paid versions. Start with the free version.

If you end up developing a real authority site, spending money on the paid version can be a good tip to get real in-depth information for you to use to advance your website to the top of its niche.

What Is A Copycat - influencers in businessFinal Thoughts

Don’t reinvent the wheel. No matter how smart you think you are not as smart as people who are already more successful than you.

Get your ego out of the way and learn to be a copycat in a professional and ethical way. Everything I’ve listed in this article can help you get started and advance in niches you can make money.

Personally, I would never go after some of the biggest websites in the world because they’re just too advanced, probably have a staff of employees that you can’t match, and so on.

However, there are literally millions of niches you can get involved in and work your way to the top of Google in any niche to make a lot of money online. The trick is researching in the right way and implementing what you learn properly so you can be a copycat that makes a lot of money online.

I joined a community back in 2013 and I am following everything that they are doing and getting the results that I was searching for. Now I am helping other people to do the same.


Because I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same results.


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