What Is The Shiny Object Syndrome?

What is the shiny object syndrome? and how to overcome it. One problem I see in online business owners is what I call the grass is greener on the other side.

I too was a victim of that syndrome and wonder why I was not succeeding in my business.

Then I later came across Wealthy Affiliate and decided to stay with it until the end and not look at another program. that is when success started for me.

What is the shiny object syndrome? Let me explain it this way by starting with a question!

Do you simply feel that you are not living your best life? You might feel this way regarding your business as well.

Many people fall prey to the grass greener on the other side syndrome. However, you don’t need to settle for this mentality.

As they say, the grass is green where you water it. If you’re not maximizing the potential of your own Internet business then it’s easy to look at someone else that is doing it better.

I’m not against comparing your business to others. In fact, I have always promoted what I call an Internet marketing spy.

If you copy what others are doing to be successful you can reach your own success faster. However, this does not really apply to the grass is greener syndrome when it comes to choosing different facets of your Internet business.

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Let’s analyze this shiny object syndrome from both personal life and business life!

Is Your Life Already Good?

There is a saying that good is the enemy of the best. We spend a lot of our lives trying to claw our way out of mediocre everything, but it’s all in your reference of comparison. The good life may be something that you’re already living.

It will take your own inventory of your life to figure out if you truly do suffer from the grass-greener syndrome. Take for example you are well-being as a barometer of how you’re doing.

Do you have enough money for all of your basic needs? If your answer to that question is “no”, then you might want to reassess. After all, we all need money to live.

Isn’t this why most of us start an Internet business to begin with? However, in the world of small businesses like ours, we often mistake opportunity for a lack of skills.

Changing Businesses

moving from one business to another with the shiny object syndrome is not always a good thing.

I see this a lot in affiliate marketing because so many programs are free to join. Just keep joining new ones! However, switching businesses might not be the answer.

You might simply have to add some new or improved strategies to make yourself successful. Maybe it’s time to hire a social media manager or invest in better web design for your business.

Maybe you should try paid advertising, or just increase your blog content! Whatever you do is in your grasp.

These are Internet marketing skills. Even managing freelance workers is a skill.

Skills that replace the grass are greener syndrome. When you are doing a better job at all aspects of your business it is not the business model or product that needs changing.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

I’d Rather Fight Than Switch

Remember the old Marlboro t.v- ad? I’d rather fight than switch!

Ultimately, switching businesses is a lot more effort than you realize. Your current clientele might not feel a need to invest in your new services.

You can’t expect them to be loyal to you just because they like you. That’s not how the business operates.

In fact, you’d be surprised by how people you are doing business with are simply friendly because they have good manners. Never make the mistake of assuming your clients will hop on board with any whim you have in life. We all have whims, but that doesn’t make them feasible life decisions.

What Is The Shiny Object Syndrome - The grass looks greener on the other side

Is Your Grass Greener?

So, is your grass greener syndrome preventing you from watering your own grass? This question posed at the beginning of the article is really something profound.

Ultimately you will need to reason with yourself. If you have an online business it is not necessarily a sinking ship because you are going through a slump.

It might just need some energizing through the professional services that you can employ. Money could be an object though.

If you can’t afford highly qualified ones go with an eager student looking to utilize their skills. Their fresh eyes and enthusiasm for life can help raise anyone out of a rut.

Keep in mind their experience level might also prevent you from getting the results you need, so don’t always go for what’s cheap. I know a lot of Internet marketers such as myself use Fiverrr.com.

The Shiny Object Syndrome - Entrepreneurs thinking about switching jobsWhat Is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a 9-year-old online freelance services website. You can buy jobs, or gigs as they call them, for $5. If you need more in-depth work done you can find it for a reasonable price.

I like Fiverr because it allows small business people like you and me to get the work we want to be done at an affordable price. The real benefit here beyond pricing is their rating system.

This is where you can see how the freelance worker you are thinking of hiring has done work for other customers. The higher the overall rating the more comfortable you should feel.

final thoughts

You need to find your way out of the grass-greener syndrome to excel at business. It will take work, but hopping around is not usually the best answer.

Try investing some time and money into skills. More specifically invest in Internet marketing skills.

I think you will see yourself making more money if you increase traffic to your blog and sales pages. Suddenly the grass starts appearing more green in everything you do.

You too can make success happen with more hard work revolving around Internet marketing skills.

Whether you are always in the grass-greener syndrome, or just want to make more money, I can help you with affiliate marketing skills and you can start learning for FREE!

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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6 thoughts on “What Is The Shiny Object Syndrome?”

  1. Hi! I must admit that I have suffered from this syndrome. And I’m realizing that I’m not the only one.

    It’s so difficult to remain focus when we’re not immediately obtaining the results we want. And when we’re feeling a bit discouraged, if somebody comes along with a shiny object, we’re tempted to follow. Thanks for the warning!

    • Many had fall prey to this syndrome, including me. I guess when you are eager to become successful to make a better life for you and your family, we tend to lose focus and not stay learn the necessary skills to get us to that place.

      I have thought about all the project I have started and never see it through all because the grass looks greener on the other side. I am happy that I have overcome that and now building a successful business with a community about six years now.


  2. I enjoyed your article and I took away something from it. When you mentioned people go from place to place looking for the answer, I believe that’s true. In most cases, no matter how well we are doing, we often think we could do better somewhere else.

    However, I believe that there is a good side to trying different things in order to find out if the grass really is greener on the other side. I think the important thing to remember is that whether we succeed or fail at something, we should always learn from how things turned out.

    For example, I tried SiteBuild It and it was basically an early version of Wealthy Affiliate.  I didn’t do well at it and made lots of mistakes, but I learned from those mistakes and it’s making for a far better experience at WA. I think in many ways that failing is healthy because that’s where the learning process really begins.

    • That is a big part of one’s success is when they learn from their mistakes as you mention. This tends to happen in our early beginnings when trying to build a business from home.

      The other side to that is the necessary tools that are available. For me, I learned best when I look over someone shoulder showing me step by step what I need to do, and being a member of Wealthy Affiliate I gather the facts and skills by the videos in the training. that was very helpful to me, unlike other programs.

      So In my case, the shiny object syndrome did work for me and to this day the disease paid off. LOL!

      Thank you for that tip.

  3. I love the way you described the shiny object syndrome.  Many people including myself ( especially during hard times in life ) will tend to want to achieve the fastest result as soon as possible.

    That is where all the problem starts to happen.  Like what you mention in your video, there is no focus and jumping from niche to niche does no help at all.

    Instead, as a beginner, what we really need is proper guidance and patience to see our business work it out.  Our foundation has to be there to even understand what is going on.

    I do find Wealthy Affiliate very newbie-friendly.  It is really an awesome platform to get started especially if you want to learn all about internet marketing.

    Thank you for your awesome article. 

    • Looking o make money fast will always take our eyes on the skills that are needed to become a successful marketer online, that is the reason we tend to go after programs that looks good and offer great promises fast.

      Being a member at Wealthy Affiliate shows me that is not the case and we all must go through the process of learning al that ones need to know on how to build a successful business online.

      It is definitely a platform that anyone with little or no skills can follow along in the training and see that it is possible and easy to achieve if the stick to the training a follow all the various tasks in the lessons.

      Happy that you are getting that experience here at Wealthy Affiliate, and your business is growing exponentially like other members here as well. Thank you for the feedback.


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