Where Can I Promote My Blog For Free? Here Are 5 Ideas

Without a doubt, one of the main questions people have, once they get their blog off the ground, is where can I promote my blog for free?

I get that and have some ideas I will offer in this post.

First of all, let me say that once you have some money coming in, I do think you should mix free and paid advertising together to give your blog a real chance of being found. Paid advertising can be anything from pay-per-click ads on Google or Facebook to solo email ads, and finding high-quality backlinks.

Another point I want to make is free promotion almost always involves a little bit or even a lot of your time. As you start to earn money, keep track of your time and assign an hourly rate to it.

This will help you be more efficient as you work because you realize how valuable your time is. Time is money when it comes to free blog marketing.

blogging for freeSEO Your Blog

The majority of blogs are not set up correctly regarding search engine optimization. This is the first thing you should do before you start working on promoting your blog in other ways.

You need to become well-versed in SEO. At least know the basics of targeting keywords, getting your keyword in the blog post title, and using headline tags.

Be sure you are using a responsive theme. This means your blog sizes correctly automatically on a desktop, notebook, tablet, or smartphone.

Google will look at this first. You can find out if it is mobile-friendly here:

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High-Quality Content

This means using a combination of well-researched content along with more words in your blog post. Start thinking regarding 1000 words or more when you’re creating blog articles.

The advantage to this is you’re going to be automatically using keywords that are relevant to the niche your blog is in. Google’s going to find these words, and over time, you can turn your blog into an authority blog that ranks for literally thousands of keyword phrases.

The other thing that makes content high quality is to use of a variety of content forms. Do not rely strictly on text, but rather incorporate graphics with the keyword phrase in the alt tag, add some videos, and add audio or podcast whenever applicable.

I want to bring up the idea of outsourcing blog content at some point. Content creation can be a real chore as you get busy with other aspects of your business. Outsourcing blog writing and content creation to freelancers are good options for many bloggers.


Where Can I Promote My Blog For Free - on Youtube

It is pretty well known now that Google owns YouTube and has for several years. They like to rank videos in their organic search results.

So, based on this fact you should create videos and publish them on YouTube. Apply the same search engine optimization techniques in the title and the description of your video when you publish it.

Another important thing to do is to add videos to your blog. These can be videos that you create, but they can also be videos that other people have published on YouTube.

YouTube is a shared video site. The easy way to do this is to copy the embed code of a relevant video and paste it into your blog post.

What you’re doing here is providing a better user experience for your blog visitor as well as creating links back and forth between your blog and YouTube for Google to spider.

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Top 5 Social Sites

The world of social media marketing has become very involved. There are hundreds if not thousands of social sites you can promote on.

Do you need to do all of these?

I don’t think you do unless you have plenty of time to stay active in them!

For most of us, a better approach is to be involved in the primary social sites and stay as active as you possibly can in them.

We’ve already mentioned having an account on YouTube. The other top five social sites that you should join and have accounts with are:

  • 1. Facebook
  • 2. Google Plus
  • 3. Twitter
  • 4. Instagram
  • 5. Pinterest

Each one of these has its advantages. Of course, Facebook is the largest social network site in the world with over 1.3 billion members.

Google owns Google plus. Twitter is a microblogging platform. Instagram and Pinterest are good ways to promote your blog using pictures and graphics.

Social networking doesn’t cost you anything but your time. However, it can be a real drain on your time to the extent that you are wasting time surfing around on your social sites and not doing any marketing.

I think the key thing to do is promote your blog posts on your social sites. Then monitor them to see if you’re getting any comments from readers. If you are, be sure and reply in an appropriate fashion. This is with social media marketing is all about!

Press Releases

A press release is great to announce something new on your blog. This could be a new post you have made about a new product you are now offering.

It could be a tip on promoting a blog on the Internet. Anything newsworthy can be announced in a press release.

A press release gives your blog publicity. The fact you can promote it for free is a big benefit.

Get your press release out using a service such as PR Log, or Newsvine.

Final thoughts

These are some valuable ideas on where you can promote your blog for free. These ideas barely scratch the surface of the number of ways you can market your blog without spending any money.

I have found these to be some of the most critical free marketing methods. As with anything when it comes to blogging, the key is to be consistent, stay focused, and don’t get easily discouraged at first when you’re not seen immediate results!

These ideas work. Just be patient and stick with them!

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5 thoughts on “Where Can I Promote My Blog For Free? Here Are 5 Ideas”

  1. Great post, I have been looking at ways to promote my blog over the months. It gives me great encouragement to promote my blog.I am exciting about getting involved to promote my blog in social networking sites, it seems a great way to make some passive income after getting traffic to my blog .

    • Ananda,

      Most people just create posts and that is all. They do not take the time to expose their blog to gain engagement. Something that google love. I thank you for leaving a comment on my site.

      All the best

  2. Hey David, great post man! Depending on your niche, there are tons of traffic exchange websites out there that can be helpful.

    Also, social media sites like StumbleUpon and Pinterest are incredibly good options for some niches.

    Are you that into making videos for Youtube? This is kind of time consuming and not for everyone don’t you think? What’s your take?

    • Sim,

      Thank you for the comment. Traffic exchanges are fee way as well but lots of time is needed for that, and the quality is very low.

      Social media is good means of traffic and Stumbleupon and Pinterest as you mention are good resources. Although my favorite is google plus and Facebook.

      Youtube is high quality traffic once you can get rank for your keywords. Google owns Youtube and it can be a very good avenue to get quality traffic to your website. Most people today love visual, so Youtube videos can play a very important part of your business if you get rankings.

      Wish you all the best with your business and if there is anything I can do to move your business forward, please let me know.


  3. Great list here full of some helpful ideas on where to promote your blog. I will have to put a warning out there though – be extremely careful of Press Releases these days!
    They used to be a great place to get a strong backlink and traffic but Google has wised up to that. Many sites have had penalties for linking through press releases (especially the dofollow link sites!). Personally I keep my 5 websites well away from them these days


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