What Is Easy Pro Funnels? – My Honest Review

In this article, we will review what is Easy Pro Funnels. This is a sales funnel builder with many features and benefits specifically for affiliate marketers.

As a matter of fact, beginning affiliate marketers do very well with Easy Funnels Pro because there is no technical knowledge needed to use it. You are given your own website to promote as an affiliate.

It has been compared to Click Funnels, but is more affordable. I will leave that up to you to research on your own.

Easy Pro Funnels Review

  • Name: Easy Pro Funnels
  • Website: http://EasyProFunnels.com
  • Price: $67
  • Owners: Matt Garrett
  • Overall Rank: 85 out of 100

Easy Pro Funnels, Product Overview

As the name implies, Easy Pro Funnels is an easy way to build a sales funnel for an affiliate product you want to promote. Matt Garrett created this as software as a service (Saas).

If you are not familiar with that term, SAAS is a method for delivering software via subscription instead of selling it. This is common in autoresponders such as Aweber & Get Response.

Garret’s idea was to create a web-based affiliate email marketing system used as a sales funnel. On this, he has delivered.

The old saying you may be familiar with is that money is on the list. Build an email list and sell to it in the future. You can do that plus more with Easy Pro Funnels.

The Pros and Cons of Easy Pro Funnels


  • PRO #1 – Your funnels are hosted. No need to arrange for hosting on each separate product.
  • PRO #2 – Easy to set up.
  • PRO #3 – Promote one link after your sales funnel is ready.
  • PRO #4 – YOu can get busy focusing on marketing.


  • CON #1 – You have to use drop-down options.
  • CON #2 – You do not have free-form capabilities
  • CON #3 – Price. If you can not afford $67, you can not use it.
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Who is Easy Pro Funnels For?

Easy Pro Funnels is for affiliate marketers who want to make money selling their products. If you can get visitors into your funnel, you are going to make money.

It has been said each subscriber you get is worth at least $1 to you in income. The system provides free ebooks to give away as well to entice visitors to your funnel to join. Easy Pro Funnels literally has hundreds of free giveaways.

Easy Pro Funnels Tools & Training

Creating a learning curve with easy pro funnels

Some of the tools that come with Easy Pro Funnels include……

1. Bonus pages. These are the pages you send your visitors to so they can access any bonus you are offering.

We mentioned free ebooks. However, you can offer anything you want and put these on the bonus page as an access point.

2. Lead magnets. In less than 2 minutes, you can create a lead magnet page.

These are just like they sound. They are designed to draw your visitor to your free giveaway.

3. Webinar-style sale pages. In the world of Internet marketing, free webinars are being used more and more to educate your prospects on what you are selling.

Use these to get your visitor’s name and email address and any more information you require. Of course, you need an affiliate product that offers a webinar so you can refer them to it.

4. Exit pop-ups. Before your visitor leaves your website, give them one more chance to subscribe.

Exit pop-ups work. This is why you have seen them and probably filled one out yourself at one time or another.

5. Customizable content. Everything provided can be customized to fit your needs.

6. Easy integration to Get a Response to Send Grid. You will have to join one of these 2 autoresponders.

7. Add JV Zoo products. This is an affiliate network where you can find auto-approved products.

You can also add products from ClickBank or Warrior Plus. These networks have digital products to promote as an affiliate giving you a never-ending supply of things to add to your funnel.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Easy Pro Funnels Support

You can submit a support request from your member’s area. You will need a valid email to make your submittal and receive their reply.

Easy Pro Funnels Price

considering the cost of this funnel, easy pro.

On the sales page, the price is $97, with a reduction of $67. I can not find any one-time offers, but I have seen these on other review pages.

One is for a WordPress Premium Toolkit for $147. You get access to over 600 themes and plugins with developer rights.

The other is for a $ 27-a-month membership. This gets you access to new funnels and products coming out every month.

Final thoughts

Easy Pro Funnels delivers what they say it will. I really could not find any negative reviews on them.

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic business model, and Easy Pro Funnels is a way to make money online. However, you still need to get traffic to your funnel.

If you can not do that, you still will not earn anything. This is the basic problem with Internet marketing, whether you are doing network marketing, selling info products, or just blogging and using Google AdSense pay-per-click to make money.

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8 thoughts on “What Is Easy Pro Funnels? – My Honest Review”

  1. Dear Bishop,

    I am a full-time Affiliate Marketer and Blogger since December 2017. Based on my experience, to make money online, we need to have two things.

    1. Email List

    2. Proper Funnel

    Unfortunately, I am just starting to focus on both. While doing some research online I came across Easy Pro Funnels, because of the increased number of online scams and products which under-delivers it’s always advisable to do some research before buying any make money online products. And I came across your review post, which is a greater help and saved my time.

    The information on the Easy Pro Funnels tools is very helpful. You have provided adequate information about Easy Pro Funnels and this is on my list.

    Much Success!


    • Hey Paul, thank you for the feedback and happy to know that this Review was helpful. Although I am not a member of Easy Pro funnels, I have no negative feelings about this product.

      For the person who does not want to spend the time and build a website from scratch, this service may suit them fine. For me, I love the marketing skills that WA provides so that I would be able to drive traffic to my website, which is a must for all businesses.

      Glad that you a full-time Affiliate Marketer and you are getting the results you so deserve. Please feel free and stop by from time to time, cause I update this website frequently to help Affiliate Marketers as yourself to grow their business online.

  2. This is really cool. I am so glad that you are providing unbiased reviews for this online money making programs. Too many times newbies get on the internet and search up ways on how to make money online. Then all these programs pop up claiming how they can teach you how to make this certain amount of money in this certain amount of time. 

    It all looks so promising so they invest in the program and turns out the program is complete CRAP. So they lose out on their investment and still don’t know the first thing to make money online. I know this because this is exactly what I went through and still trying to figure out how to make money online. Do you have any recommendations? Great review, definitely sharing this on Facebook so others can be informed as well. 

    • Garrett,

      Thank you for your comment and kind words. I personally believe that there are lots of legitimate products and services on the net, but what I think is lacking is showing the newbies the strategies of building a business online. I do not believe in done-for-you programs.

      I believe if someone can learn the necessary skills in marketing online, then the product is secondary. Having the skill set is key, and this the reason I always recommend Wealthy Affiliate, cause they teach exactly the different ways of driving traffic to a website, and a website that you have built from scratch with their training.

      Please take the time and check them out for free, and see if this would be something that appeals to you. Then I would meet you inside, introduce you to the owners and help you get set up right. See you inside!

  3. I’ve been hearing about  Easy Pro Funnels and how it really assists and make wonders in affiliate marketing. A lot of reviews would also say that it even beginners can create large sales despite limited experience because this software app is easy to use. I find it non-intimidating because their system is fully integrated and customizable, meaning you can always redo, edit or change whatever it is you like on your website.

    It all looks like Easy Pro Funnels has time- saving qualities that enables its users to gather more than enough traffic in just a short time through its features. Just a question, will there be ongoing fees required to keep your campaigns operational? Thanks for this reliable information about Easy Pro. I think the price is quite affordable for the great benefits it offers.

    • Yes, All I hear is positive response about this service and people who never make money online before, is starting to with easy pro funnels. I heard about this service after I joined Wealthy Affiliate and I have nothing bad to say about this company. Maybe I would look deeper into becoming a member in the future.

      The $67 front end payment is 50% commissions and the recurring monthly charge is $27 which is 80% commission as well each month.

      For anyone starting out for the first time online, this is a good service for them to get started with. But I personally think that online marketers should learn how to drive traffic to their website so that their online business would be long term. hope I answered your question, and thank you for stopping by.

  4. This is something that I need to capture leads on my website. My theme doesn’t support creating good landing page, so software like Easy Pro Funnels seems like a good solution for me. I personally think the cost is affordable, but why using drop-down options become a Cons? Is it making the funnel building too rigid or not user-friendly? Thank you in advance for your answer

    • Yes, it is great for capturing leads and provides few giveaways to attract potential customers to your offers who may buy from you.

      You have to use the drop-down option and such you don’t have the free-form capability for the non-standard possibilities. If you want to do something that is not there, you can’t do it. The only way to get around that limitations, you will have to host it and code it yourself. But it does not take away the value of the product. Hope that helps.


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